To choose the "wrong" men and 9 women's mistakes
Mistake # 1 You choose the "wrong" men
Some women choose men who are incapable of a serious relationship and trying to get them love.
To give love and to build a long serious relationship is not capable of Philanderers and Narcissists.
The philanderers don't want your heart and soul. They need your body and a sense of their "victory" over you. And in order to do this, they use all means. They are almost professionally will seduce you, promise anything to bring you to the list of his victories, and then, almost professionally, will lose interest in you. This scheme they have well-developed and so, to believe in their tales of love and worry about their subsequent loss to you of interest makes no sense. You're just a link in the chain of his victories over women.
Narcissus is the one for whom the main man in their life is himself. For them the concept of "We" is an empty phrase. They will not be interested in your life and the intricacies of your soul. They are preoccupied with themselves, and will be with you only as long as you admire them or are their interests. Your attempts to attract their attention you will not find in them a response and you will have to choose to live in their shadow and to admire them or look for another contender to build relationships.
So, if you want to fall in love with a man and build with him a long-term relationship, stay away from Philanderers and Narcissists. With them to play, to enjoy their courtship, but they fall in love and spend time and effort on their re-education makes no sense. Change such men are rare.
Mistake # 2. Too violent expression of feelings
The fact that man by nature is a hunter. And most men like to conquer us. They value more women who love themselves and those who love them. So, even if you are very much in love, not worth it 24 hours a day to talk to him about his love. Act mysterious and seductive. Do not open before him all the cards. You can tell him one day about his feelings. But better to do it after he himself will open your heart. And then you can temporarily "forget" about it and behave as if nothing had happened, even slightly aloof. Let the man thinks he loves you stronger. This will give him feelings of particular value.
Mistake # 3. Indifference to his success and achievements
For men are very important for professional and career achievements. If a woman doesn't appreciate his success and achievements and inspires him to further growth and advancement, man may begin to look for inspiration somewhere else. Show interest in his professional and creative development. Believe in him, praise him and cheer for him. The man need the Woman admired him, admired him and believed in him! Having received all this from you, he will be grateful.
Mistake # 4. Loss of self
Some women, starting a relationship with an interesting man, neglecting her friends, Hobbies, and sometimes even implementation (especially if the man is wealthy and can support them). Man becomes the center of their lives. Sometimes we women think that giving yourself completely to the man, we doing good out of love for him. Unfortunately, this approach often leads to the loss of interest by men. After all, when we met him, we were independent the beautiful stranger with his unique life he looked out. And if we refuse "his life" in order to live his life, then soon he gets the feeling that he was talking to himself.
Let your relationship with your man will be only one aspect of your multifaceted life. And this aspect will be important, the main but not the only one. Keep your relationship with friends, your Hobbies and unique habits, continue to grow professionally and be proud of yourself and your accomplishments!
Believe me, men interesting women who live full of life, than those who dissolve in them and limit themselves to the role of a life partner.
Mistake # 5. Compare him with other men, if it is not in his favor
Women sometimes think that comparing my man with other, they thus excite in man the desire to be better. However, in reality it works quite the opposite. Most men such comparisons do not cause anything but anger and alienation.
Men are very sensitive to competition and want to be the best, at least for their women. He will be grateful, if you give him a sense of his prominence, uniqueness, uniqueness. And even if your partner is not perfect, give him the feeling that he's a Hero and believe me, soon he really want to be your Hero.
Men love us so much for who we are, how much for who they feel close to us. Don't let him feel his inferiority and imperfection! Believe in him, even when he doesn't believe in himself! Let your man feels like a Hero next to you, and believe me, he will not want anywhere you go!
Mistake # 6. Constant criticism in its address
Some women allow themselves to regularly criticize your man. They believe that when a man finds out what he is wrong or imperfect, he will want to improve.
However, this behavior affects relationships is devastating. For most men the critic acts in a completely opposite way. We expect that the man will change for the better. And its logic is quite different: "Well, since I'm so bad, I won't do anything!". The sense of its "badness" is very upsetting men, and they give up to do something for a relationship with a woman who is dissatisfied with them and not appreciate them.
What to do, ask you if you want one, and he does another?
It's very simple – ask him to do what you want and respect his right not to, if he does not want to. And if he will respond to your request, praise him with all my heart – make her feel The Best. He'll love it! A good attitude begets good.
Mistake # 7. "Stuck" in one role
For example, the girl is constantly in the role of "Little Girl" — capricious, is behaving naively, asks for help, etc. the Role itself is not bad, but as soon as the man himself will begin to need the support or advice (from an adult and an equal human, of course), then this role will not cause tenderness and irritation.
