7-year-old girl and her mother masterfully transform into heroines of Disney
Sixty one million one hundred sixty three thousand four hundred ninety four
Photographer Camille Corts (Camillia Courts) invented a very unusual method to help my 7-year-old daughter to gain confidence in yourself. Every month little Leila (Layla) is reincarnated in a new disney character.
We are at the Site just could not pass up this amazing project.
7-year-old Leila was very shy as a child. However, playing dress-up have helped her to overcome stiffness and become more open.
It all began 2 years ago, when she and her mother, a professional photographer Camilla Corts, visited the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique in Disneyland, where every child can try on the image of the beloved disney character.
Their first pictures turned out so great that they decided not to stop.
And now every month Leila becomes the center of a new exciting photoshoot.
Their favorite photo shoot was "the little Mermaid", where Leila turned to Ariel and Camilla in Ursula.
Costumes Camille and Leila often sew themselves. If the outfit is too difficult, turn to the seamstresses.
The fantasy of family is not limited to the disney heroines. For example, the girl managed to get Princess Leia from "Star wars".
Yet most of all little Layla loves to dress up in cartoon princesses.
Now the Duo mother and daughter already more than 42 000 followers on Instagram.
Makeup artist: @missymackintosh!
Source CamilliaCourtsPhoto, disneyinspiredphoto
Photo on preview @disneyinspiredphoto, @disneyinspiredphoto
According to the materials Boredpanda
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Fucking genius cosplay
18-year-old woman sews dresses, from which it is impossible to tear your eyes
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Photographer Camille Corts (Camillia Courts) invented a very unusual method to help my 7-year-old daughter to gain confidence in yourself. Every month little Leila (Layla) is reincarnated in a new disney character.
We are at the Site just could not pass up this amazing project.

7-year-old Leila was very shy as a child. However, playing dress-up have helped her to overcome stiffness and become more open.

It all began 2 years ago, when she and her mother, a professional photographer Camilla Corts, visited the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique in Disneyland, where every child can try on the image of the beloved disney character.

Their first pictures turned out so great that they decided not to stop.

And now every month Leila becomes the center of a new exciting photoshoot.

Their favorite photo shoot was "the little Mermaid", where Leila turned to Ariel and Camilla in Ursula.

Costumes Camille and Leila often sew themselves. If the outfit is too difficult, turn to the seamstresses.

The fantasy of family is not limited to the disney heroines. For example, the girl managed to get Princess Leia from "Star wars".

Yet most of all little Layla loves to dress up in cartoon princesses.

Now the Duo mother and daughter already more than 42 000 followers on Instagram.
Makeup artist: @missymackintosh!
Source CamilliaCourtsPhoto, disneyinspiredphoto
Photo on preview @disneyinspiredphoto, @disneyinspiredphoto
According to the materials Boredpanda
See also
Fucking genius cosplay
18-year-old woman sews dresses, from which it is impossible to tear your eyes
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/18-letnyaya-devushka-shet-platya-ot-kotoryh-nevozmozhno-otorvat-glaz-928760/
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