About male hardness in all senses...
Fifty eight million six hundred twenty thousand four hundred eighty nine
Gerard Butler ©jim wright photography
Author Vyacheslav Gusev (psychotherapist, Director of the International Development Institute (Kyiv), the coach of the Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama, business consultant)
When a man asks me how to solve some difficult question-for example to quit Smoking, I often ask: "what way to offer — male or female?" "Of course men" — meets a man. "Oh, that's elementary. When you're determined to do it — we approach the close friend and say: "Help me brother. I decided from that moment not to take a cigarette in the mouth. If you're one time with her will see, I am giving you my car. Will see the second time — and you can have my apartment. See the third time — I give you all my property and a year off to travel. If I don't, I'm asking you as a friend to stop me to consider a friend, and consider a friend, do not address me in the masculine and call me some pretty female name, for example Isadora. Can still give me some beautiful kolgotochki".
"But how?" — asked the man. "Oh, the woman incredibly hard, she has a few years to go to personal therapy to understand the causes and to continually postpone the moment of decision."
In this story the essence of man's hardness. If a man is able to do so as in my example — he is able to act. And then it becomes interesting, though friends, even women, even the Universe. Act from the word "to tread". To do the steps. If the husband, who is a woman, in order to lead — you need to do. Otherwise, running on the spot with seemingly achievements. If you take the example of Andrei Sakharov: a hydrogen bomb — it was not an act, just an achievement, but to become a peacemaker price of all assets acquired is definitely the thing to do. It's not to quit Smoking.
In my comic history of Smoking there are a few important points.The time first. To be firm, not enough to have balls. Even trying on this development, as in my example, the man is forced to go somewhere inside himself. Look for a source of support, the legendary ray Shiva, dense stream of concentrated male energy. His only reliable support in this changing world. If men's consciousness is in contact with the internal concentrated flux at the man appears basis. Don't touch anything — his mind is reminiscent of the rag, the legendary, the metaphor that so often appears in female insults a male address. Rag always need something external to it to hang.
I'll say the obvious thing. Strange that nobody before me did not. Anyway, I never heard of. This whole bureaucratic institution, all this is notorious, swears by all the system emerged in the modern world for one reason only. It replaces the missing male hardness. "But let your communication be, yea, yea; no, no; anything beyond this comes from the evil one", — was said in the sermon on the mount. All of these signatures, seals, certificates, officials, lawyers needed for one simple reason — men in our culture don't keep their word, as the task of men's consciousness to hold the structure to create support. If men do not — there is a need for artificial tools. That they take children. Crafty children.
The second aspect of this example is price. The universe is fair and ruthless. Like the man or not, he uses the masculine aspects of consciousness or not, but the bill will be brought to him in full. Account the life circumstances that will develop as if it has the same hardness, compassion, humility, wisdom, or any other aspects of man's way. When you realize that account will be charged in full, you realize the idiocy of the rejection of men. The account will still come, sometimes at the wrong (any) time. Remember the phrase major zheglova from "the meeting Place cannot be changed", "Remember, Sharapov. Punishment without guilt does not happen. He had just time with their women to understand and guns do not scatter, anywhere". A thousand times "Yes!"
When I got to pay her first major expense in life, I suddenly realized that it has received well deserved and all my previous life earned the trouble that I have nothing to grumble and to blame that all my moments not the manifestation of masculinity have accumulated over my life, and I have to pay the bills. Initiation and dump ever. Can blame, but in this case, the following double or triple initiation may be incompatible with life. And no one is to blame.
Women have exactly the same story. The woman enjoys fulfilling aspects of female consciousness or not, sooner or later it will get to pay the bill as absolutely one hundred percent woman. The game is a game.
The main task of men in the aspect of hardness is to be alive and solid, that is elastic, flexible. This difference of strength of mind and firmness of character. The character is dead hardness, once and for all decisions taken. Hard and heartless man — tyrant. Anyone any joy or benefit from such hardness.
The hardness of the spirit is harmony with your soul, the ability to manifest its intent even at the cost of transformation of their character. This is the only reasonable hardness.
The main task of the women to be lively and soft. That is, plastic. This is a natural manifestation of female consciousness — free energy looking to fill all around. In many cities, different trainings, when I asked women to draw feminine energy, I saw the same process: the woman to take a colored pencil, often orange and began with undisguised delight to paint white sheets of paper, finished one started another, and so until tired. And no harness energy.
In the interaction of elastic and plastic manifest the beauty of the dance of male and female. If there are two solid — they fuck each other and scatter like billiard balls. If the two plastic sticks together in one piece of clay.
Man since childhood, have to be firm, to find the flow of male energy within yourself, before inclusion in the game of sex hormones. Then he can take his first baby, but men's decision.
