Tricks to make the perfect pancakes

Maslenitsa is approaching, it is time to learn how to bake the perfect pancakes to celebrate this holiday properly.

If you have not only the first pancake lump, but the whole batch, then you missed something in the process of cooking, or overlooked, or overdosed with some ingredient. Today we will try to figure out how to stop translating products and start making win-win pancakes for the whole family.

Preparation of dough for pancakes does not take much time, but you need to follow some rules when cooking to make pancakes taste good. Editorial "Site" I decided to figure out what tricks housewives allow pancakes to be so thin and tasty.

How to properly prepare pancakes
  1. Heat the ingredients.
    The milk is often heated for the test. But not everyone knows that other products should be at room temperature. If you mix cold and warm ingredients, the mass will be heterogeneous and pancakes will not be so tasty. Before you start making pancakes, get all the necessary products out of the refrigerator. Half an hour is enough for the products to reach the optimum temperature.

  2. Lay fewer eggs.
    If you think that putting more eggs in the dough than the recipe says you will succeed, you will not. Eggs make pancakes denser, if you overdo it, pancakes will look like rubber. Better stick to the recipe.

  3. Put less sugar in.
    In general, it is better to fry pancakes with a minimum amount of sugar. First, it will be possible to make both sweet and salty filling. Secondly, pancakemaking Often ends in failure just because of the large amount of sugar in the test.

  4. Add more flour.
    If you stick to the recipe, but the pancakes break, then you need more flour. It doesn't have to be the wrong recipe, maybe your flour isn't the same as the recipe. So that the pancakes do not break, you need to insist on the dough for a few minutes, mix and again you can fry.

  5. Let the dough infuse
    You just need to leave the dough for 5-10 minutes, so that all the components mix for sure, the flour gave up all the gluten and the dough was elastic. After that, stir the dough again and start cooking.

  6. Well, warm up the pan.
    The frying pan with vegetable oil needs to be heated in order to pancakes They were thinner: the dough is distributed throughout the pan and immediately grasped, and if not warmed, then the pancakes can turn out too dense. And kefir It's better to roast in the middle.

  7. Don't add butter when frying.
    In the recipe of pancakes, milk often already has oil, and you need to add oil only for the first pancake, and then you should fry without oil.

  8. Take a good pan.
    If you fry pancakes without butter, you know they won't stick to a Teflon-coated pan, unlike a stainless pan. A cast-iron pan will do.

Housewives on the note: this is how to prepare thin pancakes on boiling water, if there is no milk. For adherents of healthy eating, we have an original recipe for pancakes in the oven.

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