Stunning exercises for the neck Dr. Shishonina
Joint diseases - one of the most common problems in the modern world. The "Center Dr. Bubnovskogo" created a number of therapeutic techniques - exercises for the neck Shishonina doctor is an active interest (author of the methodology is the scientific director of the famous clinic).
Shishonin Alexander Y. - Candidate of Medical Sciences, who developed a unique method of correction of the neck muscles.
We offer you to get acquainted with a set of exercises.
Pay attention to this set of exercises is in the presence of such problems:
• Lack of blood supply to the brain
• Pain and mobility violation
neck • Increased intracranial pressure
• Chronic migraine
• Vegetative-vascular dystonia
• Hypertension
• Vertebrobasilar
failure • Sudden dizziness
• Deterioration
memory • Drowsiness or insomnia
• Condition after trauma operations
Gymnastics is useful for neck Bubnovskogo center if you:
lead a sedentary lifestyle;
running on the computer;
subject to regular mental and psycho-emotional overload;
eat irrational and unbalanced (poor nutrition provokes accumulation of salts).
Dr. Shishonin claims - the cause of many problems in adults is the deterioration of the internal muscles of the neck - under the influence of various factors, they lose their elasticity. Over-voltage over time muscles begin to compress the nerves and blood vessels - it gives rise to painful sensations
. Gymnastics for the neck Bubnovskogo (part of the complex is assigned the name of clinic, where it was developed) is accessible to everyone. It can not hurt, because all the exercises are performed gently.
Guidance on the Implementation
Author technique offers the first two weeks to carry out the proposed lower complex daily, then you can reduce the number of classes to two or three a week. Exercises should be done with a straight back - watch posture, otherwise the effect will not be. The first classes are recommended before a mirror - it will assess the correct implementation of technology
. A set of exercises for the neck muscles from Dr. Shishonina
1. "Metronome": tilt your head to the right shoulder, lock the position for 30 seconds and return to the SP. Perform tilt in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times, each time fixing the position of the head.
2. "Spring": Lower the chin down, lock it in place for a few seconds, and then pull it forward and slightly up (again lock position). Repeat 5 times.
3. "Goose": SP - neck is straight, chin parallel to the floor. Pull your head forward (chin, do not lower or lift), and then from this position, turn the head to the right and stretch your chin to the right shoulder. Fix the position and return to the SP. Repeat to the other side. Follow the cycle 5 times.
4. "Look at the sky": Turn the head to the right to the highest possible position, fix the position for 30 seconds. Perform the exercise in the opposite direction. Repeat cycle 5 times.
5. "Frame": Repeat the previous exercise, but now turn to the work of the shoulder girdle. To do this, place the palm of his right hand on the left shoulder (arm parallel to the floor, the palm of the second hand - knee), turn your head to the right, hold the tension for 30 seconds. Change hand positions and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
6. "The Fakir": re-adjust the position of the hands. Now, through the side, lift them up, slightly bent at the elbows and join the palms over your head. Follow the twists and turns in the previous exercises, do not forget to fix the position of the head.
7. "Heron": IP - sitting, hands on knees, chin parallel to the floor. Taps hand straight down and slightly back, head at the same time pulling upwards. Hold the tension for 30 seconds and return to the SP.
Finally, pull the muscles. To do this, push the palm of his right hand on the left side of the head and tilt it to the right shoulder. Repeat the stretching in the other direction.
Video: the physician neck exercises Shishonina
Shishonin Alexander Y. - Candidate of Medical Sciences, who developed a unique method of correction of the neck muscles.
We offer you to get acquainted with a set of exercises.

Pay attention to this set of exercises is in the presence of such problems:
• Lack of blood supply to the brain
• Pain and mobility violation
neck • Increased intracranial pressure
• Chronic migraine
• Vegetative-vascular dystonia
• Hypertension
• Vertebrobasilar
failure • Sudden dizziness
• Deterioration
memory • Drowsiness or insomnia
• Condition after trauma operations
Gymnastics is useful for neck Bubnovskogo center if you:
lead a sedentary lifestyle;
running on the computer;
subject to regular mental and psycho-emotional overload;
eat irrational and unbalanced (poor nutrition provokes accumulation of salts).
Dr. Shishonin claims - the cause of many problems in adults is the deterioration of the internal muscles of the neck - under the influence of various factors, they lose their elasticity. Over-voltage over time muscles begin to compress the nerves and blood vessels - it gives rise to painful sensations
. Gymnastics for the neck Bubnovskogo (part of the complex is assigned the name of clinic, where it was developed) is accessible to everyone. It can not hurt, because all the exercises are performed gently.
Guidance on the Implementation
Author technique offers the first two weeks to carry out the proposed lower complex daily, then you can reduce the number of classes to two or three a week. Exercises should be done with a straight back - watch posture, otherwise the effect will not be. The first classes are recommended before a mirror - it will assess the correct implementation of technology
. A set of exercises for the neck muscles from Dr. Shishonina
1. "Metronome": tilt your head to the right shoulder, lock the position for 30 seconds and return to the SP. Perform tilt in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times, each time fixing the position of the head.
2. "Spring": Lower the chin down, lock it in place for a few seconds, and then pull it forward and slightly up (again lock position). Repeat 5 times.
3. "Goose": SP - neck is straight, chin parallel to the floor. Pull your head forward (chin, do not lower or lift), and then from this position, turn the head to the right and stretch your chin to the right shoulder. Fix the position and return to the SP. Repeat to the other side. Follow the cycle 5 times.
4. "Look at the sky": Turn the head to the right to the highest possible position, fix the position for 30 seconds. Perform the exercise in the opposite direction. Repeat cycle 5 times.
5. "Frame": Repeat the previous exercise, but now turn to the work of the shoulder girdle. To do this, place the palm of his right hand on the left shoulder (arm parallel to the floor, the palm of the second hand - knee), turn your head to the right, hold the tension for 30 seconds. Change hand positions and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
6. "The Fakir": re-adjust the position of the hands. Now, through the side, lift them up, slightly bent at the elbows and join the palms over your head. Follow the twists and turns in the previous exercises, do not forget to fix the position of the head.
7. "Heron": IP - sitting, hands on knees, chin parallel to the floor. Taps hand straight down and slightly back, head at the same time pulling upwards. Hold the tension for 30 seconds and return to the SP.
Finally, pull the muscles. To do this, push the palm of his right hand on the left side of the head and tilt it to the right shoulder. Repeat the stretching in the other direction.
Video: the physician neck exercises Shishonina
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