Spiral neck twist: exercises to improve blood flow and innervation
Ours. neck It contains a central bone structure represented by the seven vertebrae of the cervical spine and their eight joints. Inside this bone structure are located end-braincontaining respiratory and vasomotor centers, and starting-piece spinal cordFrom which the nerves go to the chest and hands.
All vertebrae of the cervical spine are connected to each other using regularly located muscle structures (segments). On the back of the neck there are two vertebral arteries reaching the brain, and on the front side of the neck to the brain two internal carotid arteries rise. These four arteries provide blood supply to the brain.
When we make twisting movements of the neck, spiral energy pathways are activated in all its structural and functional elements, contributing to an increase in the intensity of metabolic processes, improving blood flow and innervation, as well as coordinating and harmonizing the state of the head and trunk united by the neck.
All information sent from the brain to the trunk, and all information coming from the internal organs and parts of the body to the brain, passes through the neck, which acts as the most important link of this kind of transmission. Exactly. Correctly executed neck twist allows you to effectively prevent and treat a large number of various diseases.
The joints of the neck are the most important Neutro component of the articular system. It is in the area of the neck joints that the endocrine glands and the “miraculous” (extra) meridians of the Chinese meridian system are located. All of them come into a harmonious state when the neck performs spiral twist movements.
In the Trinal Structure of the Human Body, proposed by Professor Park Jae Wu, the neck occupies the position of the Neuto element, which plays an important role in activating the channel of the soul - the source of the harmonious relationship between consciousness and the physical body. Therefore, the first physical reaction to emotional stress is to limit the mobility of the neck and its soreness when twisted in certain directions. At the same time, the execution of an oppositely directed twisting movement removes the physical block, providing immediate neutralization of the emotional factor that caused it.
Exercise Exercise Methods
I. Minimum package for employed people
All movements should be done with a smile.
1) On inhalation, maximally deflect your head back and on exhalation lower forward as much as possible. Repeat these movements three times.
2) On inhalation, tilt your head to the left as much as possible, and on exhalation - to the right. Repeat three times.
(3) On inhalation, deflect your head in the left-back direction, on exhalation - in the right-front direction. Repeat three times.
(4) On inhalation, deflect your head in the left-front direction, on exhalation - in the right-back direction. Repeat three times.
If you tilt your head in any direction you experienced discomfort or deterioration of health - immediately return to the original position, perform the opposite movement (previous or subsequent), linger in this position for 30 seconds, then return to the original position and take three deep breaths, directing the energy flow to the neck.
Repeat the opposite movement, delaying for one minute, return to the original position and again “breathe” the neck. The third time linger for a minute and a half, then – again perform three breaths.
Now gently tilt your neck in a painful direction. If the pain is gone, continue the exercises. If not, you should seek help from a qualified twist therapist or spiral gymnastics instructor.
If you tilt your head in any direction you experienced discomfort or deterioration of health - immediately return to the original position, perform the opposite movement (previous or subsequent), linger in this position for 30 seconds, then return to the original position and take three deep breaths, directing the energy flow to the neck.
Repeat the opposite movement, delaying for one minute, return to the original position and again “breathe” the neck. The third time linger for a minute and a half, then – again perform three breaths.
Now gently tilt your neck in a painful direction. If the pain is gone, continue the exercises. If not, you should seek help from a qualified twist therapist or spiral gymnastics instructor.
II. Twiist of the neck in the eight directions (full option)
1) As much as possible, deflect your head back, and on inhalation turn it to the left, and on exhalation - to the right. Repeat three times.
2) As much as possible, tilt your head forward, and on inhalation turn it to the left, and on exhalation - to the right. Repeat three times.
(3) As much as possible, deflect your head to the left, and without changing the angle of inclination, turn it to the left on the inhalation, looking at the left shoulder, and on exhalation, turn your head to the right, looking in the right upper direction. Repeat three times.
(4) As much as possible, deflect your head to the right, and without changing the angle of inclination, turn it to the left on the inhalation, looking in the left-top direction, and on exhalation, turn your head to the right, looking at the right shoulder. Repeat three times.
Repeat the same movements in intermediate directions: left-back, right-front, left-front and right-back.
If you experience discomfort or deterioration when turning your head in any direction, immediately turn in the opposite direction in the same position, or turn in the opposite direction in the opposite position. Set the accepted position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position and take three deep breaths, directing the energy flow to the neck.
Repeat the treatment position and fix it for one minute, return to the original position and again “breathe” the neck. The third time linger for a minute and a half, then take three breaths. Now gently turn your neck in a painful direction. If the pain is gone, you did the right thing. If not, you need to seek help from a qualified twist therapist or spiral gymnastics instructor.
Also interesting: When Your Neck Needs Attention: Super Effective Exercises
What your neck hurts about
Enjoy the freedom of movement, rejoice, smile, be happy today, now!
Based on lectures by Professor Park Jae Wu, Mantek Chia, Nikonorova Tatiana Yurievna.
The materials are informative in nature. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, for advice on the use of any drugs and treatment methods, consult a doctor.
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_6883

All vertebrae of the cervical spine are connected to each other using regularly located muscle structures (segments). On the back of the neck there are two vertebral arteries reaching the brain, and on the front side of the neck to the brain two internal carotid arteries rise. These four arteries provide blood supply to the brain.

