Gymnastics for face and neck

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases. It is estimated that one in four adults suffer from high blood pressure. Oddly enough, only 35% of this number are aware of their problems and are being treated. However, treatment with tablets is not an option, because such drugs eliminate only the symptoms, but not the cause.

And today, Dr. Alexander Shishonin and I will talk about how to properly treat hypertension. And he will come to our aid. gymnasticsIt helps to eliminate the very cause of hypertension and forget about high blood pressure forever.

As the doctor himself explains, muscle spasm compresses the vessel, as a result of which the amount of blood passing through it decreases. And to get the necessary dose of oxygen, the brain signals to the heart to pump more blood. As a result, the heart works faster to pump the right amount of blood through the clamped vessels, and the pressure increases. This is how hypertension develops.

When a hypertensive person has a stressful situation, his pressure increases. At this point, it can cross the critical mark. It could be a stroke.

“There are two ways to get rid of hypertension: by movement or by influencing the spasm itself – by massage. Sometimes, a person comes with a great hypertensive experience, complains of poor health, tells how many tablets he drank. You put it on the couch, you touch the neck, and it's stone. You knead, he screams. After the massage, a few seconds pass, and it is much easier. We measure the pressure - normal, - says Shishonin.

“Tablets work differently. Some prevent the heart from working in an accelerated mode. Others intensively remove moisture from the body, which also lowers pressure. Still others calm the brain. The fourth improves the ability of the brain to absorb oxygen from the blood. As we can see, the work of any pill is the elimination of the symptom, but not the treatment of the cause.”

Alexander Yurievich is sure that if you lead an active life, then spasms will not occur. But even existing problems can be eliminated with the help of proper gymnastics. For this purpose, the doctor developed a separate Simple exercises for treating the neck.

As Alexander Yurievich says, performing these exercises, a person can not harm himself. But regular classes help get rid of a number of ailments. Dr. Shishonin recommends gymnastics for those who suffer from headaches, dizziness, insomnia, memory disorders, shoulder and neck pain.

For the first two weeks, the doctor recommends daily gymnastics. Then you can practice 2-3 times a week. When exercising, you should keep your back straight - this is the key to the correct execution of exercises. And to hone the technique, first do gymnastics in front of the mirror. The time for each exercise is 3 minutes.

  1. Metron exercise
    It consists in alternately fixing the neck for about 10 seconds on the left and right sides.

  2. The "Brude" exercise
    Retract your chin for 10 seconds, then stretch your chin up as much as possible for 10 seconds. Say it a few times.

  3. The Sadness Exercise
    Place your head on your left shoulder for 10 seconds, then on your right for the same time.

  4. The "Look at the Sky" exercise
    Turn your neck to the side as much as possible and fix it for 10 seconds. Alternately do this to the left, then to the right, taking into account the specified time interval.

  5. The "Framework" exercise
    Place your left hand on your right shoulder, turning your head to the left. Hold your body position for 10 seconds. Now do the same thing in the opposite direction.

  6. Fakir exercise
    Close your hands above your head with your fingers up. Every 10 seconds, turn your head alternately left and right.

  7. Airplane exercise
    Put your hands out in different directions. Make sure that they do not bend at the elbows. Every 10 seconds lower your limbs for a moment to rest, and repeat the exercise again.

  8. The Heron Exercise
    Extend your chin up as much as possible, lowering your hands down. After every 10 seconds, return to the starting position, but only for 1-2 seconds, no more.

  9. Tree exercise
    Raise your hands up so that the palms are parallel to the ceiling, and the fingers of the left and right hands slightly touch. Every 10 seconds, put your hands down for a while and repeat the exercise again.

Gymnastics for neck muscles It ends with a couple of stretching exercises. It is better to look at the technique of their execution in a short video to do everything right.


This gymnastics complex normalizes the blood supply to the brainThis reduces the likelihood of stroke. The spasms will pass, the neck and shoulders will become more relaxed. We still recommend people with serious diseases of the spine and neck to consult before gymnastics with their doctor.

By the way, Japanese professor Katsuzo Nishi also suggested simple exercises that help a person heal himself on his own. They ended up in history as the Golden Rules of Health. Indeed, it is not necessary to go to a skilled massage therapist, if many problems can be eliminated on their own. Even back problems.

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