16 benefits of daily sex. Life without stress? It sounds tempting!
Constant stress, problems, and concerns that the deteriorating health? Sex - is the key to happiness, longevity and good health.
I compiled a list of the benefits of an active sex life. Here are some facts about the benefits of sex for your body.
1. Getting rid of stress
Sex helps to relieve stress. If you can not get rid of stress with the help of breathing exercises, then sex will definitely help.
During sex produces dopamine - a substance that fights stress hormones; endorphins, also known as "happy hormones" and oxytocin, a hormone that increases the desire, which is produced by the pituitary gland.
In a study published in the Public Library of Science, the three scientists neuroscientist conducted an experiment on male rats and found that sexually active males are not as anxious as they are less sexually active counterparts.
2. Replacing exercise
Sex - this movement. During sex, physiological changes comparable to those that occur during physical exercise. During sex, breathing quickens, which means that you are tired, and thus burn calories. If you have sex three times a week for 15 minutes (we know that you certainly can, and more), so that you burn about 7,500 calories in a year. It's like jogging 75 miles! Due to the rapid breathing of your lungs fill with oxygen and testosterone, which is produced during sex helps muscles and bones remain strong.
3. Normalization of blood pressure
Hugs and sex normalize pressure. Sex helps to lower diastolic pressure (the bottom blood pressure).
Researchers from the University of Paisley conducted a similar experiment in which came to the conclusion that sex improves blood pressure.
4. Immunity
Trying to deal with a runny nose? Sex - the best medicine for colds and other ailments, as it helps to strengthen immunity.
If you often have sex, the body will increase the content of immunoglobulin A - antibodies that help the body fight the flu virus.
5. You'll look younger
According to one researcher from Scotland when to have sex three times a week, you can look 10 years younger. «Having sex is useful», i> says David Weeks, a neuropsychologist Edinburgh Hospital, whose research on the impact of sex on aging described in the book "Secrets supermolodyh».
6. Healthy Heart
Sex not only helps burn calories, but also strengthens the heart. Good sex - the best prevention of heart attack and stroke.
Scientists from the New England Research Institute studied the impact of sex on the heart. The results showed that men have reduced the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease. But scientists have not yet managed to find out the impact of sex on a woman's heart.
7. Pain
Pleasure - the best remedy for the pain. If you suffer from migraines, and you often aching body, then you can help sex. However, if you have back pain, then it is certainly better to see a doctor.
Dr. George Ehrlich Philadelphia conducted a study on the relationship of sex and arthritis. As a result, he concluded that patients who have sex, suffer less pain.
8. It helps to build a close relationship of trust
During sex, the body produces the hormone oxytocin, responsible for feelings of joy and love. If the relationship does not exactly succeed, and you think that your partner started to step back, then sex will help to dispel these doubts. Oxytocin promotes relations.
9. Reducing the risk of cancer
Regular ejaculation reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Australian researchers examined a group of men and found that those subjects who ejaculated 21 times a month were less likely to develop cancer. Another study aimed at studying the interaction of sex and the development of cancer as it is confirmed.
10. Strong pelvic muscles
During sex, the work included different muscle groups. Regular sex strengthens the pelvic muscles and quadriceps muscles crust and upper back muscles. Regular sex helps to improve the function of the bladder and intestines.
Strong muscles, calories, heart healthy - it seems that sex is really taking care of us.
11. Protection prostate
Most of the liquid generated during the ejaculation is produced by the prostate gland. If not ejaculation, fluid will accumulate, and this can lead to swelling and swelling of the prostate. Regular ejaculation ensures prostate health for years to come. Problems can also occur if a sudden change the frequency of ejaculations.
12. Good sleep
After just such exercise you provided a good sleep. Sex has the same effect on the body, like any other physical activity. Increased heart rate leads to post-coital relaxation. Sex can be great help for those who suffer from insomnia. Sex relaxes, if you are already tired after sex immediately fall asleep. Men become sleepy after ejaculation.
13. Regular menstrual cycles
Sex can enhance the menstrual cycle - secretes hormones that help it to normalize. Sex relieves stress, which is one of the causes of violations of the cycle. It seems that sex is better than any drug.
14. Prevention of erectile dysfunction
50% of men over forty years suffer from erectile dysfunction. The best remedy for impotence ... sex. The flow of blood flowing into the arteries of the penis during erection helps tissues to remain healthy. Doctors erections compared with the effect of sports: the more training, the better the result.
15. Increased life expectancy
A healthy heart, strong muscles, increased circulation of oxygen and as a result, a good mood - all these are factors which help prolong life.
The study, published in the journal British Medical, indicate that men who have sex more often live longer.
16. Healthy sperm
If you're planning to have a child, then having sex regularly, you increase the amount of sperm in the testicles. Regular sex sperm are constantly being updated. If this does not happen, it may cause abnormalities in the structure of DNA.
