A strict diet is a health risk

those who reduce weight gradually using less aggressive measures, adhering to a moderate diet, according to analysis carried out by experts from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
As it turned out, fast weight loss is characterized by loss of muscle mass and massive collapse of myoglobin – protein in muscle fibers, and often leads to the development of gallstones. Very low-calorie diets increase the production of cholesterol and bilirubin, as well as the emergence of problems with the emptying of the gallbladder.
In a study conducted by Swedish scientists participated 6640 people, half of which was on a strict diet (only 500 calories per day), and the other half followed a moderate low-calorie diet of 1200-1500 calories a day. As it turned out, a strict diet accompanied with development of gallstone disease three times more often than moderate.
Source: /users/1077