How to make cheese pancakes
The morning of the weekend is a time when you can finally afford to slowly cook your favorite pancakes for the family (for example, cottage cheese pancakes) and all together enjoy them. Although these pancakes are prepared so simply that you can quite master their preparation, even if you overslept a little and are in a hurry for business.
A recipe for cheese pancakes I learned from a friend who moved to Florida for 5 years. In America, cookbooks and programs with advice from Martha Helen Stewart are very popular, she is even called the “goddess of the hearth”, not to mention recipes that are already obtained from the first time even those who are not particularly friendly with cooking.
Today's edition. "Site" tell you, How to make cheese pancakes Martha Stewart's recipe. Breakfast for lunch or even dinner. Delicious, useful, literally melt in your mouth!
Cheese pancakes Ingredients
I also suggest you find out an interesting recipe for making pancakes from potatoes. Thin, fragrant, milk, they can wrap any filling or eat without it, treat guests and serve for family dinner. In short, a find for housewives who love simple culinary experiments.
All my home love this recipe, which I am very happy, because thanks to cottage cheese pancakes come mega-useful and unusually tasty. It often happens that happy children and husband do not leave the kitchen for a long time: they sit by the stove and wait for me to make these delicious pancakes.
Be sure to tell me about this secret. pancake-making Your friends will be grateful for you on social media.
A recipe for cheese pancakes I learned from a friend who moved to Florida for 5 years. In America, cookbooks and programs with advice from Martha Helen Stewart are very popular, she is even called the “goddess of the hearth”, not to mention recipes that are already obtained from the first time even those who are not particularly friendly with cooking.

Today's edition. "Site" tell you, How to make cheese pancakes Martha Stewart's recipe. Breakfast for lunch or even dinner. Delicious, useful, literally melt in your mouth!

Cheese pancakes Ingredients
- 250g cottage cheese
- 3 eggs
- 300 ml of milk
- 3 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 4 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 tsp soda
- 160-180g flour

- Rub the cheese through a sieve.
- In a convenient container, combine cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt.
- The cheese-egg mixture is well beaten with a blender to a homogeneous mass, so that there is not a single curd lump left.
- Add milk to the whipped mixture and mix everything well with a corolla.
- Sweat the flour in advance and add it to the dough, also add soda. Stir it well. At the end, add vegetable oil to the dough and stir again. The consistency of the test should be the same as for regular pancakes.
- Heat the pan on the fire and before baking the first pancake lubricate it with sunflower oil. Pour about 1.5-2 tablespoons of dough into the pan (I baked pancakes of small diameter, about 16-17 cm, there is a matter of taste). As soon as the bubbles appear and the edge becomes golden, turn the pancake over. Baking on both sides.
- Take the finished pancake off the pan, grease it with butter. I made 17 golden pancakes for breakfast!
I also suggest you find out an interesting recipe for making pancakes from potatoes. Thin, fragrant, milk, they can wrap any filling or eat without it, treat guests and serve for family dinner. In short, a find for housewives who love simple culinary experiments.
All my home love this recipe, which I am very happy, because thanks to cottage cheese pancakes come mega-useful and unusually tasty. It often happens that happy children and husband do not leave the kitchen for a long time: they sit by the stove and wait for me to make these delicious pancakes.
Be sure to tell me about this secret. pancake-making Your friends will be grateful for you on social media.