Do not rush to lose weight! It is necessary to know everyone in the measurement of weight.
Libra is the subject, the numbers on the scale which set the mood of the woman for the whole day. Most of us every morning jump out of bed and rush to the scales to feel cherished weight loss, even if it is only 300 grams.
But have you ever had something that you sit on a grueling diet for several days, and the scales do not change or become even more than they were before? The editors of the"Site" decided to find out why and whether you believe the numbers of mechanical and electronic pacing.
How to measure westaway imagine a woman, muscle mass 45 kg, and fat — 15 pounds. Overall, her weight is 60 kilograms, but for some reason the scale shows that 57 kg, 64 kg. And most importantly — in its mode and power nothing changes.
Most rely on the scales as the last instance in the issue of weight loss, rather than to analyze the state of your body as a whole. To measure your real weight, you need to consider a number of factors.
The factors affecting the swing weight
The scales by themselves are useless. To find out your true weight, you need to consider the following indicators.
Also, if you control your weight, you need to know the basic indicators of the ratio of the height, weight and age.
Now you don't have to be depressed and torture themselves with all sorts of diets, if you see on the scales is just something extra three pounds. Share useful information with your friends!
The author
Oksana Dudnik Loves painting, ready to admire the pictures all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sport supported by sports category in sailing! Xenia prefers meat dishes, can not imagine a day without them. Favorite book charming girls — "the Emperor" Niccolo Machiavelli.
But have you ever had something that you sit on a grueling diet for several days, and the scales do not change or become even more than they were before? The editors of the"Site" decided to find out why and whether you believe the numbers of mechanical and electronic pacing.

How to measure westaway imagine a woman, muscle mass 45 kg, and fat — 15 pounds. Overall, her weight is 60 kilograms, but for some reason the scale shows that 57 kg, 64 kg. And most importantly — in its mode and power nothing changes.
Most rely on the scales as the last instance in the issue of weight loss, rather than to analyze the state of your body as a whole. To measure your real weight, you need to consider a number of factors.
The factors affecting the swing weight
- The most important thing to consider are the amount of water. The body by any means tries to maintain the water-salt balance, therefore, the less fluid enters, the more he keeps it inside to function properly. That's why the weight of bad leaves in the intense heat. As soon as it starts raining or a little colder — the body immediately "give" a liter of fluid, because at the moment they are not useful.
- Glycogen. Every gram of carbohydrate that your body stores in the form of this element, additionally three grams of water. If you ate a piece of cake, and in the morning I stepped on the scale, don't be scared, it's not extra pounds of fat and water. From it easy to get rid of. But not too much sweet.
- Weight in women can vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Not only because of the increased appetite, but also due to swelling. This is most evident in the last week before starting a new cycle. Therefore, to measure weight in this period is undesirable — just depress you.
- Swelling. If you dramatically increased the salt content in the diet, it will likely trigger a jump in weight gain. Accordingly, if you're eating less salt, the weight will decrease. Remember that the body adapts to stable level of consumption of salt due to release of the hormone aldosterone. If in the average diet from a bag of salted peanuts with you nothing happens, then after a long salt-free diet will "pour" from one nut.
Also severe swelling can be a sign of disorders in the kidneys.
The scales by themselves are useless. To find out your true weight, you need to consider the following indicators.
- The waist size. To be sure, do three repeats each week: navel, two inches above and five inches below. If taking into account all indicators, the waist has become less likely, the amount of fat in your body successfully is reduced, and Vice versa. Can also measure the volume of the thighs and other parts of the body.
- The level of energy. If your diet is aimed at creating a caloric deficit in the body, the level of activity will be a great indicator of success. When the scales reflected a greater number of pounds, but you feel strong and energetic, remember you build muscle mass (it is known to be at the same volume is heavier than fat).
- Swelling. If in the morning your eyelids are more like little pillows, it is better not to torment yourself by weighing, but to wait until the body will get rid of excess fluid. For this is enough some days to eat right and keep drinking regime.
Also, if you control your weight, you need to know the basic indicators of the ratio of the height, weight and age.

Now you don't have to be depressed and torture themselves with all sorts of diets, if you see on the scales is just something extra three pounds. Share useful information with your friends!
The author

Oksana Dudnik Loves painting, ready to admire the pictures all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sport supported by sports category in sailing! Xenia prefers meat dishes, can not imagine a day without them. Favorite book charming girls — "the Emperor" Niccolo Machiavelli.
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