If I heard this phrase on the phone — hang up
Seventy two million eight hundred seventy seven thousand eight hundred ninety four
Two million one hundred twenty nine thousand three hundred twenty five
A phone Scam is already far not new, but over time, fraudsters come up with more sophisticated scheme of deception.
Site draws your attention to a relatively new type of fraud and encourages you to read this article.
Sixty two million five hundred forty six thousand six hundred thirty eight
If your phone rings and someone asks:"Can you hear me?» — hang up. The scammer tries to write a response «yeah» your voice, thus having the opportunity to use sound recording for shopping or other such operations.
In some cases "Yes" is a verbal contract, clicking "I agree" or "I accept" for online purchases. It's called voice signature and is legally used by many companies to confirm your changes or payment services.
Fifty three million four hundred forty nine thousand seven hundred fifty two
Even if you think that in a conversation with a stranger it's not polite to hang up, it's not, sometimes it can really help.
According to the materials of newyork.cbslocal, news10
See also
9 tips that may one day save your life
How to understand that before you cheat
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/kak-ponyat-chto-pered-vami-moshennik-1403515/
Two million one hundred twenty nine thousand three hundred twenty five
A phone Scam is already far not new, but over time, fraudsters come up with more sophisticated scheme of deception.
Site draws your attention to a relatively new type of fraud and encourages you to read this article.
Sixty two million five hundred forty six thousand six hundred thirty eight
If your phone rings and someone asks:"Can you hear me?» — hang up. The scammer tries to write a response «yeah» your voice, thus having the opportunity to use sound recording for shopping or other such operations.
In some cases "Yes" is a verbal contract, clicking "I agree" or "I accept" for online purchases. It's called voice signature and is legally used by many companies to confirm your changes or payment services.
Fifty three million four hundred forty nine thousand seven hundred fifty two
- Don't answer phone calls from unfamiliar numbers. If you accept the challenge, you confirm that the room work. It can then be sold to other scammers database.
- If you answer a call in an unfamiliar room, skeptical of strangers asking questions that assume the answer is "Yes". This could be the question "can You hear me?", "A good time?""You the landlord?"etc. A reasonable answer to any of these questions: "Who are you and why do you want to know?»
- Configure the system to automatically send unknown numbers to Voicemail. Scammers do not leave messages.
- Do not give strangers personal information, even if they claim that they are employees of a company you know.
Even if you think that in a conversation with a stranger it's not polite to hang up, it's not, sometimes it can really help.
According to the materials of newyork.cbslocal, news10
See also
9 tips that may one day save your life
How to understand that before you cheat
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/kak-ponyat-chto-pered-vami-moshennik-1403515/
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