Intelligence depends on what kind of music do you listen to

The lowest results in tests for determination of the coefficient of intelligence shown by those who for many years interested in hip-hop and r'n'b. Rappers, so called the most "narrow-minded" among all subjects. For the tests used to determine the classical IQ, as well as on traditional tests on the school curriculum, which was included basic general education material. Higher rates were at their peers who prefer classical and symphonic music. To the great chagrin of parents, those kids who like heavy music and rock - the owners of some of the highest level of intelligence.
Some results were unexpected for scientists says science and technology: "One of the things that surprised us the most - is that people who love classical music and heavy metal, are very similar. And those and others - individual creativity and enjoyment, but not very sociable, "- said the professor. "In society there is a stereotype of heavy rock fan as the person who is in a deep depression and suicidal, it is assumed that the rockers - the dangerous elements of society. In fact, they are harmless and even beneficial to the society as a whole. This is a very delicate nature "- adds the scientist.
Musical styles and peculiar traits of their fans:
* BLUES - High self-esteem, creative, outgoing, gentle and calm.
* JAZZ - High self-esteem, creative, sociable, calm.
* CLASSICAL MUSIC - High self-esteem, creative, introverted, quiet.
* RAP - High self-esteem, sociable.
* OPERA - High self-esteem, creative, gentle.
* COUNTRY AND WESTERN - industrious, sociable.
* REGGAE - High self-esteem, creative, not laborer, sociable, gentle and calm.
* DANCE - Creative, sociable.
* INDIE - Low self-esteem, creative, not laborer, restless.
* BOLLYWOOD (Indian Hollywood) - creative, communicative, restless.
* ROCK / HEAVY METAL - Low self-esteem, creative, not laborer, not outgoing, gentle and calm.
* CHART POP - High self-esteem, not creative, hardworking, outgoing, gentle and calm.
* SOUL - High self-esteem, creative, outgoing, gentle and calm.