Five simple Tibetan exercises that will give you health

There are five simple Tibetan exercises that restore youth, health and livelihood of the organism.And even one of them useful, but better to do all five.Lamas call them rites, rituals.All you have to do at first is to begin to practice the five exercises with three repetitions each and gradually bringing to 21.
You need to deal with daily.
Duration of employment approximately 20 minutes.Well trained people can handle for 10.
Paramount importance and mental state.Agree: some of them look 40 years old, and the other and 60 remain young.Remove from the head representations of themselves as weak, sick, aging man.Get used to the way energetic and young.
Externally it is simple, if the game is constantly doing this.You need to stand straight with his arms outstretched horizontally.Then spin around until you get dizzy.Important: you should rotate from left to right.That is, if you put it on the floor watch with the dial up, you should vratitsa in the same direction as the clock hands.Initially, the majority of you are able to repeat this exercise only 5-6 times before the dizziness.For beginners won't need to.If, after this rotation you will want to lie down or sit down, do so immediately.So did I.Over time, performing the entire complex, you will be able to rotate more and more, distancing moment of vertigo.By the way, avoid the dizzy dancers? They focus the gaze on a point directly in front of him and starting to spin, they keep your gaze on it as long as possible.What you need to know, when performing the first ritual exercise?
Lama not adjusted the rotation to the extreme, enough 21 the rotation.More is not necessary.
To make it even easier.Lie on your back face up.Better on thick pad lying on your back stretch your arms along the body, palms on floor with fingers locked in.Then raise your head from the floor, pressing your chin to your chest.By doing this you raise your legs straight in a vertical position.If you can, bring the legs over the body to the head, but not bending their knees.Then slowly lower your head and legs, knees straight, to the floor.Relax all the muscles.Repeat, each time making sure the rhythm: a deep breath while lifting legs and head: a full breath out when lowering.The deeper you breathe, the better.Lama recommend weak and frail to begin this exercise with leg lifts in a bent knee position.
Kneel straight body.Put your hands on your hips.Tilt your head and neck forward, tucking your chin to your chest.Then swing as far as you can head back and at the same time atlantides back, bending the spine.Being bent, lean on hands on hips.Go back to the original position and start the exercise again.
At first it will seem difficult, but after a week it will be as simple as the rest.
Sit on the floor, stretching out his legs, parting them.Torso straight, place the palms on the floor along the torso.Tuck your chin to your chest, then tilt your head back as far as possible.At the same time raise your body so that your knees bent and hands straight, body in a straight line with the hips horizontal to the floor.Arms and legs below the knees lowered to the floor.Tighten every muscle in the body.When you return to the original sitting position, the muscles relax.
Many people, especially older people, believe that if they can't perform well exercise from the very beginning, there is no benefit from it will not.But it's not.Do the best that you can and will see what happens in a month.The results will be satisfactory.
When performing this exercise, the face is facing down to the floor.The torso supported with your hands, palms resting on the floor, toes bent.Arms and legs straight, two feet from each other.The back is omitted, so that the torso is in a bent position.Now tilt your head back as far as possible.Then, arching the lower back, put the body in a position opposite the letter "V".At the same time primite your chin to your chest.Return to starting position.By the end of the first week, you will find this position one of the easiest.Keep breathing, don't forget to strain the muscles.Lifting the torso in a deep breath; lowering-a full exhalation.
To begin each exercise repeat three times.Then each week the number doubles and in the end brought to 21.If you and after seven weeks, it will be difficult to repeat the first exercise 21 times, nothing to worry about.Bring the rotation gradually, no matter how many going on this time... Exercises can be performed in the morning and evening, at any time.Vary the load, see for being.
Source: /users/1077