Summer cocktails for weight loss

On a hot summer day is so nice to drink a cold smoothie, especially after sunbathing. Offer you you the best recipes of drinks that are not only useful but also contribute to weight loss. Do and try!
Yogurt cocktail
Mix 125 g low-fat yogurt, 125 ml of mineral water, 2 tablespoons diced cucumber and chopped mint leaves. This cocktail satisfies. Enjoy this drink before the main meal in the evening, or if you want to eat something.
Grapefruit cocktail
Mix 200 ml of grapefruit juice, 100 ml of green tea and a small piece of fresh grated ginger tuber. Better to enjoy these cocktails for half an hour before the main meal. Drink stimulates the metabolism, fat from main meal is burned faster.
Banana smoothie
All fruits, the banana has the lowest salt content and high potassium content. Salt binds water, and potassium is a diuretic. It is rich in fiber, magnesium and vitamins. Mix 175 ml banana juice, 75 ml chilled skimmed milk, 75 ml of chilled tea with orange flavor, 1 teaspoon of coconut flakes and 2-3 mint leaves.

Mango cocktail
Mango is rich in vitamin a and promotes fat metabolism. Make mango puree using a blender, fill glass with passion fruit nectar, add ice cubes.
A cocktail of kiwi and Apple
Apple – healthy, low-calorie fruit, in the shell and the pulp which contains ballast substances. Cheese and yogurt — the valuable protein and calcium to strengthen bones. Mix with a mixer finely chopped apples, one kiwi, 3 tablespoons of low fat cream cheese and 4 tablespoons of natural yogurt. Also add ice and water.

Source: /users/104