Same with the role of doting Housewife – man. of course a nice caring girl cozy house, a delicious lunch, the desire to make his life comfortable. But when he wants to have with a girl sex, and she will think more about clean sheets than about the action on these sheets, his interest in it to start to cool.
And thus – Be different! The mistress of the house, Mistress in bed, the Mother in the moments when he is bad, etc. etc. the more varied roles you have in the daily life, the less boredom in your relationship! A man with a woman is not boring.
Mistake # 9. Initiative
As I said above, men by nature are hunters. They want to choose their women and win their.
This does not mean that a woman should sit back and passively waiting for him to notice it. The art of women in order to choose their men, but to do so, the man was absolutely sure that this choice did he – "She was just so irresistible that I could not resist and came over to meet you." He did not even realize that it had long been noticed and that night, just "dragged" him to her, skillfully using the language of expressions and gestures, the charm of his voice and the secrets of female flirting.
If a woman begins to openly pursue a man, it usually ends with the last flight. So, dear women, be wiser – well, so he believed that HE seduces you!
Error № 10. Denial of sex as punishment for mistakes
It is well known that the more sex men want than women. Some men need to have sex to feel an emotional connection with a woman. In women the process is different- we first need to feel emotional intimacy, and then we can have sex.
Some women are actually having sex just because the man wants it. They themselves could desire and not to experience.
Sex is for men of great importance. Many women underestimate this side of life because you do it does not really need.
And when you find out that this man is vulnerable and dependent on them, some are beginning to use sex to control a man. And it turns out – he is behaving "good", i.e. as it is convenient, then he gets sex. He behaves "badly", and sex with him today. For women sex is just sex. For most men sex with the woman is an act of love, intimacy, accepting each other fully and completely a way to make peace after a quarrel. And when we deprive him of sex, he takes it very painfully is loss of love. It violates the intimacy of the relationship in the eyes of men. He starts to feel rejected, unwanted, misunderstood.
Dear women, please note these errors in your behavior in order to enjoy male attention and care! published
Author: Julia Tarasova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: sviyash-center.ru/about/coaches/tarasova-julija/kak-vljubit-v-sebja-muzhchinu/
Some women choose men who are incapable of a serious relationship and trying to get them love.
To give love and to build a long serious relationship is not capable of Philanderers and Narcissists.
The philanderers don't want your heart and soul. They need your body and a sense of their "victory" over you. And in order to do this, they use all means. They are almost professionally will seduce you, promise anything to bring you to the list of his victories, and then, almost professionally, will lose interest in you. This scheme they have well-developed and so, to believe in their tales of love and worry about their subsequent loss to you of interest makes no sense. You're just a link in the chain of his victories over women.
Narcissus is the one for whom the main man in their life is himself. For them the concept of "We" is an empty phrase. They will not be interested in your life and the intricacies of your soul. They are preoccupied with themselves, and will be with you only as long as you admire them or are their interests. Your attempts to attract their attention you will not find in them a response and you will have to choose to live in their shadow and to admire them or look for another contender to build relationships.

So, if you want to fall in love with a man and build with him a long-term relationship, stay away from Philanderers and Narcissists. With them to play, to enjoy their courtship, but they fall in love and spend time and effort on their re-education makes no sense. Change such men are rare.
Mistake # 2. Too violent expression of feelings
The fact that man by nature is a hunter. And most men like to conquer us. They value more women who love themselves and those who love them. So, even if you are very much in love, not worth it 24 hours a day to talk to him about his love. Act mysterious and seductive. Do not open before him all the cards. You can tell him one day about his feelings. But better to do it after he himself will open your heart. And then you can temporarily "forget" about it and behave as if nothing had happened, even slightly aloof. Let the man thinks he loves you stronger. This will give him feelings of particular value.
Mistake # 3. Indifference to his success and achievements
For men are very important for professional and career achievements. If a woman doesn't appreciate his success and achievements and inspires him to further growth and advancement, man may begin to look for inspiration somewhere else. Show interest in his professional and creative development. Believe in him, praise him and cheer for him. The man need the Woman admired him, admired him and believed in him! Having received all this from you, he will be grateful.
