Chef put all the dots on the “i”: should you add greens to chicken broth

Literally, each of us has tried fragrant green-soup. It turns out a really bright, nutritious and aromatic treat. Especially now that summer is in full swing. Not adding greenery is simply impossible. But it should be noted that this may not please everyone. What should we do in this case? Do you need to add green to the broth or not?

Of course, human tastes are unique. Someone prefers to add greens to the soup, and someone with all his hands and feet against it. So we need to look. viable for cases like this. What to do, the whims of expensive guests or family can be different. Let's figure out how to get out of this situation and not lose a ounce of fresh aroma.

If it comes to broth, then there is not always a place for greenery. Many are used to the fact that such a treat is brewed and transparent soup, without any additions. In that case, though, you can cheat. For example, add plate The guest who really wants it.

In addition, the greens can not be cut at all, but added to the pan entirely. To do this, it is enough to thoroughly wash and throw it into a soup container literally 10-15 minutes before the end of the cooking process. Then carefully remove the greens and throw them away. This method allows you to catch two birds at once. And there is an incredible smell, and they got rid of the extra bottom.

By the way, according to the same principle, you can add not only greens, but also carrots, onions, particles of ginger root, pepper peas. Once the broth is ready, take it all out. boiled and condiments. So it will be possible to achieve the perfect taste and aroma of the liquid, but without unnecessary particles of vegetables.

Light soup for moody guests Ingredients
  • 200g chicken fillet
  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bulb
  • 200g pasta
  • tasteful
  • green

This soup is ideal for those who are often capricious and do not want to see anything superfluous in the plate. You know who I'm talking about? Of course, the cute kids. They'll probably appreciate it. perfect transparency That chicken broth. Without too much greenery and, of course, nasty onions.

Fragrant soup with and without greenery
  1. Cut it. chicken fillet into small pieces and put them in a pot. Pour the meat with enough water and put it on a medium fire. Make sure all noise is removed in time.
  2. In the meantime, vegetables must be prepared. Potatoes, carrots and onions peel off the skin and thoroughly wash the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and leave the carrots and onions intact. Add vegetables to the meat and keep the fire to a minimum.
  3. By the way, the first broth in which meat was cooked can be drained. This is a recommendation for those who are trying to achieve perfect transparency of food. As soon as you notice that the potatoes have become more or less soft, add pasta to the pan.
  4. Evaluate the readiness of the soup according to the state of pasta and potatoes. If they are already soft, then you can remove the pan from the stove and add greens to the broth. It is not necessary to cut, because after 10 minutes in the soup, it will still go to the garbage can. With a whole onion and a carrot.

As you can see, it can be done easily. green-soup. Getting out of the situation is pretty easy. What to do, you have to look for different ways to bypass classic recipes if you want to please the most capricious tasters. But we are sure that even such soup "without anything" will be to your liking. Let's go experiment.


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