16 Reasons to Have Sex Every Day

Stress will soon finish you off, do you have chronic anxiety and health problems? Sex can give you happiness, longevity and a healthy body.
1. Sex relieves stress
Sex helps reduce stress. During sex, your body produces dopamine, a substance called the “happiness hormone.” In a study published in the journal Science, scientists found that those rats who regularly have sex were less likely to experience feelings of anxiety than those animals that did not have sexual activity.
2. Sex is a form of motor activity
During sexual intercourse, all systems of our body work as if we are in the gym. Breathing rate during sex speeds up, and after sex you feel tired. If you have sex three times a week for 15 minutes, in a year will burn 7500 calories. To burn so much running, for example, you need to run 124 kilometers!
3. Sex lowers blood pressure
If a person has problems with high blood pressure, then sex can be recommended as a preventive measure. Researchers from the University of Paisley concluded that regular sex improves blood pressure.
4. Helps immunity.
Do you regularly suffer from a cold? Sex can be the answer to your problem. During sex, the body produces immunoglobulin, an antigen that fights the flu.
5. Makes you look younger.
Having sex three times a week will make you look 10 years younger, claims Scottish researcher David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
“Having good regular sex means looking good,” he says.
6. Healthy heart.
Sex helps to improve heart function. Sex is an excellent preventative for stroke and heart attacks. This was proved by scientists from the New England Research Institute. According to them, men who often have sex are 45% less likely to suffer from heart disease. Whether sex helps women in this regard is unclear. There are no clear studies on this topic.
7. Pain relief
If you have chronic migraines or other pains, sex is a great solution. However, if you have regular back pain, it is better to see a doctor first.
Dr. George Ehrlich, a specialist from Philadelphia, in the course of his study proved that sex helps to cope with arthritis. According to him, patients who regularly have sex are easier to tolerate pain and less likely to complain about it.
8. Creates trust and intimacy
During sex, both sexual partners strongly secrete the hormone oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for happiness and love. So if you feel like your marriage is on the verge of breaking up, just have sex with it more often. Scientists advise you to do the same if you think that your partner may have sex on the side. The hormone oxytocin allows people to start trusting each other better. And makes couples closer.
9. The cure for cancer
Sex is an excellent preventive against prostate cancer. This was proven by Australian doctors. They say that if a man has sex 21 times a month, his risk of prostate cancer is reduced to almost zero.
10. Helps with back pain.
Regular sex develops muscles of the back and pelvis, strengthens them. This allows you to keep healthy not only the genitals, but also the intestines.
11. Protects the prostate.
Most of the fluid released during sexual contact is released from the prostate gland. If a person does not ejaculate for a long time, then it accumulates in "reservoirs" and over time leads to many problems. So sex is an excellent preventive tool against prostate diseases.
12. Saving you from sleep problems
After a wonderful sexual discharge, most people immediately want to fall asleep. Increased pulse leads to increased pleasure from postcoital relaxation. So sex is a great tool for people who suffer from insomnia.
13. Normalizes menstrual cycles
Regular sex stabilizes women’s menstrual cycles and regulates the production of hormones that reduce pain during menstruation. Sex is even more effective than pills, researchers say.
14. Prevents erectile dysfunction
More than 50% of men over 40 years experience different manifestations of erectile dysfunction. All young people are afraid that one day their penis will refuse to perform its functions. The best cure for impotence is regular sex. An erection drives large volumes of blood through the penis, which in general has a very positive effect on its health. Tissues stay healthy longer.
15. Sex addicts live longer
A healthy heart, strong muscles, normal circulation of joy hormones will all add a few years to your life. A study published in the British Medical Journal found that men who have sex regularly into old age are twice as likely to die prematurely than those who ignore the need for sex.
16. Healthy sperm
If you’re trying to get pregnant and want to improve your husband’s sperm activity, you’ll have to convince him to have sex more or less regularly. Regular sex leads to the speedy renewal of sperm in the testicles and increase their activity.
source: lifter.com.ua
Source: /users/1080
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