Salad Brush for weight loss
Heaviness in the stomach, body stomach, excess weight – all of these problems will help you to decide the diet diet.
Salad Brush for weight loss – healthy dish rich in fiber, a great cleansing the gut and bringing the minimum calories.
Please note: there are several recipes of cooking.
Variants of preparation of salad Brush
When making salads, use only raw vegetables. Salt and other seasonings are excluded.
Recipe No. 1
• Beets – 1 piece
• Carrots – 1 piece
• Cabbage or Chinese cabbage – 1 piece
• Team greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions, etc.)
• Lemon juice diluted with water – to taste
Vegetables and greens, wash, chop, mix and add diluted lemon juice (you can use undiluted juice, but in this case, the salad will be less juicy). Salad put in a container and for 30-40 minutes refrigerate. Before use, add a little vegetable oil.

Recipe No. 2
• Beets – 1 piece
• Carrots – 1 piece
• Celery root – 1 part.
• Cabbage – 2 pieces
• Team greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions, etc.)
• Soaked in water onions – 4-5 PCs.
• Lemon juice – to taste
Roots brush and RUB on a coarse grater. Soaked prunes cut into slices, green chop. Shred cabbage and lightly press with your hands. Mix all ingredients, season with lemon juice (can add a little water to the salad was more juicy). Add a little vegetable before eating meals.
Recipe No. 3
• Beets and onions – 1 PC.
• Carrots – 3 PCs.
• Sour apples – 2 PCs.
• Prunes and dried apricots – 0.5 tbsp.
• Cranberries – 0.5 tbsp.
Roots brush and RUB on a grater. Peeled onions cut. Apples clear from the core (leave the peel), cut into strips. Dried fruit, soaked in water, cut. Cranberries wash. All the ingredients connect, sprinkle with lemon juice and stir.
Recipe No. 4
• Carrots – 1 piece
• Black radish – 1/4 part
• Beets – 1 piece
• Garlic – 1 clove
• Team greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions, etc.)
• Juice of lemon or orange
Roots brush, grate. Greens finely chop, garlic chop. Mix all ingredients, season with citrus juice and oil.
Recipe No. 5
• Celery (root) – 1 PC.
• Cabbage or Chinese cabbage – 500 g
• Onions – 2 PCs.
• Bulgarian pepper – 2 PCs.
• Tomatoes – 2 PCs.
• Team greens
• Lemon juice
Celery clean and grate. Cabbage shred. Tomatoes cut into slices. Pepper free from the seed box and cut. Greens finely chop. Onions chop. All connect and fill with lemon juice.

Ways of using salad
Salad brush promotes weight loss – with this statement is difficult to argue. What are ways to lose weight nutritionists offer us?
Method # 1 (fasting days)
Salad, cooked any of the recipes you need to eat for 1 or 2 days. Optimal rate – 6-8 tbsp. of salad per day. To Supplement the diet only liquid – water without gas, unsweetened herbal teas, green tea. Throughout the day, it takes about 500 grams of excess weight.
Method # 2 (Salat, as one of the main meals)
You can use a salad instead of one of the meals. As practice shows, the best results are achieved by eating a salad instead of dinner (after this until the morning, any food is eliminated, you can only drink unsweetened green tea or water). Throughout the day you can eat in the usual way, but no frills (it is recommended to control the amount of sugar, salt and fats). For the week manages to drop 1 kg or more (all depends on the initial weight and the range of used products).
Salad brush, you should not eat in case of serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (consult your doctor).
Salad Brush for weight loss – rich in vitamins a dish that help to cleanse the body and to adjust the shape.
Reviews say that when cooking you need to show imagination. Different people have the same vegetables can cause a completely different reaction. The only rule is the use of a non-starchy, fiber rich vegetables.
Source: updiet.info/
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