If a woman does it for only 6 minutes a day, she soon becomes the owner of the most expensive car.
Tight, round, elastic butt is the object of desires of not only women, but also men, because this part of the body they recognize as the most seductive!
The bikini and vacation season is about to begin. To proudly carry your fifth point on the beach, stop sitting: it’s time to get down to business!
The whole complex will take you no more than 6 minutes, since exactly a minute is allotted to perform one exercise.
With exercises from "Site" Elastic buttocks are an achievable goal. Of course, with constant training, although not too tedious, but daily!
Success in the field of sports, and do not forget to tell your friends about training!

The bikini and vacation season is about to begin. To proudly carry your fifth point on the beach, stop sitting: it’s time to get down to business!
The whole complex will take you no more than 6 minutes, since exactly a minute is allotted to perform one exercise.
- Squats.
Put your legs on the width of your shoulders, stretch your arms in front of you. Imagine you are sitting in an imaginary chair. The angle in the knees is 90 degrees. Hold in this position for 3 seconds, stand up. Repeat for a minute. - Wave your foot standing up
Relying on a wall or chair, take each leg back in turn. Keep your back straight, stretch your sock. - Scissors exercise
The starting position is lying on your stomach. Lift your legs from the floor and cross. - Move your foot back
Stand on all fours, at an intense pace lift your leg, bent at right angle, 30 seconds. For the remaining 30 seconds, lift the other leg. - Bridge exercise
Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, bend your legs in your knees. Raise your pelvis, tightening your buttocks. - Arguments forward
Starting position: legs on the width of the shoulders, arms on the belt. Make a wide lunge and squat on each leg.
With exercises from "Site" Elastic buttocks are an achievable goal. Of course, with constant training, although not too tedious, but daily!
Success in the field of sports, and do not forget to tell your friends about training!
In the USSR brazenly stole the recipe for “Bird’s milk”, invented his Polish confectioner
I can't believe it's an old wall! Soviet trash turned into masterpieces of the highest standard.