Products partners for those wishing to lose weight

1. Avocado and orange
Studies have been conducted, during which it became clear that patients with visceral obesity, contains a huge amount of stress hormone cortisol. It turned out that cortisol reduces the rate of metabolism and thereby leads to the deposition of dangerous visceral fat. Vitamin C contained in orange, and the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in avocados, helps lower cortisol levels in the body and thereby prevent the deposition of visceral fat. Orange and avocado prevent the deposition of fat.Eat 3 oranges and 1 avocado a day.
2. Cheese and greens
Low-fat cottage cheese rich in protein, which reduces hunger. In addition, the processing of protein our body spends a lot of energy.
Greens – a source of coarse fibres, which are not absorbed in the body and swell, accumulate approximately 10-15% of fat and take it out. In addition, coarse fibers reduce the glycemic index of foods you eat and thus permanently creates a feeling of satiety. Low-fat cottage cheese and herbs reduce the feeling of hunger. Low-fat cottage cheese with herbs – one of the best meals for weight loss. Eat 350g of fat free cottage cheese and 100 g of greens per day.
3. Tuna and black pepper
Tuna contains arginine which is an amino acid that is involved in the production of growth hormone. Deficiency of HGH leads to a decrease in metabolic rate and fat deposition in the body. Black pepper contains piperine – a substance that stops the deposition of fat in the body. Eat 100 g of tuna and 1 g of black pepper per day.
Source: kassiopeja.in.ua/post342379926/
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