Who is suitable for the exercise "Lion"
A complex called Bodyflex. This is a unique exercise program developed by American coach Greer Childres. Exercises from the complex help to tighten the muscles of the face, which is important for every woman. The basis of gymnastics is proper breathing and unusual exercises. The main difference of this complex from others is that it has exercises not only for the body, but also for the neck and face.
Editorial "Site" Today I will tell you about one of these exercises.
The Lion Exercise Before we go directly to the exercise, it is worth noting a few important points. Exercises are recommended to be performed on an empty stomach, then they are more effective, and the body is much easier. The most important thing in the exercise is proper breathing, because the whole complex is aimed at rejuvenation due to the saturation of tissues with oxygen.
So, first you need to exhale, then inhale, then exhale strongly, releasing all the air, now hold your breath and draw in your stomach. Hold your breath by counting from 8 to 10. Do the exercise twice a day: the first time in the morning and the second before dinner. Below will be a video in which the woman will show you how to perform the exercise correctly. In the meantime, let's get technical.
The initial position can be different: standing or sitting on your knees, picking up your legs for yourself. For me, standing is a little easier. So, stand up straight, legs 30 cm wide, put your palms on the front of your thighs, slightly above your knees. Now sit down for a while, like you're going to sit in a chair. Look straight ahead. Set it down.
Now start breathing properly, draw in your stomach and take the main posture of the exercise. First, put your lips together as if you were surprised. Then open your eyes wide and lift them up. Now stick out your tongue to the maximum length and reach for them to the chin, while keeping your lips rounded, squeezing their tongue.
But now you need to take a breath and then hold your breath, counting to 8-10. Then relax your face and repeat it again 5 times. During the exercise, you should feel muscle tension, starting with the eye area and ending with the chin. That's how you're gonna work all the right places.
Here is a video showing how to do the exercise properly.
This is a simple exercise that will help maintain health and youth for many years. You don’t need much, just 15 minutes a day. Agree, this is not such a big price for a young and fit face. So go ahead!
Bodyflex is a unique complex that helps fight deposits throughout the body. Recently, we wrote about 5 basic poses for practicing bodiflex.
Do you do exercises from the Bodyflex complex? Which ones? Tell us in the comments!

Editorial "Site" Today I will tell you about one of these exercises.
The Lion Exercise Before we go directly to the exercise, it is worth noting a few important points. Exercises are recommended to be performed on an empty stomach, then they are more effective, and the body is much easier. The most important thing in the exercise is proper breathing, because the whole complex is aimed at rejuvenation due to the saturation of tissues with oxygen.

So, first you need to exhale, then inhale, then exhale strongly, releasing all the air, now hold your breath and draw in your stomach. Hold your breath by counting from 8 to 10. Do the exercise twice a day: the first time in the morning and the second before dinner. Below will be a video in which the woman will show you how to perform the exercise correctly. In the meantime, let's get technical.

The initial position can be different: standing or sitting on your knees, picking up your legs for yourself. For me, standing is a little easier. So, stand up straight, legs 30 cm wide, put your palms on the front of your thighs, slightly above your knees. Now sit down for a while, like you're going to sit in a chair. Look straight ahead. Set it down.
Now start breathing properly, draw in your stomach and take the main posture of the exercise. First, put your lips together as if you were surprised. Then open your eyes wide and lift them up. Now stick out your tongue to the maximum length and reach for them to the chin, while keeping your lips rounded, squeezing their tongue.

But now you need to take a breath and then hold your breath, counting to 8-10. Then relax your face and repeat it again 5 times. During the exercise, you should feel muscle tension, starting with the eye area and ending with the chin. That's how you're gonna work all the right places.
Here is a video showing how to do the exercise properly.
This is a simple exercise that will help maintain health and youth for many years. You don’t need much, just 15 minutes a day. Agree, this is not such a big price for a young and fit face. So go ahead!
Bodyflex is a unique complex that helps fight deposits throughout the body. Recently, we wrote about 5 basic poses for practicing bodiflex.
Do you do exercises from the Bodyflex complex? Which ones? Tell us in the comments!