The secret to gorgeous glutes
Thirty two million three hundred eighty one thousand nine hundred seventy
Professional fitness coach Natalia Melo will share with you some secrets of how to build beautiful buttocks. If you want to improve your rear view — then this training plan is for you!
If you don't like how you look from behind it is time to change something in their training. Of course, diet is very important in this matter, but you should know that repeatedly performing the same exercises may be ineffective.
Natalia Melo will tell you how how to pump up the buttocks, maybe some of her advice will seem to you unusual, but experience shows that they are very effective.
Exercise 1
Flexion of the foot with the release of the top.
Works: buttocks, hamstring.
Natalia says it's a very effective exercise that helps to make the muscles of the buttocks stronger. During exercise keep your back straight and not prohibite it, when you lift your foot.
— get down on your hands and knees and turn your feet to the simulator.
— place the heel of the right foot to the pad of the machine and lift the leg up, keeping knee slightly bent.
— slowly return to starting position, hold weight, not allowing the parts of the simulator.
— keep back and neck straight, one level with the spine.
Exercise 2
Squatting with the weight on the bench
Works: glutes, quadriceps, biceps of thighs.
With this exercise you train of 3 muscle groups.
The more you lower your hips back and try to put them in parallel, the better the relief of your buttocks. Practice this exercise first without weight until until you are confident to squat, and then move on to light weights.
— place two flat benches parallel to each other, each leg placed on the bench, stand up straight, take the weight of the index fingers to turn out.
— hold a dumbbell in front of him at arm's length, turning it down.
— bend your knees and sit down
— keep up to tone abs and lower back, slightly caving in, lower your chest parallel to the floor, squat, shifting weight to the heel and then straighten your legs.
— return to starting position and repeat all over again.
Exercise 3
Squat on the BOSU ball in the style of sumo
Works: glutes, inner and outer quadriceps, biceps of thighs.
To master this exercise, you need a good technique, and if you get it you will be able to effectively train the large muscle groups.This exercise is extremely difficult in terms of coordinating, you have to stand with one foot on the floor, the other on his bare and move. For convenience, this exercise Bosu can move up to the wall so as not to slide on the floor.
— stand near the center of the ball of Bosu, left leg put on the floor, right in the center of the ball, hands in front of him, palms connect in front of him.
— check that the legs were set wide apart, toes deployed.
— push the heels into the floor in a ball, sit on his haunches, having withdrawn your hips back and bend knees.
— when you fall, keep your lower back straight, until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then pause and slowly move up in the opposite direction.
— perform exercises with the right leg and repeat with the left.
Exercise 4
Step on the bench with one foot
Works: glutes, hamstrings, quads.
This is a very simple but effective exercise. You will get a good workout that will strengthen your glutes, hamstrings and quads. The point is to push yourself with a sock on the bench and the top clench.
— stand next to the bench, put your hands down in front of him palms down, relax your shoulders, pushing them back and down.
firmly put your right foot onto the bench, climb on her, using emphasis on the right foot.
— tighten your glutes and hold your left foot upstairs in front of him.
— slowly lower yourself to the floor
— take a break, repeat the exercise.
— after doing the exercises on the right leg go to the left.
Exercise 5
Slopes with dumbbells
Work: back extensors, glutes, biceps of thighs, lower back
This exercise like the squat with weight. The most common mistake with this exercise is swinging with the weight in his hands. Here you need to concentrate on clenching the buttocks and the press.
— stand straight with feet slightly wider than shoulder width, pull socks.
hands with dumbbells to keep the hips level
— keep your back straight, bend your knees and lean forward, dropping the bottom part..
Source: /users/1077
Professional fitness coach Natalia Melo will share with you some secrets of how to build beautiful buttocks. If you want to improve your rear view — then this training plan is for you!
If you don't like how you look from behind it is time to change something in their training. Of course, diet is very important in this matter, but you should know that repeatedly performing the same exercises may be ineffective.
Natalia Melo will tell you how how to pump up the buttocks, maybe some of her advice will seem to you unusual, but experience shows that they are very effective.
Exercise 1
Flexion of the foot with the release of the top.
Works: buttocks, hamstring.
Natalia says it's a very effective exercise that helps to make the muscles of the buttocks stronger. During exercise keep your back straight and not prohibite it, when you lift your foot.
— get down on your hands and knees and turn your feet to the simulator.
— place the heel of the right foot to the pad of the machine and lift the leg up, keeping knee slightly bent.
— slowly return to starting position, hold weight, not allowing the parts of the simulator.
— keep back and neck straight, one level with the spine.

Exercise 2
Squatting with the weight on the bench
Works: glutes, quadriceps, biceps of thighs.
With this exercise you train of 3 muscle groups.
The more you lower your hips back and try to put them in parallel, the better the relief of your buttocks. Practice this exercise first without weight until until you are confident to squat, and then move on to light weights.
— place two flat benches parallel to each other, each leg placed on the bench, stand up straight, take the weight of the index fingers to turn out.
— hold a dumbbell in front of him at arm's length, turning it down.
— bend your knees and sit down
— keep up to tone abs and lower back, slightly caving in, lower your chest parallel to the floor, squat, shifting weight to the heel and then straighten your legs.
— return to starting position and repeat all over again.

Exercise 3
Squat on the BOSU ball in the style of sumo
Works: glutes, inner and outer quadriceps, biceps of thighs.
To master this exercise, you need a good technique, and if you get it you will be able to effectively train the large muscle groups.This exercise is extremely difficult in terms of coordinating, you have to stand with one foot on the floor, the other on his bare and move. For convenience, this exercise Bosu can move up to the wall so as not to slide on the floor.
— stand near the center of the ball of Bosu, left leg put on the floor, right in the center of the ball, hands in front of him, palms connect in front of him.
— check that the legs were set wide apart, toes deployed.
— push the heels into the floor in a ball, sit on his haunches, having withdrawn your hips back and bend knees.
— when you fall, keep your lower back straight, until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then pause and slowly move up in the opposite direction.
— perform exercises with the right leg and repeat with the left.

Exercise 4
Step on the bench with one foot
Works: glutes, hamstrings, quads.
This is a very simple but effective exercise. You will get a good workout that will strengthen your glutes, hamstrings and quads. The point is to push yourself with a sock on the bench and the top clench.
— stand next to the bench, put your hands down in front of him palms down, relax your shoulders, pushing them back and down.
firmly put your right foot onto the bench, climb on her, using emphasis on the right foot.
— tighten your glutes and hold your left foot upstairs in front of him.
— slowly lower yourself to the floor
— take a break, repeat the exercise.
— after doing the exercises on the right leg go to the left.

Exercise 5
Slopes with dumbbells
Work: back extensors, glutes, biceps of thighs, lower back
This exercise like the squat with weight. The most common mistake with this exercise is swinging with the weight in his hands. Here you need to concentrate on clenching the buttocks and the press.
— stand straight with feet slightly wider than shoulder width, pull socks.
hands with dumbbells to keep the hips level
— keep your back straight, bend your knees and lean forward, dropping the bottom part..

Source: /users/1077
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