The characteristics of a good marriage - whether they are present in Your relationship
A good marriage has the following characteristics:
— both husband and wife are taking themselves, they don't need the humiliation of another in order to enhance their own self-esteem;
— misunderstanding and differences are discussed, and not swell up to alarming proportions, capable of destroying the relationship;
— each associate is devoted to the relationship, wants them to continue to develop and not looking for ways to retreat and escape.
Needs, satisfied in a good marriage:
In the vicinity are psychological and physical.
The pleasure from the activity and the surrounding world.
1. The proximity
Two people share with each other thoughts and feelings; each endeavours to find out the other and give the opportunity to know themselves; they empathize with each other. Psychological or emotional intimacy creates an atmosphere of coziness and comfort. Physical intimacy, not associated with sexual relations, includes all the bodily expressions of affection and tenderness, the contact needs human beings. Some people were deprived of it in childhood, so in adult life they try not to touch the partner, with the exception of sexual intercourse.2. Sex
Sex in a good marriage is the spontaneity, the fun.Sex in a neurotic marriage is almost always also the shame of failure;
— anxiety and confusion sexual identity: “If I can't feel what is written in the book, so I'm not a real woman”:
— the pursuit of the subject: “All depends on the partner. If he had the right equipment, then I would be able to have more fun”;
— parent-child relationships: “If he loved me, he read my thoughts and understood without words what I need”;
projection hidden feelings of inferiority to the partner, the prosecution of regret: “I'm okay. It's your fault”;
— envy: “That's not fair. The rest of the men (women) in the world of wonderful feelings. I always cheat”.3. The engaging activities and the world
Sharing interests and experiences with the person you love, you strengthen the pleasure from the activity and enhance intimacy. When I say that people need to develop their own interests, even if they can't split them in joint activities, I didn't mean that they just go their separate ways, regardless of the partner. It combines the experience strengthens the relationship and gives it meaning.4. Self-acceptance
Very pleased to reveal to another person his true “I”, weakness and fears, and see that he continues to love you, less an estimated suitable to your mistakes than you do. True intimacy satisfies our needs for security, acceptance and reassurance.What happens in a bad marriage? You depend on the approval of the partner, because you lack self-acceptance. Partner gives you all sorts of virtues that you do not actually possess. Are you afraid to reveal yourself and to disappoint him. It robs your relationship of psychological proximity. For some unseen reasons, the love helps to accept and to endure many personal qualities of the partner. When you love somebody, their happiness makes you richer, but your enjoyment of life is not in complete dependence on him. published Author — Alexander Malarek
Source: psymanblog.ru/2011/06/priznaki-xoroshego-braka/