This method of treatment will please you more tablets and injections. Grab your partner's hand and go to bed!
Sex is an amazing phenomenon that can not only bring pleasure, but also treat all kinds of diseases. Without a doubt, we like this method of therapy much more different pills, injections or wellness gymnastics. By the way, one orgasm a day replaces a trip to the doctor.
Editorial "Site" I figured it out. maladies can save regular lovemaking, the main thing is not to forget about safety.
Benefits of sex
Health Benefits of Sex No doubt about it. And if it does, then intimacy will not harm! At least it's pretty damn nice. In addition, good sex can give a sense of confidence, it allows you to feel the most beautiful and desirable. Isn't that what we want?
Do not forget to share this useful information with your friends on social networks. Love and be healthy!

Editorial "Site" I figured it out. maladies can save regular lovemaking, the main thing is not to forget about safety.
Benefits of sex
- Heart problems
Regular sex life prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and halves the risk of myocardial infarction. According to experts, a person who actively makes love improves blood circulation, trains the heart muscle and increases the overall tone of the body. - Overweight
Scientists say that a minute of physical proximity you can burn 4 or even more calories! Too much dessert during a romantic dinner? Now you know what to do... In addition, sex stimulates the active work of the glands of internal secretion, which has a great effect. exchange-process in the body. - Headache.
Headache is not a reason to deny a loved one in closeness. Turns out your partner is the best migraine pill. The famous American sexologist Beverly Whipple proved that orgasm helps to eliminate pain from completely different stimuli. Down with the headache! - Kidney stones
Pesky formations in the kidneys can spoil the life of anyone, especially if you want to leave the body. Renal colic is accompanied by unbearable pain, and to avoid them, doctors recommend to lead an active sexual life. Literally a few orgasms a week and you're like a cucumber! - Insomnia
Sex is the best sleeping pill. Men seem to have heard of this a long time ago. However, after sex, people are really able to plunge into a deep sleep. All due to lower blood pressure and endorphination - hormones of happiness and joy. Can't sleep? Now you know the way out! - Depression
Sex is an excellent remedy for depression! An endorphin-serotonin cocktail raging in your blood during sexual intercourse is the best remedy for instantly lifting your mood, even if a moment ago you were in an overwhelming longing. According to a study published in Social Psychological and Personality Sciencé, people who regularly have sex have much higher self-esteem, which positively affects their social behavior and status. There is no depression, only a good mood! - Colds and influenza
People who have sex regularly produce an order of magnitude more immunoglobulin A, a protein that plays a huge role in the fight against viral infections. And the number of phagocytes (protector cells) after orgasm increases by one and a half times. No wonder doctors recommend having sex at least 1-2 times a week to avoid ill-fated viruses and colds. - Breast cancer
Regular intimacy is an excellent prevention of a terrible ailment. The Benefits of Sex for Women It is obvious: oxytocin, which is generously released into the blood during breast stimulation, can protect the female body from breast cancer. This hormone plays an important role in cellular proliferation, thus being the best natural means of prevention. - Sex for skin beauty
“Orgasm enhances circulation and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, as well as boosts immunity and has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. As a result, all this affects the human skin, which literally begins to emit glow after orgasm, experts say. High-quality, regular and passionate sex is real key to eternal youth. - atherosclerosis
During sex, blood pressure and pulse can jump almost twice, and the respiratory rate will increase 3 times. Consequently, 2-3 such trainings per week can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Of course, this is the most pleasant way of prevention.
Health Benefits of Sex No doubt about it. And if it does, then intimacy will not harm! At least it's pretty damn nice. In addition, good sex can give a sense of confidence, it allows you to feel the most beautiful and desirable. Isn't that what we want?
Do not forget to share this useful information with your friends on social networks. Love and be healthy!
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