My mother-in-law taught me to cook homemade dried sausages, in three days they will be ready.
“Why buy sausages in a store when you can cook them at home?” my mother-in-law told me when she saw some purchased products at home. Then she told me her recipe for homemade sausages. Honestly, we need a little tinkering. This takes three days, so I recommend you do a double serving. The result is worth the effort!
Editorial "Site" How to cook dried sausages at home in three days!
Homemade sausage recipe Ingredients
In this video you can see all the stages of cooking dried sausages.
I really liked this recipe for homemade sausages. I was impressed by the fact that you can cook something like this at home and even without additional equipment. After that, I tried to make homemade sausages. Why stop when you can cook such delicacies at home?

Editorial "Site" How to cook dried sausages at home in three days!
Homemade sausage recipe Ingredients
- 500g beef
- 500g pork
- 22g nitrite salt
- 1g black ground pepper
- 16.5g paprika
- 5.5g dried onions
- 6.6g fresh garlic
- First of all, we need to salt the meat well. Salt should be taken at the rate of 20 grams of salt per 1 kg of meat. Pork and beef are salted separately, not mixed. Divide salt in the right proportions, mix with sliced meat. Then cover with a lid or film and send to the refrigerator for 2 days. The temperature should be from +2 to +4 degrees. No higher so the meat doesn't get sour.
- After that, before cooking, you need to send salted meat to the freezer for an hour to freeze. This is necessary so that the temperature of mince during grinding does not rise above 10 degrees.
- Then grind the beef on the smallest grille in the grinder. Add to it all the spices and a good mix. Then grind beef and pork. Stir it up again. Finish the minced meat for another hour in the fridge to infuse.
- Next, our mince must be stuffed into an ordinary sausage shell or into a lamb worm. A protein shell will do. It is convenient because it can be eaten and does not have to be cleaned. Sausages should be about 20-30 centimeters long.
- Now the next step is drying. Sausages should be dried at room temperature from 10 to 20 degrees 2-3 days. You can do it right in the kitchen. After that, you need to dry the sausages in the oven or dehydrator for vegetables. If you do this in the oven, you need to set a temperature of 45 degrees and torment sausages for 7 hours. But you need to carefully monitor the temperature. The dehydrator is also enough 7 hours. You can enjoy sausages!
In this video you can see all the stages of cooking dried sausages.
I really liked this recipe for homemade sausages. I was impressed by the fact that you can cook something like this at home and even without additional equipment. After that, I tried to make homemade sausages. Why stop when you can cook such delicacies at home?
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