Prevention of cellulitis.

The best exercises for priests and prevention of cellulite
Really helps!
Exercise for priests №1
This exercise is aimed at improving muscle tone buttocks. Furthermore, it is the prevention of cellulite. We need a chair with a back.
-Iskhodnoe It gets just slightly pushing the knees, toes turn inward, so as not to fall, adhere to a chair.
-The Breath straining muscles of the buttocks drawn in the stomach. At the same time we pull back his right leg.
-Nosok Extended leg wrenched out, and the muscles of the buttocks not to relax. We remain in this position for 5 seconds. Exhale, relax and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the same with the left foot.
-Povtoryaem 10 times, alternating legs 5 times each.
Exercise number 2 for priests
This exercise improves the shape of the buttocks, and strengthen them. Also use the buttocks, this exercise makes the line of the back and shoulders is very seductive, but also strengthens the muscles of the neck. We need the cushion.
-Iskhodnoe Position put a pillow on the floor and lay down on his stomach on own pillow. Hands pull forward in front of him, palms squeeze. We raise a chin up off the floor.
-Delaem Breath, and recovered arms back. Squeeze his hands into a fist and touch their buttocks. All the muscles are tense.
-On Exhalation return to the starting position. We relax and repeat again.
-It Is necessary to repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
Exercise number 3 for the priests
This exercise helps to improve the shape of the buttocks.
-Iskhodnoe It gets straight, arms along the legs, feet together.
-Delaem A deep breath and start jogging in place. But it rises high heels, hitting them on the buttocks. Hands move, as when running.
-Delaem Deep breath and slowly exhale. Exercise do not yet count to 50.
Exercise number 4 for the priests
This exercise strengthens the muscles of the buttocks, but also is an excellent massage for your ass.
-Iskhodnoe Position sit on the floor, hands behind your head are closed, legs slightly breed.
-Nachinaem "Walking sitting 'first move the left foot, then right, straining buttocks. "Passing" way forward, go back. And so we are moving here and there, mentally counting to 60.
-First Do the exercises slowly but gradually increase the pace.
Exercise number 5 for priests
This exercise improves muscle tone buttocks, and strengthen them. Well it is, and to improve posture.
- Starting position sit on the floor, cross our legs (almost pose "lotus"). Hands have lap. The back should be perfectly straight, and his shoulders straightened.
-Naklonyaemsya Left and right, shift your weight from one buttock to the other. The hands remain on the lap.
The back should remain straight. Breathe deeply. Repeat until you count to 60.
Exercise number 6 for priests
Exercise aimed at strengthening the muscles of the buttocks.
-Iskhodnoe Position Lie on the floor, on his stomach. Palm squeeze into a fist and place them under the chin. Feet together.
-Very Slowly lift your left leg as high as you can. The knee can not bend at the same time. We stop in the up position and count to 5. Now, you can also slowly lower the leg. Repeat right foot.
Repeat the exercise of the right and the left foot on the line 20 times.