Recipe claps with tsukatami
Each of us with trepidation and warmth relates to Easter. Since childhood, bright moments of preparation for this wonderful holiday are imprinted in memory. I loved helping my grandmother in the kitchen when she was cooking. paschal for the whole family. The cooking process seemed like magic to me. And for some reason, the taste of her baking made me utterly delighted!
Now I bake cakes myself, but I still could not repeat that taste from childhood. And then I accidentally came across a recipe kulich "Retro". He just captivated me, now I will always cook like this!
Delicious Easter cakes Ingredients
Congratulations, the holiday cakes are finally ready! You did a great job, now the most pleasant thing is to decorate. By the way, do you know what it takes to make the perfect Easter cake glaze? If not, follow the link and look!
And don’t worry if you forget the Easter traditions and signs. We will gladly remind you of everything!
Share with friends in social networks instructions on how to cook delicious step-by-stepThey will be very grateful, you will see!

Now I bake cakes myself, but I still could not repeat that taste from childhood. And then I accidentally came across a recipe kulich "Retro". He just captivated me, now I will always cook like this!
Delicious Easter cakes Ingredients
- 500g wheat flour (highest grade)
- 3 eggs
- 10 g yeast (dry yeast for muffin)
- 80 ml of milk
- 60 ml of water
- 100g sugar
- 10g salt
- 10ml vodka
- 10ml cognac
- peel 1 lemon (orange)
- 80g raisins
- 80g candied
- 100g butter
- 30g vegetable oil
- To begin with, you need to prepare an opar: mix the water, yeast, half the sugar and part of the flour in a bowl. Cover with a clean towel or cloth and leave in a warm place for 1-2 hours.
- Next, place the candied fruit in a plate or any other container, pour cognac. Leave for 30 minutes, but shake them periodically so that the candied fruit is evenly soaked. Then we need to set the cognac on fire.
- Now you should rub the egg yolks white and melt the butter.
- If the dough has already risen, you can safely add the remaining ingredients to it: rubbed yolks, sugar, flour, warm milk, salt and vodka. Mix everything well, at the very end add melted butter to the dough. Put the dough container in a warm place and wait about an hour for it to rise.
- In order not to sit idly while the dough rises, pour raisins and candies in flour. Also. beat the egg whites beforehand.
- When the dough rises, add raisins, candies, grated lemon or orange peel and egg whites.
- It remains only to lubricate the mold for cakes with vegetable oil, line with parchment and spread the dough into 1\3 volume of form. As you know, God loves the trinity.So we're still putting our stuff in a warm place.
- Well, if all the previous stages were successfully overcome, warm the oven to 200 degrees and put the cakes baked for 30-40 minutes.
Congratulations, the holiday cakes are finally ready! You did a great job, now the most pleasant thing is to decorate. By the way, do you know what it takes to make the perfect Easter cake glaze? If not, follow the link and look!

And don’t worry if you forget the Easter traditions and signs. We will gladly remind you of everything!
Share with friends in social networks instructions on how to cook delicious step-by-stepThey will be very grateful, you will see!
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