Motor intelligence: 5 ways to become smarter
Thirty three million four hundred sixty two thousand four hundred thirty four
© Stephanie J. Kim
Is it possible to wise up on their own? 10 years ago, most neuroscientists would say that it is impossible. "Then almost all thought that intelligence is genetic, says Dan Hurley, author of "How to become smarter" (Smarter: The New Science of Building Brain Power). Said Darwin: "Sorry, guys, but your brain will not hold"".
However, new studies show that your mental abilities we can be strengthened through cognitive exercises as well as muscle — training with a barbell. And it's not a question of memory development, mind you. "Training the short-and long-term memory by itself changes nothing at the level of intelligence is not affected, says Hurley. — It is useful. And yet there are many suffering from absent-mindedness of professors and brilliant specialists, unable to remember the name of the people they met at the party last night". Steve jobs or bill gates, according to the writer, in reality, distinguished from the rest of the people RAM their mind and their force of rolling intelligence. "They can put it all together, to see the pattern and to read between the lines," he explains.
Memory of the mind is our ability to switch between randomly placed pieces of information and put them in an ordered structure. Fluid intelligence — ability to notice hidden patterns. Rasshifrovka ancient texts and a high level of intelligence fluid intelligence is particularly well developed. "They are called intellectual analysts," says Hurley. According to him, today in the US government there is a whole unit Service advanced research projects (Advanced Research Projects Activity, or IARPA), which works on the development associated with a mobile intelligence programs. However, to train the brain is useful not only for scouts. We all benefit from the development of exercises for the mind.
A good example — Healthcare.gov (online resource American health service, who was suspected of dissemination of foreign intelligence developed by malicious programs. — primas'. ed.). "What was the problem with the site? — asks Dan Hurley. — There was little nerds with a high IQ? No. But they were just doing their job, not bothering to put together large pieces of information. This project required that the smart people took a step back and saw the full picture." That's why we have fluid intelligence. But what you need to do to improve his work? The writer is willing to give some advice.
Nineteen million twenty one thousand nine hundred twenty two
Try Iridan Hurley three and a half months spent on the creation of Lumosity, an online program of intellectual training, developed in collaboration with neuroscientists. Games within it help a person to cultivate concentration, allow the older to preserve cognitive abilities and learn to see patterns and build links between information fragments.
Hurley has something to say to those who belong to such programs skeptical. "There is a lot of materials that supplementation with vitamin C is useless, unless you British sailor on the yard, in 1793. And yet people continue to accept this rubbish, he says. — However, when it comes to games for brain development, many are beginning to argue that "it is not proven"".
Of course, to shell out you might not be ready. Don't worry: training Dual N-Back or the intellectual game you can try for free. "It sounds ridiculous, but in games where you have to shoot, competing in accuracy, is a big plus, since they train the reaction and reduce the speed of response to a stimulus, says the writer. — We do not believe that such things are "intelligence", but for the development of cognitive skills, they are important." Besides, it will allow you "not to crash out in the car, which suddenly handed back".
Be careful"the Ability to focus and to put the world on mute also plays a huge role, —said Hurley. — So physicists are seeking the origin of his crazy inspirations and solve the most complicated puzzles." We, ordinary people, can achieve such a deep concentration through mindfulness meditation. All you need is to sit quietly, focusing on how you breathe. When thoughts become a distraction, gently return them to the place. Will start to remember recent business meeting — think about breathing. Will make a shopping list — think about breathing. 20 minutes of this practice a day can give amazing results. Especially, says Dan Hurley, "if you're an office worker who every 20 minutes on Facebook looks".
Develop physically, and expand the boundaries of comfort,"the Physical practice is also justified if we talk about the mind — says the writer. — Exercises on lifting of weight and cardio training — proven methods for increasing memory intelligence and efficiency of the rolling stock of intelligence." The focus here is to constantly push myself forward. The training system should be "progressive" — that is, their intensity needs to be increased. "If you just run like always, it only helps to keep your level of intelligence," says Dan. It is necessary to go beyond what is possible for your body to push the limits of the mind.
Forty five million three hundred thirteen thousand nine hundred ninety one
Didn't think about transcranial direct current stimulation?"How monstrous this may sound, electric current of low voltage (9 volts), accurately directed in the desired area of the frontal lobes, can stimulate regions that are involved in the process of intensive thinking," says Hurley. These techniques have not received approval from the American Management on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines (FDA), however, they are recognized as legal, and many companies offer this service. Most Hurley the procedure transcranial stimulation direct current was conducted by the neuroscientists from Harvard. The writer says that after his results in the framework of the program of training Lumosity have improved dramatically. "I urge you not to try to do it yourself, warns Hurley. — If you don't want to be like the guys from the show Tosh.0, which descend from the roofs to water ski".
Learn a musical instrument"I, of course, do not mean that you have to find your old dusty guitar and Laba on her hits of the' 80s. I'm talking about what you need to find lessons and practice," — said the writer. Learning to play a musical instrument develops the brain as well as exercises Lumosity, because it forces us to perform several tasks simultaneously. "I myself have mastered the lute. Had a great time," says Hurley. Alternatively, he also offers chess. "This activity is promising, it develops the skills of "mental juggling" and analytical skills, makes us constantly play capabilities, says Dan. But, again: don't just play with classmates. Learn.»published
Source: theoryandpractice.ru
© Stephanie J. Kim
Is it possible to wise up on their own? 10 years ago, most neuroscientists would say that it is impossible. "Then almost all thought that intelligence is genetic, says Dan Hurley, author of "How to become smarter" (Smarter: The New Science of Building Brain Power). Said Darwin: "Sorry, guys, but your brain will not hold"".
