How to prepare homemade sausages from minced meat
Meatballs are the closest relatives of our native meatballs, only cigar-shaped. minced sausage without shells are very popular in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, and if you give sausages a spherical shape, then they are almost impossible to distinguish from meatballs. In addition to the meat base, the composition of frikandels includes greens, onions and spices, and experienced chefs recommend adding minced meat from several types of meat to the dish - this trick will make ready-made sausages many times tastier.
Cooking them is not difficult at all, but there is a complete pleasure! "Site" will tell How to cook homemade sausages A hundred times better than the store, without spending a single extra penny and a precious minute. Mixed the mince, roasted to a golden crust - and a bullet on the table!
Homemade sausage Ingredients
Meecandels are somewhat reminiscent of Balkan Chevapchi sausages, which are also prepared from chopped meat or minced meat with the addition of onions and spices, and sometimes roasted in bacon. Serve spicy homemade sausages with fresh white bread, vegetables, fried potatoes and sauce or, as the Germans do, with a glass of cool beer.
If you liked our simple and affordable recipe for homemade sausages without using shells, be sure to bookmark it and share it with friends on Facebook.

Cooking them is not difficult at all, but there is a complete pleasure! "Site" will tell How to cook homemade sausages A hundred times better than the store, without spending a single extra penny and a precious minute. Mixed the mince, roasted to a golden crust - and a bullet on the table!
Homemade sausage Ingredients
- 500g mince
- 2 teeth. Garlic
- 1/2 bulb
- 3 sprigs of parsley
- 2 tbsp oat bran
- 50ml of red dry wine
- salt, pepper to taste
- nutmeg, coriander and cardamom to taste
- butter
- fryer
- Pass the meat through the meat grinder twice. If you use the finished mince, grind it again.
DepositPhotos - Stick the onion finely and pass it through the grinder. Then grind the garlic and parsley.
DepositPhotos - Grind the salt along with the spices in a mortar. Add to the mince onion, garlic, parsley, spices and bran. Mix the mince well and then send it to the fridge for 1 hour.
DepositPhotos - On the meat grinder, put on a special nozzle for sausages or use a pastry bag to get long and thin sausages. Remove the formed sausages in the freezer so that they slightly freeze. By the way, sausages can be prepared for the future, frozen, and at the right time to roast and surprise guests.
DepositPhotos - In the heated pan, grind butter, add a small amount of vegetable and roast sausage until ready on both sides.
DepositPhotos - Then pour wine into the pan, pour roasted sausages and tomes into it until the wine is completely evaporated. Serve sausages with heat to the table!
Meecandels are somewhat reminiscent of Balkan Chevapchi sausages, which are also prepared from chopped meat or minced meat with the addition of onions and spices, and sometimes roasted in bacon. Serve spicy homemade sausages with fresh white bread, vegetables, fried potatoes and sauce or, as the Germans do, with a glass of cool beer.
If you liked our simple and affordable recipe for homemade sausages without using shells, be sure to bookmark it and share it with friends on Facebook.