When we make twisting movements of the neck, spiral energy pathways are activated in all its structural and functional elements, contributing to an increase in the intensity of metabolic processes, improving blood flow and innervation, as well as coordinating and harmonizing the state of the head and trunk united by the neck.
All information sent from the brain to the trunk, and all information coming from the internal organs and parts of the body to the brain, passes through the neck, which acts as the most important link of this kind of transmission. Exactly. Correctly executed neck twist allows you to effectively prevent and treat a large number of various diseases.
The joints of the neck are the most important Neutro component of the articular system. It is in the area of the neck joints that the endocrine glands and the “miraculous” (extra) meridians of the Chinese meridian system are located. All of them come into a harmonious state when the neck performs spiral twist movements.

In the Trinal Structure of the Human Body, proposed by Professor Park Jae Wu, the neck occupies the position of the Neuto element, which plays an important role in activating the channel of the soul - the source of the harmonious relationship between consciousness and the physical body. Therefore, the first physical reaction to emotional stress is to limit the mobility of the neck and its soreness when twisted in certain directions. At the same time, the execution of an oppositely directed twisting movement removes the physical block, providing immediate neutralization of the emotional factor that caused it.
Exercise Exercise Methods
I. Minimum package for employed people

All movements should be done with a smile.
1) On inhalation, maximally deflect your head back and on exhalation lower forward as much as possible. Repeat these movements three times.
2) On inhalation, tilt your head to the left as much as possible, and on exhalation - to the right. Repeat three times.
(3) On inhalation, deflect your head in the left-back direction, on exhalation - in the right-front direction. Repeat three times.
(4) On inhalation, deflect your head in the left-front direction, on exhalation - in the right-back direction. Repeat three times.
If you tilt your head in any direction you experienced discomfort or deterioration of health - immediately return to the original position, perform the opposite movement (previous or subsequent), linger in this position for 30 seconds, then return to the original position and take three deep breaths, directing the energy flow to the neck.
Repeat the opposite movement, delaying for one minute, return to the original position and again “breathe” the neck. The third time linger for a minute and a half, then – again perform three breaths.
Now gently tilt your neck in a painful direction. If the pain is gone, continue the exercises. If not, you should seek help from a qualified twist therapist or spiral gymnastics instructor.
If you tilt your head in any direction you experienced discomfort or deterioration of health - immediately return to the original position, perform the opposite movement (previous or subsequent), linger in this position for 30 seconds, then return to the original position and take three deep breaths, directing the energy flow to the neck.
Repeat the opposite movement, delaying for one minute, return to the original position and again “breathe” the neck. The third time linger for a minute and a half, then – again perform three breaths.
Now gently tilt your neck in a painful direction. If the pain is gone, continue the exercises. If not, you should seek help from a qualified twist therapist or spiral gymnastics instructor.
II. Twiist of the neck in the eight directions (full option)

1) As much as possible, deflect your head back, and on inhalation turn it to the left, and on exhalation - to the right. Repeat three times.
2) As much as possible, tilt your head forward, and on inhalation turn it to the left, and on exhalation - to the right. Repeat three times.
(3) As much as possible, deflect your head to the left, and without changing the angle of inclination, turn it to the left on the inhalation, looking at the left shoulder, and on exhalation, turn your head to the right, looking in the right upper direction. Repeat three times.
(4) As much as possible, deflect your head to the right, and without changing the angle of inclination, turn it to the left on the inhalation, looking in the left-top direction, and on exhalation, turn your head to the right, looking at the right shoulder. Repeat three times.
Repeat the same movements in intermediate directions: left-back, right-front, left-front and right-back.
If you experience discomfort or deterioration when turning your head in any direction, immediately turn in the opposite direction in the same position, or turn in the opposite direction in the opposite position. Set the accepted position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position and take three deep breaths, directing the energy flow to the neck.
Repeat the treatment position and fix it for one minute, return to the original position and again “breathe” the neck. The third time linger for a minute and a half, then take three breaths. Now gently turn your neck in a painful direction. If the pain is gone, you did the right thing. If not, you need to seek help from a qualified twist therapist or spiral gymnastics instructor.
Also interesting: When Your Neck Needs Attention: Super Effective Exercises
What your neck hurts about
Enjoy the freedom of movement, rejoice, smile, be happy today, now!
Based on lectures by Professor Park Jae Wu, Mantek Chia, Nikonorova Tatiana Yurievna.
The materials are informative in nature. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, for advice on the use of any drugs and treatment methods, consult a doctor.
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_6883
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