How to prepare a casserole with minced meat and vegetables
A simple and useful casserole with minced meat and vegetables is a good choice for a hearty family lunch. And if it also decorates the table, then there is simply no better option.
"Site" It offers recipes for three original casseroles. We believe that they will stay in your family for a long time, very tasty.
Gentle, juicy and aromatic casseroles of minced meat with a multi-colored mosaic of all kinds of vegetables will be a worthy alternative to fried patties and not very useful sausages. Such a dish always helps: it turns out hearty, and the side dish is not needed.
Farsh can be prepared from any meat, but it is better not to take dry meat, but something tastier and fatter. So. mince It will certainly be juicy and perfectly absorbed.
Mishkin Sandals
The ingredients
Meatball ingredients
Sauce ingredients
The Vegetable Rainbow
The ingredients
The Bag of the Balkan Shepherd
The ingredients
Eating a tender mashed potato with a juicy cutlet is, of course, an indescribable bliss, but what if it is the most puree, yes with minced meat, to combine together, originally decorate and bake in the oven to a golden crust? Right! It will turn out a gorgeous casserole that everyone will like without exception.
Musaka in Greek with eggplant and potatoes is very tasty. Juicy mince, soft potatoes and tender milk sauce will make it a favorite dish of your family.
At any holiday, meat cake with vegetables will be the dish of the day. The fabulous forest of broccoli in jelly from meat broth is amazing. But it is not only beautiful, but also very useful: beef, broccoli, cauliflower - and everything boiled!

"Site" It offers recipes for three original casseroles. We believe that they will stay in your family for a long time, very tasty.
Gentle, juicy and aromatic casseroles of minced meat with a multi-colored mosaic of all kinds of vegetables will be a worthy alternative to fried patties and not very useful sausages. Such a dish always helps: it turns out hearty, and the side dish is not needed.

Farsh can be prepared from any meat, but it is better not to take dry meat, but something tastier and fatter. So. mince It will certainly be juicy and perfectly absorbed.
Mishkin Sandals

The ingredients
- 2-4 eggplant
- 10 cherry tomatoes
- 3 tbsp sunflower oil
Meatball ingredients
- 300g ground meat
- 1 bulb
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp crackers
- salt and pepper
- parsley
Sauce ingredients
- 2-4 tomatoes
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 1–2 tbsp tomato paste
- greenery
- pinch
- Cut each eggplant along into two halves. Put them on a bowl, pre-covered with foil, cut down.
- Lubricate the eggplant with oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper and put for 20 minutes in the oven heated to 220 degrees.
- While the eggplant is baked, we'll make the sauce. Skip the tomatoes through the meat grinder, boil for half an hour, then add the tomato paste, crushed garlic and greens, salt, pepper, a pinch of sugar. Let me boil and turn it off.
- For meatballs, mix eggs, mince, garlic, onions, parsley and crackers. Sprinkle and pepper.
- Stir everything up, beat it up and make little meatballs.
- Quickly roast the meatballs in oil and put on a napkin to remove excess fat.
- Remove part of the eggplant core with a spoon to make room for meatballs and sauce. From this pulp, caviar can be subsequently prepared.
- Put in the form for baking boats of eggplant, fields with sauce and send to the oven heated to 180-190 degrees for 20 minutes.
- The finished dish is decorated with greens and cherry tomatoes.
- Bon appetit!
The Vegetable Rainbow

The ingredients
- 250g rice
- 500g chicken ground
- 2 eggs
- 1 bulb
- 1 zucchini
- 3 Bulgarian peppers (all different colors)
- 1 eggplant
- 1 carrot
- 100ml cream
- 150g feta cheese
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 3 tbsp hard cheese
- salt, pepper
- olive-oil
- Boil the rice almost to ready and let it cool.
- Mix minced, rice, 1 egg, sliced parsley and onions, grated cheese, fork-cropped feta cheese, salt and pepper.
- Place the mixture in a shape of 30 centimeters in diameter, lubricated with vegetable oil.
- Cut the carrots with thin ribbons and blanche it for 1-2 minutes.
- Cut zucchini, eggplant and peppers in strips. Lay out the vegetables with rainbow rings, pressing them into the mince across its surface.
- Mix olive oil, garlic and some salt. Lubricate the resulting mixture with all vegetables.
- Beat the cream with an egg and with a spoonful of liquors in the intervals between vegetables.
- Bake in the oven heated to 180 degrees 30-40 minutes.
- Let the casserole cool and slice it into portions.
- Ground and vegetable casserole ready. Bon appetit!
The Bag of the Balkan Shepherd

The ingredients
- 600g ground meat
- 300g champignon
- 100g bacon
- 2 bulbs
- 1 tomato
- 100g cheese plates
- 80g barbecue sauce
- 2 tbsp breadcrumbs
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 80g barbecue sauce
- salt and pepper
- Cut the onions with half rings and the champignons with plates.
- Heat the vegetable oil in the pan and pass the onions. Once it's soft, add the mushrooms. Sprinkle it, peep it, and roast it for a little while so the liquid doesn't have time to evaporate.
- Take the mushrooms off the fire and let them cool.
- Add breadcrumbs and peppers to the mince, stir.
- Take a piece of mince and make it into a round cake. Then moisten the glass in cold water and place the cakes in the middle. With wet hands, form minced sides around him. Wrap around with two strips of bacon.
- Carefully, holding a cup of minced meat with your hand, remove the glass. Put a teaspoon of barbecue sauce at the bottom and fill it with onion mushrooms.
- Cut the tomato mugs and put them on top of the mushrooms. Put a slice of cheese on top of the tomatoes. Form in the same way all the blanks and lay them out on a bowl covered with parchment paper.
- Bake for 30 minutes in an oven heated to 180 degrees.
- Bon appetit!
Eating a tender mashed potato with a juicy cutlet is, of course, an indescribable bliss, but what if it is the most puree, yes with minced meat, to combine together, originally decorate and bake in the oven to a golden crust? Right! It will turn out a gorgeous casserole that everyone will like without exception.
Musaka in Greek with eggplant and potatoes is very tasty. Juicy mince, soft potatoes and tender milk sauce will make it a favorite dish of your family.
At any holiday, meat cake with vegetables will be the dish of the day. The fabulous forest of broccoli in jelly from meat broth is amazing. But it is not only beautiful, but also very useful: beef, broccoli, cauliflower - and everything boiled!
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