How to cook chicken pancakes with mushrooms

Sometimes there are situations when there is no time and desire to cook something refined and low-calorie. I just want to eat well, gain strength and go on with my business.

This is the case for our editorial board. "Site" I made this recipe. Actually, pancake - a popular favorite dish. The ingredients are the simplest, time does not take so much, but tasty - fingers are close!

Chicken breast pancakes Ingredients
  • 300g chicken breasts
  • 400g potatoes boiled in uniform
  • 600g of champignon
  • 1 bulb
  • 100g melted cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 8 tbsp flour
  • 200 ml of milk
  • salt, black pepper to taste
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. sour cream or mayonnaise

  1. Lightly roast the finely chopped onions. Then add to it finely sliced mushrooms and fry 5-7 minutes.

  2. Add melted cheese and carcasses over a slow heat for about 15 minutes.

  3. Chicken breasts cut and add to a cream mixture of mushrooms and onions. Carcasses 10 minutes, cool after.

  4. The resulting mass of chips with potatoes in a meat grinder. Add eggs, milk, flour, seasonings. Stir it.

  5. Spoon the dough on a hot pan with vegetable oil. Roast both sides.

  6. Keep the pancakes warm on the table.

  7. For pancakes very well suited sour cream or mayonnaise.

Of course, this dish is not very refined. But mayonnaise Very well cope with their task: nutritious and tasty feed the whole family.

Sometimes you can relax and not think about the hand of the scales for at least a day. The main thing is that eating such high-calorie dishes does not become a habit. Bon appetit!


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