Curly curds
My whole family loves you very much. cheesecake. And so a week ago, I learned a very interesting recipe for cheesecakes that a colleague of mine shared with me.
Sweet curd curls In sour cream is another reason to love cheese. They are so delicious that everyone who tastes them for the first time says that they have never eaten anything better. And I confirm!
Prepare curls with cottage cheese is quite simple, and eating them is a real pleasure. Especially in the morning, in addition to coffee or tea.
Cake curds and today's edition "Site" I want to share with you a delicious recipe. curls. It just melts in your mouth!
Test ingredients
Filling ingredients
Sauce ingredients
Editorial advice to all cottage cheese lovers I suggest you find out an excellent recipe for a festive casserole, which will increase in the oven 2 times!
Just one secret ingredient makes this wholesome dessert amazing. And do not forget to decorate the original cottage cheese casserole, so that everyone gasps not only from taste, but also from serving!
I'm just sure these are cheese-curl Everyone will. I cook them now for one and a half or two portions, and that is not enough, because in my home they fly in the blink of an eye.
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Sweet curd curls In sour cream is another reason to love cheese. They are so delicious that everyone who tastes them for the first time says that they have never eaten anything better. And I confirm!

Prepare curls with cottage cheese is quite simple, and eating them is a real pleasure. Especially in the morning, in addition to coffee or tea.
Cake curds and today's edition "Site" I want to share with you a delicious recipe. curls. It just melts in your mouth!

Test ingredients
- 350g flour
- 3g dry yeast
- 100g milk
- 50g sugar
- 50g margarine (or butter)
- 70g sour cream
- pinch
Filling ingredients
- 0.5 kg cottage cheese
- 100g sugar
- 1 egg
Sauce ingredients
- 200g sour cream
- 1 tbsp sugar

- Heat the milk and pour it into a glass. Dissolve the yeast in the milk and add half a teaspoon of sugar there, mix well. Then add 3 teaspoons of flour, stir until uniform. Leave the mixture for half an hour warm so that the yeast is activated and given a foam cap.
- In a convenient container, sift the flour through a sieve and combine with salt and sugar, mix. Then add to the flour mixture margarine at room temperature and sour cream. Rub the ingredients to make a big crumb. Couple the crumb with the yeast. Mix dough of medium consistency (not very tight, but also not too soft).
- Cover the mixed dough and leave alone for 15 minutes. During this time, the flour absorbs moisture, forms gluten, and the dough will be easier to knead.
- Rested dough is well kneaded to a smooth homogeneous state. Cover the finished dough and leave warm until doubled in volume. If you have time, let the dough come in and let it come a second time. If there is no time, the dough can be cut immediately.
- Now we move on to the preparation of the filling. To do this, rub the cottage cheese with sugar and egg to a homogeneous mass. If the filling is too wet, you can add a small amount of flour or ground crackers to it. Cover the resulting mixture with food film and leave it on the table at room temperature while you do the test.
- Roll the dough into a rectangle 1 centimeter thick. Spread the cheese filling over it, and then roll the dough into a loose roll. Cut the roll into pieces of the desired thickness. I got exactly 20 of them.
- A large pan was covered with parchment for baking, then freely spread the curd curls. Cover them with a canvas and leave them for 40 minutes to grow a little. Before sending the batter into the oven, lubricate the surface of the curls with a whipped egg.
- Send curls need to be heated to 200 degrees oven and bake until the appearance of ruddy crust at a temperature of 180 degrees.
- For pouring, mix sour cream with sugar. Immediately after baking abundantly lubricate the curls with sour cream pouring, tightly cover the cottage cheese buns and leave until completely cooled (or at least to a warm state).
- The curls are ready. Bon appetit!
Editorial advice to all cottage cheese lovers I suggest you find out an excellent recipe for a festive casserole, which will increase in the oven 2 times!
Just one secret ingredient makes this wholesome dessert amazing. And do not forget to decorate the original cottage cheese casserole, so that everyone gasps not only from taste, but also from serving!

I'm just sure these are cheese-curl Everyone will. I cook them now for one and a half or two portions, and that is not enough, because in my home they fly in the blink of an eye.
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