However, new studies show that your mental abilities we can be strengthened through cognitive exercises as well as muscle — training with a barbell. And it's not a question of memory development, mind you. "Training the short-and long-term memory by itself changes nothing at the level of intelligence is not affected, says Hurley. — It is useful. And yet there are many suffering from absent-mindedness of professors and brilliant specialists, unable to remember the name of the people they met at the party last night". Steve jobs or bill gates, according to the writer, in reality, distinguished from the rest of the people RAM their mind and their force of rolling intelligence. "They can put it all together, to see the pattern and to read between the lines," he explains.
Memory of the mind is our ability to switch between randomly placed pieces of information and put them in an ordered structure. Fluid intelligence — ability to notice hidden patterns. Rasshifrovka ancient texts and a high level of intelligence fluid intelligence is particularly well developed. "They are called intellectual analysts," says Hurley. According to him, today in the US government there is a whole unit Service advanced research projects (Advanced Research Projects Activity, or IARPA), which works on the development associated with a mobile intelligence programs. However, to train the brain is useful not only for scouts. We all benefit from the development of exercises for the mind.
A good example — Healthcare.gov (online resource American health service, who was suspected of dissemination of foreign intelligence developed by malicious programs. — primas'. ed.). "What was the problem with the site? — asks Dan Hurley. — There was little nerds with a high IQ? No. But they were just doing their job, not bothering to put together large pieces of information. This project required that the smart people took a step back and saw the full picture." That's why we have fluid intelligence. But what you need to do to improve his work? The writer is willing to give some advice.
Nineteen million twenty one thousand nine hundred twenty two
Try Iridan Hurley three and a half months spent on the creation of Lumosity, an online program of intellectual training, developed in collaboration with neuroscientists. Games within it help a person to cultivate concentration, allow the older to preserve cognitive abilities and learn to see patterns and build links between information fragments.
Hurley has something to say to those who belong to such programs skeptical. "There is a lot of materials that supplementation with vitamin C is useless, unless you British sailor on the yard, in 1793. And yet people continue to accept this rubbish, he says. — However, when it comes to games for brain development, many are beginning to argue that "it is not proven"".
Of course, to shell out you might not be ready. Don't worry: training Dual N-Back or the intellectual game you can try for free. "It sounds ridiculous, but in games where you have to shoot, competing in accuracy, is a big plus, since they train the reaction and reduce the speed of response to a stimulus, says the writer. — We do not believe that such things are "intelligence", but for the development of cognitive skills, they are important." Besides, it will allow you "not to crash out in the car, which suddenly handed back".
Be careful"the Ability to focus and to put the world on mute also plays a huge role, —said Hurley. — So physicists are seeking the origin of his crazy inspirations and solve the most complicated puzzles." We, ordinary people, can achieve such a deep concentration through mindfulness meditation. All you need is to sit quietly, focusing on how you breathe. When thoughts become a distraction, gently return them to the place. Will start to remember recent business meeting — think about breathing. Will make a shopping list — think about breathing. 20 minutes of this practice a day can give amazing results. Especially, says Dan Hurley, "if you're an office worker who every 20 minutes on Facebook looks".
Develop physically, and expand the boundaries of comfort,"the Physical practice is also justified if we talk about the mind — says the writer. — Exercises on lifting of weight and cardio training — proven methods for increasing memory intelligence and efficiency of the rolling stock of intelligence." The focus here is to constantly push myself forward. The training system should be "progressive" — that is, their intensity needs to be increased. "If you just run like always, it only helps to keep your level of intelligence," says Dan. It is necessary to go beyond what is possible for your body to push the limits of the mind.
Forty five million three hundred thirteen thousand nine hundred ninety one
Didn't think about transcranial direct current stimulation?"How monstrous this may sound, electric current of low voltage (9 volts), accurately directed in the desired area of the frontal lobes, can stimulate regions that are involved in the process of intensive thinking," says Hurley. These techniques have not received approval from the American Management on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines (FDA), however, they are recognized as legal, and many companies offer this service. Most Hurley the procedure transcranial stimulation direct current was conducted by the neuroscientists from Harvard. The writer says that after his results in the framework of the program of training Lumosity have improved dramatically. "I urge you not to try to do it yourself, warns Hurley. — If you don't want to be like the guys from the show Tosh.0, which descend from the roofs to water ski".
Learn a musical instrument"I, of course, do not mean that you have to find your old dusty guitar and Laba on her hits of the' 80s. I'm talking about what you need to find lessons and practice," — said the writer. Learning to play a musical instrument develops the brain as well as exercises Lumosity, because it forces us to perform several tasks simultaneously. "I myself have mastered the lute. Had a great time," says Hurley. Alternatively, he also offers chess. "This activity is promising, it develops the skills of "mental juggling" and analytical skills, makes us constantly play capabilities, says Dan. But, again: don't just play with classmates. Learn.»published
Source: theoryandpractice.ru
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