How to make cheese soup with sausages

Hunting sausages are an extremely versatile delicacy that can be chosen as an additional ingredient for a large number of dishes. These sausages very successfully fit into the Slavic cuisine, they are cooked together with potatoes, porridge, fry separately, but hunting sausages in combination with cheese soup are especially interesting.
To make cheese soup with hunting sausages, we will need:
- 3-4 potatoes;
- 1.5-2 liters of chicken broth;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 head of onions;
- about 300 grams of hunting sausages;
- a little butter;
- melted cheese;
If desired, the finished soup can be sprinkled with dill on top. This will add spiciness to the dish, and at the same time complement the home atmosphere of soup with hunting sausages.
Preparation for cooking should begin with cutting potatoes. They should be mashed in small cubes, and the carrots rubbed through the grater. The sausages themselves should be cut with straw. The finished mixture is seasoned with finely chopped onions. After that, the potatoes should be placed in chicken broth and cooked so for the next ten to fifteen minutes.
In the meantime, other components can be prepared. Adding butter to the pan, warm it up and add onions, sausages and carrots. They should be fried for no more than three minutes. After this time, ready-made ingredients are added to the broth with potatoes. To the contents of the pan add melted cheese. The soup should be mixed until the cheese is completely melted. After that, the soup can be considered finished. It remains only to pour it on plates or saucers, and if you want to add a little dill or other greens.