How to prepare buckwheat pancakes with mushrooms
How many? cooking methodsOther than boiling, you know? It turns out that simple buckwheat can be turned into fragrant pancakes. Buckwheat pancakes are an independent dish or an unusual garnish for meat.
Editorial "Site" They will tell you how to prepare original pancake Meat and mushrooms.
To prepare 6 servings of this dish, you will need 60 minutes. Pancakes can be prepared from both buckwheat and flakes.
Buckwheat cakes Ingredients for pancakes
Meat and mushroom ingredients
Cooking pancakes
Cooking meat with mushrooms
If you try, for an hour you can “enchant” this unusual, hearty and very tasty dish. Good luck with your cooking!

Editorial "Site" They will tell you how to prepare original pancake Meat and mushrooms.
To prepare 6 servings of this dish, you will need 60 minutes. Pancakes can be prepared from both buckwheat and flakes.
Buckwheat cakes Ingredients for pancakes
- 100g buckwheat flakes (or buckwheat cereals)
- 2 eggs
- 500 ml of milk
- 180g flour
- 10g sugar
- 5g yeast
- salt (to taste)
- vegetable oil (for frying)
Meat and mushroom ingredients
- 400g pork
- 150 mushrooms
- 100g onion
- 100g sour cream
- 200ml cream
- 2 cloves of garlic
- salt (to taste)
- vegetable oil (for cooking)
Cooking pancakes
- Cooking pancakes from buckwheat is a little more difficult than from flakes. But if there is no other option, no problem. First, wash the buckwheat, put it in a pan and pour water to the level of cereals. You need to boil it until the water completely evaporates. After pouring the milk, add the sugar and bring it to a boil. Then use a blender to grind the resulting mass and let it cool. When it is warm, proceed to the third cooking step.
- But with cereals of care many times less! To prepare buckwheat dough, just pour hot milk cereal and let them cool to a warm state. The flakes will swell during this time and will be ready for the next stage.
- Add yeast and flour to the warm gruel. Stir everything thoroughly to a homogeneous mass. Leave the dough for 30 minutes to fit.
- After half an hour, beat 2 eggs into the dough and salt to taste. If the dough is liquid, you can safely add a little more flour. Leave the dough to stand for another 15 minutes if you have time. Warm up the pan with oil and lay out 1-1.5 tbsp. l dough. We roast to roast on both sides on a medium heat. Buckwheat pancakes will look a little different.
Cooking meat with mushrooms
- While the first time the pancake dough is suitable, you can cook the meat with mushrooms. To begin, cut the mushrooms with thin plates, onions with cubes, and garlic with small pieces.
- Then cut the meat into small pieces and roast on a strong heat until a golden crust. Then send onions and vegetables to the meat. All together fry another 2-3 minutes.
- Add salt, pepper to taste and pour sour cream with cream. Stir the meat with mushrooms to homogeneity and after boiling, reduce the fire to medium. Cover the meat with vegetables lid, stew 2-3 minutes and turn off.
- Finally, we can put on a plate a few buckwheat pancakes and next to meat with mushrooms. Bon appetit!
If you try, for an hour you can “enchant” this unusual, hearty and very tasty dish. Good luck with your cooking!