Mistake # 4. Loss of self
Some women, starting a relationship with an interesting man, neglecting her friends, Hobbies, and sometimes even implementation (especially if the man is wealthy and can support them). Man becomes the center of their lives. Sometimes we women think that giving yourself completely to the man, we doing good out of love for him. Unfortunately, this approach often leads to the loss of interest by men. After all, when we met him, we were independent the beautiful stranger with his unique life he looked out. And if we refuse "his life" in order to live his life, then soon he gets the feeling that he was talking to himself.
Let your relationship with your man will be only one aspect of your multifaceted life. And this aspect will be important, the main but not the only one. Keep your relationship with friends, your Hobbies and unique habits, continue to grow professionally and be proud of yourself and your accomplishments!

Believe me, men interesting women who live full of life, than those who dissolve in them and limit themselves to the role of a life partner.
Mistake # 5. Compare him with other men, if it is not in his favor
Women sometimes think that comparing my man with other, they thus excite in man the desire to be better. However, in reality it works quite the opposite. Most men such comparisons do not cause anything but anger and alienation.
Men are very sensitive to competition and want to be the best, at least for their women. He will be grateful, if you give him a sense of his prominence, uniqueness, uniqueness. And even if your partner is not perfect, give him the feeling that he's a Hero and believe me, soon he really want to be your Hero.
Men love us so much for who we are, how much for who they feel close to us. Don't let him feel his inferiority and imperfection! Believe in him, even when he doesn't believe in himself! Let your man feels like a Hero next to you, and believe me, he will not want anywhere you go!
Mistake # 6. Constant criticism in its address
Some women allow themselves to regularly criticize your man. They believe that when a man finds out what he is wrong or imperfect, he will want to improve.
However, this behavior affects relationships is devastating. For most men the critic acts in a completely opposite way. We expect that the man will change for the better. And its logic is quite different: "Well, since I'm so bad, I won't do anything!". The sense of its "badness" is very upsetting men, and they give up to do something for a relationship with a woman who is dissatisfied with them and not appreciate them.
What to do, ask you if you want one, and he does another?
It's very simple – ask him to do what you want and respect his right not to, if he does not want to. And if he will respond to your request, praise him with all my heart – make her feel The Best. He'll love it! A good attitude begets good.

Mistake # 7. "Stuck" in one role
For example, the girl is constantly in the role of "Little Girl" — capricious, is behaving naively, asks for help, etc. the Role itself is not bad, but as soon as the man himself will begin to need the support or advice (from an adult and an equal human, of course), then this role will not cause tenderness and irritation.
Same with the role of doting Housewife – man. of course a nice caring girl cozy house, a delicious lunch, the desire to make his life comfortable. But when he wants to have with a girl sex, and she will think more about clean sheets than about the action on these sheets, his interest in it to start to cool.
And thus – Be different! The mistress of the house, Mistress in bed, the Mother in the moments when he is bad, etc. etc. the more varied roles you have in the daily life, the less boredom in your relationship! A man with a woman is not boring.
Mistake # 9. Initiative
As I said above, men by nature are hunters. They want to choose their women and win their.
This does not mean that a woman should sit back and passively waiting for him to notice it. The art of women in order to choose their men, but to do so, the man was absolutely sure that this choice did he – "She was just so irresistible that I could not resist and came over to meet you." He did not even realize that it had long been noticed and that night, just "dragged" him to her, skillfully using the language of expressions and gestures, the charm of his voice and the secrets of female flirting.
If a woman begins to openly pursue a man, it usually ends with the last flight. So, dear women, be wiser – well, so he believed that HE seduces you!
Error № 10. Denial of sex as punishment for mistakes
It is well known that the more sex men want than women. Some men need to have sex to feel an emotional connection with a woman. In women the process is different- we first need to feel emotional intimacy, and then we can have sex.
Some women are actually having sex just because the man wants it. They themselves could desire and not to experience.
Sex is for men of great importance. Many women underestimate this side of life because you do it does not really need.
And when you find out that this man is vulnerable and dependent on them, some are beginning to use sex to control a man. And it turns out – he is behaving "good", i.e. as it is convenient, then he gets sex. He behaves "badly", and sex with him today. For women sex is just sex. For most men sex with the woman is an act of love, intimacy, accepting each other fully and completely a way to make peace after a quarrel. And when we deprive him of sex, he takes it very painfully is loss of love. It violates the intimacy of the relationship in the eyes of men. He starts to feel rejected, unwanted, misunderstood.
Dear women, please note these errors in your behavior in order to enjoy male attention and care! published
Author: Julia Tarasova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: sviyash-center.ru/about/coaches/tarasova-julija/kak-vljubit-v-sebja-muzhchinu/