Children's cheese—use, composition, selection rules

Dairy products are essential in the diet of the child, and the greater their diversity, the better. We have already talked about children's kefir and yogurt, you now need to pay attention to children's cheese. to learn more about its use, the composition and selection rules.
Use cottage cheese in baby food:
- This product is rich in salts of potassium, sodium, vitamins B12, B2, folic acid, it contains significant amounts of vitamins B6 and PP.
- Contains protein, necessary for proper growth of body tissues.
- Lactic acid bacteria in curd make the lactose of milk into lactic acid, which increases the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are the basis for building bone and teeth.
- Protects against atherosclerosis, strengthens the bones and nervous system.
- Is composed of anti-bacterial substances which help to normalize intestinal microflora.
- It contains milk protein concentrate with high biological value, and milk fat, is also useful for the growing organism.
- Among the key properties of cheese for a child — low acidity, due to this property the product does not irritate the intestinal mucosa.
- Absorbed easier than kefir or yogurt.
It is considered that to introduce baby yogurt in the diet of the baby need from the age of 6-8 months (some pediatricians recommend the introduction of cottage cheese with 5 months, but it is better to consult your doctor), starting with 1 teaspoon (for the first time give the child no more than a half-teaspoon of cottage cheese, carefully observe the reaction: is there a rash to see if the disorder don't feel tummy). Then a portion can and should increase — established norms for children aged years is 40 grams children.
It is important that we used the cheese without adding dyes, fragrances, fillers, additives.
The children's cheese
To all the specialized products of baby food to meet very strict requirements. So baby yogurt is made exclusively from milk products, subjected to heat treatment after fermentation. The basis of this product is usually, whole (milk), part of which was not subjected to any changes, its natural fat stored and is not less than 2.8%) or normalized (subjected to bring key properties to the standard) milk.
Please note that often in the composition of children's curds contain food additives or fruit, fruit fillings. On the one hand, it makes the products taste more appealing, on the other hand, doctors against food and food additives in cheese, who uses the baby. The perfect children's cottage — clean, without unnecessary ingredients cheese.
If you opened the package, but the baby did not eat, this product to a child more to not give.
Children's cheese. Selection rules:
- The product should be called "baby yogurt" or "cheese" and nothing else.
- The packaging shall contain the recommendation information indicating the age from which you can use this product in food.
- Be sure to check the shelf life and manufacture date children. If you purchase cheese, not having in its composition additives and preservatives, its shelf life is not more than 2 days at a temperature not above +8 degrees.
- When buying a child's cheese pay attention to its fatness. Usually it varies from 3.8 to 10%. What better to give your child, decide with your doctor / pediatrician. If your child is very active and not overweight, he is fit more fat cottage cheese. If a child is prone to obesity, sedentary or suffer from diabetes, you should choose a cheese with less fat. Yes, and if your baby was recently ill, also, choose low-fat cottage cheese.
- If the child lags behind in growth and body weight or had a poor appetite, try to choose fruit cheese products (not earlier than 1 year of age), or they add pure curd fruit puree.
- If the child has been diagnosed with kidney disease, he should not buy cheese, because high protein content gives you a strong load on the excretory system.
To prepare the cheese for the child in several ways:
1. Bought baby yogurt pour in an enamel container and heat in a water bath to about 70-90 °C. When formed a thick mixture, drain it on a sieve and wipe.
2. Children's yogurt pre-freeze, then put in a colander and let thaw. When the whey has drained, get a gentle curds.
3. Pour the milk into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. When the milk begins to rise, remove from the heat and add the lemon juice (600 ml milk, one tablespoon of lemon juice), stir quickly. Cool the mixture and strain through a sieve. This cheese is recommended for children from one year of age.
Curd, prepared with his own hands, it is better to give the older children from approximately 3 years. Before this age the best would be a specialized children's cottage cheese, per the stringent quality standards that are difficult to observe at home.
Source: www.gastronom.ru