On Easter, in addition to kulichs, peku is also cheesecake, but not ordinary, but with a lemon kurd.
Baking with lemon is special to me. My mother used to cook grated lemongrass as a child, and now I like to bake a cheesecake with lemon kurd on Easter. He's very gentle. Dessert, like an expensive restaurant. The house sweeps him off the table in just a few minutes.
For Easter, I really want to bring some variety to the festive table. Appetite cakes for everyone, but the soul wants something else. Something soft curd with a citrus flavor. The basis for the cheesecake will be a chocolate sand cake, but you can do without such a basis. All ingredients are designed for a detachable form of 25 cm.
Ingredients for the curd layer
Ingredients for chocolate crust
Kurdish recipe Ingredients
We hope you will succeed and at Easter you will be able to taste the most delicious lemon cheesecake of all possible!
For Easter, I really want to bring some variety to the festive table. Appetite cakes for everyone, but the soul wants something else. Something soft curd with a citrus flavor. The basis for the cheesecake will be a chocolate sand cake, but you can do without such a basis. All ingredients are designed for a detachable form of 25 cm.

Ingredients for the curd layer
- cottage cheese 2.5 kg
- eggs 12
- 200g
- mane
- 400g
- lemon peel
- vanilla sugar 1 bag

- Mix cottage cheese with yolks, sugar, butter and vanillin. Smash it with a blender. Do not do this for too long so that too much air does not get into the mass. During baking, the cheesecake rises strongly and then settles.
- Add the peel of lemon and gently mix with the curd mass.
- Separately beat chilled egg whites with a pinch of salt to high peaks. With the help of a spatula, gently connect them with a curd mass.

Ingredients for chocolate crust
- flour 250g
- butter 120g
- 1 egg.
- sugar
- cocoa 2 tbsp.
- baking powder 1 tsp.
- 2 tbsp sour cream.
- All ingredients need to be mixed and quickly knead the dough. If you want a thin crust base, you can use only half the dough, and freeze the second until the next time.
- Parchment covered the bottom of the form, lay out the dough for the cake and evenly distribute it with a glass. The walls of the form should be oiled.
- Put the curd mass on the cake and evenly distribute it with the help of a spatula. Bake at a temperature of 180 degrees from 45 to 55 minutes. It all depends on your oven.
- How to determine the readiness of the cheesecake? His middle will be a little fluctuating. After baking, leave the cheesecake in the oven with the door open, and then completely cool at room temperature.

Kurdish recipe Ingredients
- lemons 3 pieces (150 g of lemon juice + 50 g of water)
- butter
- 250g
- Eggs big 3 pcs.
- cold butter 50g

- Kurd is a fruit-based custard. It needs to be cooked in a steam bath. First, remove the peel from three lemons and squeeze the juice. We need 150g of juice and another 50g of water.
- Add room temperature oil, sugar and heat to the juice until all ingredients are completely dissolved.
- Now add the eggs and hit it with a blender. Heat it again, but don't let it boil or the eggs will clot. Gray until the mass is thick. It can take up to 15 minutes.
- In the hot mass, add 50 g of cold butter and mix thoroughly. Let the Kurd cool to room temperature. Now the kurd can be laid out on a cottage cheese base. After this stage, the cheesecake can be put in the cold. Bon appetit!

We hope you will succeed and at Easter you will be able to taste the most delicious lemon cheesecake of all possible!
I easily prepare medoviki for any holiday according to my mother’s recipe, I do not roll cakes.
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