However, the most important male and female initiation of first sexual relations. The nature of everything. Lesson of male hardness and female plasticity. If it is not firm enough, and it is fairly plastic — they have nothing. Bit of a nuisance. Women's main lesson from his firmness: "If I want to deal with him it would hurt, that I was not hurt, I have to become plastic. And it's nice. Due to its hardness I'm learning to be a woman. Wow! How great it is!"
For those who do not know "idiot" in Latin is "solid".
Men's main lesson from the meeting with aspiring female, male is a very difficult lesson, Lord, what a difficult lesson for men: "From meetings with my hardness, the woman is going to hurt. If I'm not hard enough — it can't become a woman. If I'm not loving and compassionate at the same time — she'll hate the male species. To be with her hard — really nice!"
The difficulty of the lesson of man's hardness. Like it or not — when a man shows his toughness, someone near him is inevitable and that and and the man himself. Until you learn this hardness to skillfully use.
So this world is arranged — no pain, no growing up. The art of being a man to Express so much hardness as required by his soul, and so little as possible so people won't wonder got cuts everyday. There is a social myth that it is possible to find such a man near whom woman will be able not to experience pain. Mature plastic woman Yes, growing up girl — the extent to which to trust nature, and not social standards and norms. With a man about whom not have wound, you will have to baby — sit.
Any anesthesia just spoils everything. The first sexual relationship in a state of intoxication can for a lifetime teach a woman to resort to alcohol as a "softening agent" replacement own plasticity. Also with a man and alcohol "for courage".
If male initiation was held with Mature woman, painless he may never understand the price paid by the woman to be with a man. Not to respect the lack of plasticity of the immature women of any age. To hurt for nothing. Without compassion.
I repeat — the surrounding man people: children, women, other men do not suffer from male hardness, but just from her absence. Hard man is hurt, but that is sweet. Too hard woman from him will rebound like a billiard ball.For all other times as its hardness and attractive. Attractive to children, women and other men. With soft no — solid peting and no sparring.
And the last psychosomatics. The lack of firmness in consciousness will inevitably manifest in the body. I remember my very rough night, when I had to live renal colic. It was the only time in my life. I without any painkillers all night, took the pain. Was given to her. By morning the pain subsided. I wasn't surveyed, because they have never examined. But renal colic since then never again.
According to my observations — when a man heals his symptoms — he becomes a man when a woman heals your symptoms, it becomes feminine. As it should be.
source: m.diary.ru
Source: /users/1077
Gerard Butler ©jim wright photography
Author Vyacheslav Gusev (psychotherapist, Director of the International Development Institute (Kyiv), the coach of the Moscow Institute of Gestalt and Psychodrama, business consultant)
When a man asks me how to solve some difficult question-for example to quit Smoking, I often ask: "what way to offer — male or female?" "Of course men" — meets a man. "Oh, that's elementary. When you're determined to do it — we approach the close friend and say: "Help me brother. I decided from that moment not to take a cigarette in the mouth. If you're one time with her will see, I am giving you my car. Will see the second time — and you can have my apartment. See the third time — I give you all my property and a year off to travel. If I don't, I'm asking you as a friend to stop me to consider a friend, and consider a friend, do not address me in the masculine and call me some pretty female name, for example Isadora. Can still give me some beautiful kolgotochki".
"But how?" — asked the man. "Oh, the woman incredibly hard, she has a few years to go to personal therapy to understand the causes and to continually postpone the moment of decision."
In this story the essence of man's hardness. If a man is able to do so as in my example — he is able to act. And then it becomes interesting, though friends, even women, even the Universe. Act from the word "to tread". To do the steps. If the husband, who is a woman, in order to lead — you need to do. Otherwise, running on the spot with seemingly achievements. If you take the example of Andrei Sakharov: a hydrogen bomb — it was not an act, just an achievement, but to become a peacemaker price of all assets acquired is definitely the thing to do. It's not to quit Smoking.
In my comic history of Smoking there are a few important points.The time first. To be firm, not enough to have balls. Even trying on this development, as in my example, the man is forced to go somewhere inside himself. Look for a source of support, the legendary ray Shiva, dense stream of concentrated male energy. His only reliable support in this changing world. If men's consciousness is in contact with the internal concentrated flux at the man appears basis. Don't touch anything — his mind is reminiscent of the rag, the legendary, the metaphor that so often appears in female insults a male address. Rag always need something external to it to hang.
I'll say the obvious thing. Strange that nobody before me did not. Anyway, I never heard of. This whole bureaucratic institution, all this is notorious, swears by all the system emerged in the modern world for one reason only. It replaces the missing male hardness. "But let your communication be, yea, yea; no, no; anything beyond this comes from the evil one", — was said in the sermon on the mount. All of these signatures, seals, certificates, officials, lawyers needed for one simple reason — men in our culture don't keep their word, as the task of men's consciousness to hold the structure to create support. If men do not — there is a need for artificial tools. That they take children. Crafty children.
