Attention, Intention and Power
Eighty six million fifty three thousand four hundred fifty two
photo: www.alisonwattjackson.com3
In 1979, the American psychologist Benjamin Libitum an experiment was conducted that demonstrated the illusory nature of the so-called "free will". The experiment consisted in the fact that the subject was measured on the dial at which time he will move my hand and when the hand was in the right place — produced this action. The results were so overwhelming that the scientific community has doubted them and repeated the experiment many times with different changes, but the meaning still remained the same: between decision and action there is a gap of around 200 milliseconds, and only then happens the realization that the action produced.
In other words, a person forms an intention, then brand automatically run the processes that perform the action, and after 200 milliseconds the person is aware of the result. Hence, it is important to understand the following: all the processes in our body happen automatically, and if we try consciously to interfere in them, that will constantly create a delay of 200 MS, creating errors and as a consequence discomfort. You can verify this if you try to consciously adjust such processes as breathing or walking. A striking example can serve as the indecisive people who, having formed the intention, constantly trying to adjust the next action, without ceasing to doubt his original decision. The look of their movement? Somewhat ridiculous, isn't it?
From this it turns out that for the most part unable to control their actions, giving all to the care of the automatics of your body. And if trying to control it he just does not work for built-in limits. What then remains? And remains just two things of which in fact is the human self: mind namerenie.
We can try to understand the mind that these two entities represent, but fully realize this is only possible in meditation. So now I'll describe them, and you be sure to check all in practice.
First of all let's try to define the terms. In this article I will mean I first of all consciousness and mental essence (the mental body) of a person. Ego, as always, that I in no way included, as is a product of the mind (thinking), not consciousness. Why not put aside a person, it has nothing to do with these concepts.
Perhaps you already somewhere heard or read of the invisible witness, which is present in each of us, and the worker (the worker). So, this is what they are. Attention — this is the invisible witness (the observer), and the intention of the doer. But most interesting is that they two are the same, and become separate only in its manifestations.
Attention is the self that is constantly watching everything. It may be a part of the body, it can be process in the body or even outside it. It may be the smell or the sound, the play of light and leaves. Try to focus on something and you ask yourself: "Who am I?" Who I am at this very moment of observation? The answer may astound you. At this point, you are not a person, not ego, and not even a body. You thing, on what the focus of attention and the attention at the same time. You — the process of observation.
There is a saying "taking the plunge". So, when you "immerse yourself" in the book, in dreams, or in any other process, at this moment you are the process and nothing more, because in this moment nothing else exists.
Attention is fully passive and does not affect what is happening, but only as long as it remains. The moment of transition from attention to intention a truly remarkable and wonderful. It is very difficult to catch, but if you manage to do it — you'll be stunned. When you fully merge with the object of observation, attention and intention becomes your every fleeting thought will become a reality.
The intention is I that implements the thought. Worker. Thoughts without intentions mean nothing, it's just garbage cluttering up your mind. Only embodies the intention of your thoughts into reality. And for this to occur, you need Strength.
Power is a "magical" feature I allowing it to affect reality. Sometimes also it is called energy. Without power, the maximum that we can do — is to control the body. Physical force is present at all, it is powered by the resources of the organism, which takes them from food. Using physical force we do form the intention, after which automatic processes in the body do all the work. But besides physical strength, there is another force capable of changing the reality outside of our body. And this forces most people have very little.
While I have little power, all the processes in his life happen in the same way — automatically. Life with a man sometimes and he is just floundering in the water, going with the flow, simultaneously swatting mosquitoes and more dangerous underwater creatures. It seems to us that there is a certain freedom of will, but also as body — freedom is illusory. There are just patterns of thinking in which most people live, being nothing more than bio-robots, Pavlov's dogs, who are floating from one reaction to another in accordance with the program or with their karma.
Where does all that power go? Much power remains in the past, a large portion lies in the future and a huge part of it is in the present, but not where it should be, and in an internal dialogue (thinking). Yes, on internal dialogue occupying a large part of your force. About how the power to save, will tell you another time, in the meantime, just practice stopping the internal dialogue. To do this, use your attention. Remain passive so far as possible, surrender completely to the will of the automatics. People in the river could wallow, and it may lead to nothing, he will just lose power, and can calmly surrender to the flow, leaving them at the time when it will be necessary deliberately to pull for the shore, or wherever he want.
So, what happens if I accumulate enough power and form the intention? Happens exactly the same thing in your body. Starts the automatic processes that make reality such that what you imagine at this moment. Doesn't sound realistic? The ravings of a madman? Check. Just checking, you will be able to see the truth of the above. To check this you need to try very hard, but the result will justify the effort.
