The secret of the youthful appearance and vivacity of Tibetan monks, kept in the deepest secret for hundreds of years, became available to everyone. 5 simple exercises, which are not for nothing called Tibetan pearlsIt gives an impressive result: relieves diseases, rejuvenates, restores visual acuity, hearing, normalizes weight, increases endurance and performance, gives a charge of vivacity and good mood.
Editorial "Site" I tried this method on myself and finally found out: Tibetan Eye of Revival The truth does not take much time, and with its regular performance, the body is filled with vital energy, muscles with strength, and thoughts are tuned in a positive way.
Tibetan pearls
For the Tibetan practice of rejuvenation and healing to bring the desired result, it is necessary to adhere to a few simple rules of its implementation.
General rules
There are a huge number of oriental exercises and complexes, but this is perhaps the most effective. 5 Tibetan Pearls give a charge of vitality, bring the muscles to tone, normalize the work of all organs and systems, but most importantly - nourish the mind and soul. Start this exercise today and feel how you change inside and out.

Editorial "Site" I tried this method on myself and finally found out: Tibetan Eye of Revival The truth does not take much time, and with its regular performance, the body is filled with vital energy, muscles with strength, and thoughts are tuned in a positive way.
Tibetan pearls
- Exercise 1
The first exercise is to turn clockwise. Raise your hands to the sides at shoulder level, palms look down. Start rotating clockwise around your axis until you feel a slight dizziness. Try to breathe slowly, evenly and deeply. First, make 3 turns, but gradually bring their number to 21. After the exercise, stop, fold your hands in front of your chest and wait until the dizziness completely disappears.
534580 - Exercise 2
Lie on your back, hands along the body. Exhale as much as possible. Smoothly and deeply inhaling, raise both legs up at an angle of 90 °, the head reaches to the chest. Try not to tear off your pelvis or bend your knees. On a smooth exhalation, return to the starting position.
Start with three slow repetitions, gradually bringing their number to 21, no more. After the second pearl, lie down on your back and relax for 30-60 seconds. - Exercise 3
Get on your knees, legs parallel to each other, toes rest on the floor, palms on the buttocks. On the exhale, tilt your head to your chest, on the inhale - tilt your head back, slightly rot and swell your chest. On exhalation again tilt your head to your chest, continuing to combine the inclinations with breathing. Do 3 to 21 repetitions. After completing the exercise, restore your breathing and rest for 30-60 seconds. - Exercise No. 4
Sit on the mat, put your hands on the floor, your fingers look forward. The legs are straight, the feet are located on the width of the shoulders, the head is inclined to the chest. On inhalation, rolling from heel to toe, raise the pelvis up, and throw your head back.
Hold in this position for a few seconds, straining all the muscles. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Start with 3 smooth repetitions, eventually bringing their number to 21. After completing the fourth pearl, rest 30-60 seconds. - Exercise 5
The final Tibetan pearl is a dog face up. Stand upright lying on your hands, rot, palms and feet a little wider than your shoulders. The knees and pelvis do not touch the floor. Put your head back and exhale. On inhale, raise the pelvis and move to the position of the dog with the face down (sliding pose). The chin reaches to the chest, the legs are as straight as possible, while the body resembles a sharp angle.
Return to the starting position, not forgetting the breath. Do not be afraid, over time you will learn to breathe correctly: inhale, bending the body, and exhale, stretching. Doing 3 to 21 repetitions depends on your preparation.
For the Tibetan practice of rejuvenation and healing to bring the desired result, it is necessary to adhere to a few simple rules of its implementation.
General rules
- The most important rule is regularity! Do a set of exercises 1 time a day, avoiding skips. If you want to achieve the maximum effect, increase the number of repetitions: 1st week - 3 repetitions of each exercise, 2nd week - 5 repetitions, 3rd week - 7 repetitions, and so on to 21 repetitions in 10 weeks of practice.
- The best time to perform the Eye of Revival is in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Another important condition for a quick result is proper, smooth, deep breathing through the nose.
- If you find it difficult to perform this or that exercise, do not overexert. It is better to make fewer repetitions, but qualitatively.
- After performing each of the exercises, do not forget to give yourself a minute of rest, relax and restore your breath.

There are a huge number of oriental exercises and complexes, but this is perhaps the most effective. 5 Tibetan Pearls give a charge of vitality, bring the muscles to tone, normalize the work of all organs and systems, but most importantly - nourish the mind and soul. Start this exercise today and feel how you change inside and out.