The second aspect of this example is price. The universe is fair and ruthless. Like the man or not, he uses the masculine aspects of consciousness or not, but the bill will be brought to him in full. Account the life circumstances that will develop as if it has the same hardness, compassion, humility, wisdom, or any other aspects of man's way. When you realize that account will be charged in full, you realize the idiocy of the rejection of men. The account will still come, sometimes at the wrong (any) time. Remember the phrase major zheglova from "the meeting Place cannot be changed", "Remember, Sharapov. Punishment without guilt does not happen. He had just time with their women to understand and guns do not scatter, anywhere". A thousand times "Yes!"
When I got to pay her first major expense in life, I suddenly realized that it has received well deserved and all my previous life earned the trouble that I have nothing to grumble and to blame that all my moments not the manifestation of masculinity have accumulated over my life, and I have to pay the bills. Initiation and dump ever. Can blame, but in this case, the following double or triple initiation may be incompatible with life. And no one is to blame.
Women have exactly the same story. The woman enjoys fulfilling aspects of female consciousness or not, sooner or later it will get to pay the bill as absolutely one hundred percent woman. The game is a game.
The main task of men in the aspect of hardness is to be alive and solid, that is elastic, flexible. This difference of strength of mind and firmness of character. The character is dead hardness, once and for all decisions taken. Hard and heartless man — tyrant. Anyone any joy or benefit from such hardness.
The hardness of the spirit is harmony with your soul, the ability to manifest its intent even at the cost of transformation of their character. This is the only reasonable hardness.
The main task of the women to be lively and soft. That is, plastic. This is a natural manifestation of female consciousness — free energy looking to fill all around. In many cities, different trainings, when I asked women to draw feminine energy, I saw the same process: the woman to take a colored pencil, often orange and began with undisguised delight to paint white sheets of paper, finished one started another, and so until tired. And no harness energy.
In the interaction of elastic and plastic manifest the beauty of the dance of male and female. If there are two solid — they fuck each other and scatter like billiard balls. If the two plastic sticks together in one piece of clay.
Man since childhood, have to be firm, to find the flow of male energy within yourself, before inclusion in the game of sex hormones. Then he can take his first baby, but men's decision.
However, the most important male and female initiation of first sexual relations. The nature of everything. Lesson of male hardness and female plasticity. If it is not firm enough, and it is fairly plastic — they have nothing. Bit of a nuisance. Women's main lesson from his firmness: "If I want to deal with him it would hurt, that I was not hurt, I have to become plastic. And it's nice. Due to its hardness I'm learning to be a woman. Wow! How great it is!"
For those who do not know "idiot" in Latin is "solid".
Men's main lesson from the meeting with aspiring female, male is a very difficult lesson, Lord, what a difficult lesson for men: "From meetings with my hardness, the woman is going to hurt. If I'm not hard enough — it can't become a woman. If I'm not loving and compassionate at the same time — she'll hate the male species. To be with her hard — really nice!"
The difficulty of the lesson of man's hardness. Like it or not — when a man shows his toughness, someone near him is inevitable and that and and the man himself. Until you learn this hardness to skillfully use.
So this world is arranged — no pain, no growing up. The art of being a man to Express so much hardness as required by his soul, and so little as possible so people won't wonder got cuts everyday. There is a social myth that it is possible to find such a man near whom woman will be able not to experience pain. Mature plastic woman Yes, growing up girl — the extent to which to trust nature, and not social standards and norms. With a man about whom not have wound, you will have to baby — sit.
Any anesthesia just spoils everything. The first sexual relationship in a state of intoxication can for a lifetime teach a woman to resort to alcohol as a "softening agent" replacement own plasticity. Also with a man and alcohol "for courage".
If male initiation was held with Mature woman, painless he may never understand the price paid by the woman to be with a man. Not to respect the lack of plasticity of the immature women of any age. To hurt for nothing. Without compassion.
I repeat — the surrounding man people: children, women, other men do not suffer from male hardness, but just from her absence. Hard man is hurt, but that is sweet. Too hard woman from him will rebound like a billiard ball.For all other times as its hardness and attractive. Attractive to children, women and other men. With soft no — solid peting and no sparring.
And the last psychosomatics. The lack of firmness in consciousness will inevitably manifest in the body. I remember my very rough night, when I had to live renal colic. It was the only time in my life. I without any painkillers all night, took the pain. Was given to her. By morning the pain subsided. I wasn't surveyed, because they have never examined. But renal colic since then never again.
According to my observations — when a man heals his symptoms — he becomes a man when a woman heals your symptoms, it becomes feminine. As it should be.
source: m.diary.ru
Source: /users/1077