It sounds tempting! Share these interesting facts about the benefits of having sex with others.
I compiled a list of the benefits of an active sex life. Here are some facts about the benefits of sex for your body.
1. Getting rid of stress
Sex helps to relieve stress. If you can not get rid of stress with the help of breathing exercises, then sex will definitely help.
During sex produces dopamine - a substance that fights stress hormones; endorphins, also known as "happy hormones" and oxytocin, a hormone that increases the desire, which is produced by the pituitary gland.
In a study published in the Public Library of Science, the three scientists neuroscientist conducted an experiment on male rats and found that sexually active males are not as anxious as they are less sexually active counterparts.
2. Replacing exercise
Sex - this movement. During sex, physiological changes comparable to those that occur during physical exercise. During sex, breathing quickens, which means that you are tired, and thus burn calories. If you have sex three times a week for 15 minutes (we know that you certainly can, and more), so that you burn about 7,500 calories in a year. It's like jogging 75 miles! Due to the rapid breathing of your lungs fill with oxygen and testosterone, which is produced during sex helps muscles and bones remain strong.
3. Normalization of blood pressure
Hugs and sex normalize pressure. Sex helps to lower diastolic pressure (the bottom blood pressure).
Researchers from the University of Paisley conducted a similar experiment in which came to the conclusion that sex improves blood pressure.
4. Immunity
Trying to deal with a runny nose? Sex - the best medicine for colds and other ailments, as it helps to strengthen immunity.
If you often have sex, the body will increase the content of immunoglobulin A - antibodies that help the body fight the flu virus.
5. You'll look younger
According to one researcher from Scotland when to have sex three times a week, you can look 10 years younger. «Having sex is useful», i> says David Weeks, a neuropsychologist Edinburgh Hospital, whose research on the impact of sex on aging described in the book "Secrets supermolodyh».
6. Healthy Heart
Sex not only helps burn calories, but also strengthens the heart. Good sex - the best prevention of heart attack and stroke.
Scientists from the New England Research Institute studied the impact of sex on the heart. The results showed that men have reduced the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease. But scientists have not yet managed to find out the impact of sex on a woman's heart.
7. Pain
Pleasure - the best remedy for the pain. If you suffer from migraines, and you often aching body, then you can help sex. However, if you have back pain, then it is certainly better to see a doctor.
Dr. George Ehrlich Philadelphia conducted a study on the relationship of sex and arthritis. As a result, he concluded that patients who have sex, suffer less pain.
8. It helps to build a close relationship of trust
During sex, the body produces the hormone oxytocin, responsible for feelings of joy and love. If the relationship does not exactly succeed, and you think that your partner started to step back, then sex will help to dispel these doubts. Oxytocin promotes relations.
9. Reducing the risk of cancer
Regular ejaculation reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Australian researchers examined a group of men and found that those subjects who ejaculated 21 times a month were less likely to develop cancer. Another study aimed at studying the interaction of sex and the development of cancer as it is confirmed.
10. Strong pelvic muscles
During sex, the work included different muscle groups. Regular sex strengthens the pelvic muscles and quadriceps muscles crust and upper back muscles. Regular sex helps to improve the function of the bladder and intestines.
Strong muscles, calories, heart healthy - it seems that sex is really taking care of us.
11. Protection prostate
Most of the liquid generated during the ejaculation is produced by the prostate gland. If not ejaculation, fluid will accumulate, and this can lead to swelling and swelling of the prostate. Regular ejaculation ensures prostate health for years to come. Problems can also occur if a sudden change the frequency of ejaculations.
12. Good sleep
After just such exercise you provided a good sleep. Sex has the same effect on the body, like any other physical activity. Increased heart rate leads to post-coital relaxation. Sex can be great help for those who suffer from insomnia. Sex relaxes, if you are already tired after sex immediately fall asleep. Men become sleepy after ejaculation.
13. Regular menstrual cycles
Sex can enhance the menstrual cycle - secretes hormones that help it to normalize. Sex relieves stress, which is one of the causes of violations of the cycle. It seems that sex is better than any drug.
14. Prevention of erectile dysfunction
50% of men over forty years suffer from erectile dysfunction. The best remedy for impotence ... sex. The flow of blood flowing into the arteries of the penis during erection helps tissues to remain healthy. Doctors erections compared with the effect of sports: the more training, the better the result.
15. Increased life expectancy
A healthy heart, strong muscles, increased circulation of oxygen and as a result, a good mood - all these are factors which help prolong life.
The study, published in the journal British Medical, indicate that men who have sex more often live longer.
16. Healthy sperm
If you're planning to have a child, then having sex regularly, you increase the amount of sperm in the testicles. Regular sex sperm are constantly being updated. If this does not happen, it may cause abnormalities in the structure of DNA.
It sounds tempting! Share these interesting facts about the benefits of having sex with others.
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