Freedom of will is illusory, but it is an illusion exactly as long as man does not accumulate enough power to change the situation. Exhausted can only limp to twitch.
source: meditation-portal.com
Source: /users/1077
photo: www.alisonwattjackson.com3
In 1979, the American psychologist Benjamin Libitum an experiment was conducted that demonstrated the illusory nature of the so-called "free will". The experiment consisted in the fact that the subject was measured on the dial at which time he will move my hand and when the hand was in the right place — produced this action. The results were so overwhelming that the scientific community has doubted them and repeated the experiment many times with different changes, but the meaning still remained the same: between decision and action there is a gap of around 200 milliseconds, and only then happens the realization that the action produced.
In other words, a person forms an intention, then brand automatically run the processes that perform the action, and after 200 milliseconds the person is aware of the result. Hence, it is important to understand the following: all the processes in our body happen automatically, and if we try consciously to interfere in them, that will constantly create a delay of 200 MS, creating errors and as a consequence discomfort. You can verify this if you try to consciously adjust such processes as breathing or walking. A striking example can serve as the indecisive people who, having formed the intention, constantly trying to adjust the next action, without ceasing to doubt his original decision. The look of their movement? Somewhat ridiculous, isn't it?
From this it turns out that for the most part unable to control their actions, giving all to the care of the automatics of your body. And if trying to control it he just does not work for built-in limits. What then remains? And remains just two things of which in fact is the human self: mind namerenie.
We can try to understand the mind that these two entities represent, but fully realize this is only possible in meditation. So now I'll describe them, and you be sure to check all in practice.
First of all let's try to define the terms. In this article I will mean I first of all consciousness and mental essence (the mental body) of a person. Ego, as always, that I in no way included, as is a product of the mind (thinking), not consciousness. Why not put aside a person, it has nothing to do with these concepts.
Perhaps you already somewhere heard or read of the invisible witness, which is present in each of us, and the worker (the worker). So, this is what they are. Attention — this is the invisible witness (the observer), and the intention of the doer. But most interesting is that they two are the same, and become separate only in its manifestations.
Attention is the self that is constantly watching everything. It may be a part of the body, it can be process in the body or even outside it. It may be the smell or the sound, the play of light and leaves. Try to focus on something and you ask yourself: "Who am I?" Who I am at this very moment of observation? The answer may astound you. At this point, you are not a person, not ego, and not even a body. You thing, on what the focus of attention and the attention at the same time. You — the process of observation.
There is a saying "taking the plunge". So, when you "immerse yourself" in the book, in dreams, or in any other process, at this moment you are the process and nothing more, because in this moment nothing else exists.
Attention is fully passive and does not affect what is happening, but only as long as it remains. The moment of transition from attention to intention a truly remarkable and wonderful. It is very difficult to catch, but if you manage to do it — you'll be stunned. When you fully merge with the object of observation, attention and intention becomes your every fleeting thought will become a reality.
The intention is I that implements the thought. Worker. Thoughts without intentions mean nothing, it's just garbage cluttering up your mind. Only embodies the intention of your thoughts into reality. And for this to occur, you need Strength.
Power is a "magical" feature I allowing it to affect reality. Sometimes also it is called energy. Without power, the maximum that we can do — is to control the body. Physical force is present at all, it is powered by the resources of the organism, which takes them from food. Using physical force we do form the intention, after which automatic processes in the body do all the work. But besides physical strength, there is another force capable of changing the reality outside of our body. And this forces most people have very little.
While I have little power, all the processes in his life happen in the same way — automatically. Life with a man sometimes and he is just floundering in the water, going with the flow, simultaneously swatting mosquitoes and more dangerous underwater creatures. It seems to us that there is a certain freedom of will, but also as body — freedom is illusory. There are just patterns of thinking in which most people live, being nothing more than bio-robots, Pavlov's dogs, who are floating from one reaction to another in accordance with the program or with their karma.
Where does all that power go? Much power remains in the past, a large portion lies in the future and a huge part of it is in the present, but not where it should be, and in an internal dialogue (thinking). Yes, on internal dialogue occupying a large part of your force. About how the power to save, will tell you another time, in the meantime, just practice stopping the internal dialogue. To do this, use your attention. Remain passive so far as possible, surrender completely to the will of the automatics. People in the river could wallow, and it may lead to nothing, he will just lose power, and can calmly surrender to the flow, leaving them at the time when it will be necessary deliberately to pull for the shore, or wherever he want.
So, what happens if I accumulate enough power and form the intention? Happens exactly the same thing in your body. Starts the automatic processes that make reality such that what you imagine at this moment. Doesn't sound realistic? The ravings of a madman? Check. Just checking, you will be able to see the truth of the above. To check this you need to try very hard, but the result will justify the effort.
Freedom of will is illusory, but it is an illusion exactly as long as man does not accumulate enough power to change the situation. Exhausted can only limp to twitch.
source: meditation-portal.com
Source: /users/1077