Cardiologist: Your belly fat is collected for other reasons. My cunning policy ...”

My story is familiar to every representative of the fair sex: on the mother’s side, all the women in our family are pussy. This feature was passed on to me and my daughter, so all my life I suffer from excess weight, sit on diets in fear of acquiring characteristic diseases. I found the solution to the problem quite by accident at one of the trainings on women's health. That's where I found out. How to lose weight by 7 kg.


The diet developed by the famous European cardiologist is based on protein nutrition. The diet is based on eggs. Every day for breakfast you should eat a portion of any fruit, except bananas.

Print this page and hang it on the refrigerator. weight loss - the key to success.


Healthy Diet Weight Properly Day 1st
Lunch: 1 orange, a glass of yogurt, 1 boiled egg.
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 2 toast, 1/2 cucumber or a small bowl of lettuce, 2 tomatoes.


Day 2.
Lunch: 1 orange, a glass of yogurt, 1 boiled egg.
Dinner: 1 toast, 125 g of red meat, cup of tea or coffee without sugar, 1 orange.


Day 3.
Lunch: 1 cucumber, 1 orange, 1 boiled egg.
Dinner: 125 g of red meat, 1 orange, 1 toast, cup of coffee or tea without sugar.


Day 4.
Lunch: 1 toast, 1 orange, 125 g of cottage cheese.
Dinner: The same as day 3.


Day 5.
Lunch: 1 toast, 200 g of meat or fish, 1 tomato.
Dinner: 225g boiled carrots, potatoes and peas.


Giving up sugar and 30 minutes of daily exercise will help you lose up to 7 pounds!


The editorial board of the diet menu is designed for 5 days. After this cycle, pause for 2 days and then start again. Do not try to eat for a week in advance. Diverse the diet with healthy food, completely eliminate alcohol and salt.


Any, even the most gentle diet is always stress for the body. Therefore, before starting such a diet, consult a doctor.

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