How to learn to enjoy life

My husband said I wasn’t developing and my hands dropped. A life full of joy“It turned into a series of gray everyday life,” Tamara writes.

“We have been living together for over ten years. It seemed that everything was fine: the way of life was adjusted, bought an apartment, both earn and practically do not quarrel. But the other day, my husband said a phrase that completely knocked me off track.

“You’re stuck on the same level and you’re no longer evolving as a person,” he told me. After that, it was like I was replaced. Everything seems meaningless, and I don’t want anything at all. I don’t understand how to let go of the offense and return the feeling of joy to life.

Sometimes each of us has to face unpleasant assessments from others. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to quickly cope with sadness and restore energy. Editorial "Site" He will help you in this difficult matter and tell you, How to get rid of apathy And drive away resentment against a loved one.

How to let go of resentment: Every person in society receives positive or negative assessments. Depending on praise or censure, a person’s self-esteem becomes higher and lower. The goal of someone who aspires to become truly free is to get rid of addiction to get sticks and carrots and score points for himself, writes psychologist Arina Lipkina.

To increase self-esteem and become more energetic, you need to take risks and do something completely new and complex. Only by trying to cope with a difficult task can a person understand what he is really capable of and in what direction he should move forward.

There is no need to worry if something cannot be done. In any case, the main thing is not to stay in the comfort zone, but to try to overcome yourself. And to betray the strength for new achievements and serve as a support for you will be the sincere love of the second half, as well as the support of loved ones.

Psychologists say that it is very important to share your experiences with loved ones in order to achieve maximum mutual understanding in any relationship.

In Tamara’s case, the husband could simply speak out without thinking about the consequences. Maybe he just wanted to push our narrator to new beginnings, but he chose too harsh wording, which led to a negative reaction of his wife.


In any case, do not dwell on other people’s words and assessments of others. What matters is what happens inside you and what kind of person you see yourself as. If the words of your husband hurt your feelings so much, maybe you just said something that you have long thought yourself, but did not dare to voice?


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