Secrets of health of Alexander Myasnikov
Do you often think it’s time to get in shape? You should at least do exercises in the morning and eat right. I’ll probably start on Monday or next week, when I’m not so busy, you say to yourself, but you forget again, and when you think about it again, you wonder why you didn’t start sooner.
“Now the years are not the same and things are in bulk...” How to get in shape In such conditions? – again you sigh...
If such thoughts come to you, we will help dispel all doubts and show that you can feel good and be in excellent physical shape at any age and at any degree of employment.
Editorial "Site" Opens the secret of eternal youth of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov, for a clear example that you can be healthy, cheerful and fit under any circumstances. There would be a wish.
65-year-old Alexander Myasnikov looks and feels no more than 30. Once upon a time, he formulated for himself. healthy lifestyle And I've been sticking to them ever since. Seeing that they really work, the doctor decided to tell everyone about them who, like him, wants to be healthy, successful and enjoy every minute of his life at 30, 60, or 90 years old.
Since childhood, we have heard that we need to be able to accept and love ourselves as we are. Undoubtedly, to understand that ideal people do not exist, to know your strengths and weaknesses, to accept yourself is necessary for a healthy and fulfilling existence. However, Alexander Myasnikov believes that you should not love yourself lazy, always finding excuses, not able to organize and pick yourself up at the right time.
Instead, he advises you to stop feeling sorry for yourself and learn not to grunt at the slightest inconvenience. The doctor recommends looking for physical activity in everything to constantly stay in shape. In his opinion, physical activity should become a way of life, a way of life where exercises are performed automatically, without unnecessary reminders. Between the stairs and the elevator - choose the steps, instead of coffee in the morning - a glass of clean water, and if you want to watch an interesting talk show - watch, squatting, not lying on the couch.
“Always remember one indisputable truth: you always have plenty of time for exercise! Whatever happens at home and at work! If you do not have enough, then you have not seriously decided to take care of yourself! For 10 minutes a few times a day you can’t find – don’t make me laugh!
It is also important to learn to control and overcome yourself. Give up what gives you pleasure if it harms your body. Do what you don’t want or can’t do if it’s good for your health. Overcome the desire to eat your favorite smoked sausage and eat an apple instead or bite a carrot. Refuse to sit in public transport, because the usual five stops before work can be passed and standing, without applying any effort, except volitional.
Always watch your posture, be an example to your surroundings, act as if you are always the center of attention. This will make you more confident in yourself and your abilities. Myasnikov explains that without strong will it is impossible to make your body strong.
But most importantly, it's the mood with which you get started. There is always at least a little reason to be happy. Be able to disconnect from everyday problems and concentrate on something good, so as not to lose motivation for further development. And always stay on a positive wave will help you recommendations Tatiana Chernihivskaya to overcome stress.
Share an article with friends on social networks and remember that for a noticeable result, the exercises must be performed regularly.
“Now the years are not the same and things are in bulk...” How to get in shape In such conditions? – again you sigh...

If such thoughts come to you, we will help dispel all doubts and show that you can feel good and be in excellent physical shape at any age and at any degree of employment.
Editorial "Site" Opens the secret of eternal youth of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov, for a clear example that you can be healthy, cheerful and fit under any circumstances. There would be a wish.

65-year-old Alexander Myasnikov looks and feels no more than 30. Once upon a time, he formulated for himself. healthy lifestyle And I've been sticking to them ever since. Seeing that they really work, the doctor decided to tell everyone about them who, like him, wants to be healthy, successful and enjoy every minute of his life at 30, 60, or 90 years old.

Since childhood, we have heard that we need to be able to accept and love ourselves as we are. Undoubtedly, to understand that ideal people do not exist, to know your strengths and weaknesses, to accept yourself is necessary for a healthy and fulfilling existence. However, Alexander Myasnikov believes that you should not love yourself lazy, always finding excuses, not able to organize and pick yourself up at the right time.

Instead, he advises you to stop feeling sorry for yourself and learn not to grunt at the slightest inconvenience. The doctor recommends looking for physical activity in everything to constantly stay in shape. In his opinion, physical activity should become a way of life, a way of life where exercises are performed automatically, without unnecessary reminders. Between the stairs and the elevator - choose the steps, instead of coffee in the morning - a glass of clean water, and if you want to watch an interesting talk show - watch, squatting, not lying on the couch.

“Always remember one indisputable truth: you always have plenty of time for exercise! Whatever happens at home and at work! If you do not have enough, then you have not seriously decided to take care of yourself! For 10 minutes a few times a day you can’t find – don’t make me laugh!

It is also important to learn to control and overcome yourself. Give up what gives you pleasure if it harms your body. Do what you don’t want or can’t do if it’s good for your health. Overcome the desire to eat your favorite smoked sausage and eat an apple instead or bite a carrot. Refuse to sit in public transport, because the usual five stops before work can be passed and standing, without applying any effort, except volitional.

Always watch your posture, be an example to your surroundings, act as if you are always the center of attention. This will make you more confident in yourself and your abilities. Myasnikov explains that without strong will it is impossible to make your body strong.

But most importantly, it's the mood with which you get started. There is always at least a little reason to be happy. Be able to disconnect from everyday problems and concentrate on something good, so as not to lose motivation for further development. And always stay on a positive wave will help you recommendations Tatiana Chernihivskaya to overcome stress.

Share an article with friends on social networks and remember that for a noticeable result, the exercises must be performed regularly.