How to rejuvenate the area around the eyes
The skin around the eyes is one of the most delicate and age-sensitive lots. It is from this part of our face that it is easy to determine that a woman is far from 25.
Care for the skin around the eyes You can take care of the other areas of the skin, but it is the skin. skin It will always require special care and attention.
The best option would be complex careIt includes both massage and all kinds of creams and gels.
Today our editorial board has prepared for you. simple exercises for self-massageYou can do it in almost any environment, both at home and at work.
This complex is often used in Asian beauty salons Masks and other cosmetic procedures. It was originally invented by Japanese beauticians and is called Shiatsu.
The name comes from a few words: “press” and “finger”. And it was invented by Japanese Tokujiro Namikoshi for the treatment of arthritis. He used his knowledge of the anatomy of the human face and added several Tibetan health technologies.
Tokujiro himself lived for about a hundred years and looked great. younger than. The Japanese didn’t invent the wheel, he said his techniques were based on our instincts. We're sure you've rubbed a place that hurts a lot.
Why does this acupressure work? The point is that by pressing certain points, you improve blood circulation As a result, all exchange processes are much more successful.
When performing this massage, do not forget that there is no need for too strong pressing and excessive pressure. Push the dots so that you are comfortably.
Our editorial board offers you to practice daily not only Japanese facial massage, but also to try soap massage. Soap massage is good because it removes toxins, and also starts lymphatic drainage processes.
Many people already know about the benefits of self-massage, but it is especially worth bearing in mind that this massage is needed in old age.
We also recommend trying facial massage from the famous osteopath Alexander Smirnov.

Care for the skin around the eyes You can take care of the other areas of the skin, but it is the skin. skin It will always require special care and attention.

The best option would be complex careIt includes both massage and all kinds of creams and gels.

Today our editorial board has prepared for you. simple exercises for self-massageYou can do it in almost any environment, both at home and at work.
This complex is often used in Asian beauty salons Masks and other cosmetic procedures. It was originally invented by Japanese beauticians and is called Shiatsu.

The name comes from a few words: “press” and “finger”. And it was invented by Japanese Tokujiro Namikoshi for the treatment of arthritis. He used his knowledge of the anatomy of the human face and added several Tibetan health technologies.

Tokujiro himself lived for about a hundred years and looked great. younger than. The Japanese didn’t invent the wheel, he said his techniques were based on our instincts. We're sure you've rubbed a place that hurts a lot.
Why does this acupressure work? The point is that by pressing certain points, you improve blood circulation As a result, all exchange processes are much more successful.
When performing this massage, do not forget that there is no need for too strong pressing and excessive pressure. Push the dots so that you are comfortably.
- In order to bridge out Press three fingers, index, middle and ring, to the area between the eyebrows. Press only with the pads of your fingers and hold your hand for about 10 seconds. Be sure to repeat this exercise twice.
- To rejuvenate the skin under the eyes, place three fingers of each hand under the eyes, on the bones. Duration of pressing is 10 seconds.
- Getting rid of edema is also very simple. This exercise is especially useful for middle-aged women. Skin care around the eyes after 30 It is very important for any girl who wants to look good.
Press your index fingers on the inner corners of your eyes and hold your fingers for 3 seconds. There is another option for the same exercise. To do this, you need to make a “fork” from the index and middle fingers and press them against the eyes. - One of the most pressing problems of women of Balzac age is “crow’s feet”. Anyone. Skin care around the eyes for women over 40 Exercise against one of the most obvious signs of age.
Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and well. warm up. After that, you can slightly pull the muscles of the face to the temples. Be sure to pull the muscles, not the skin. - It often happens that with age, the eyebrows seem to drop slightly on the face, this is a normal phenomenon, but you can successfully deal with it with the help of massage.
To do this, place your fingers on the inner and outer end of the eyebrows, as well as in the center of each. Push a little and make pulling moves up.
Our editorial board offers you to practice daily not only Japanese facial massage, but also to try soap massage. Soap massage is good because it removes toxins, and also starts lymphatic drainage processes.
Many people already know about the benefits of self-massage, but it is especially worth bearing in mind that this massage is needed in old age.
We also recommend trying facial massage from the famous osteopath Alexander Smirnov.