About karma and life in simple words
Twenty one million six hundred fifty seven thousand two hundred seventy four
I have been asked a variety of questions about fate and karma. The right question already contains the answer. So I'll start with the ridiculous question: "are You not afraid of karma?"
How can you be afraid of life? Probably asked the question, karma is punishing sword, the inevitable punishment, the expectation of which terrifies. You need to destroy a ridiculous fear, and most importantly, to dispel the mist of ignorance, otherwise it will generate another karmic knot, tightening already giving the answer.
Karma is a complex causal relationship of the manifestations of life and consciousness. Its diversity can be seen on the example of deep Energianalyse something simple and on the surface, familiar.
Ancient, wise lesson needlework, embroidery on fabric, than a good example. As a consequence, we use it in the form of paintings on the wall, decorations of clothing items or just the corner of the pillowcase, but can and does throw, finding the. This is a result already accomplished the reason — the quality of embroidery and joined us a new reason — our taste and practical thinking. At first glance, are three karmic thread: manufacturer, embroidery and consumer. Preliminary portion choice at the karma of these people in one plexus, their decision, the process and especially the result of the interaction. At any node of karmic connections can be seen, the principle of the menorah — one of the laws of the construction of Genesis. Remember 7 races, 7подрас, 7 notes, 7 days of the week, 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 bodies in man, the 7 major chakras in Energostroy.
Similarly, in the karmic nodes, we will find 7 centers, 7 strands, bearing 7 shades of what happened and the 7 layers of the solution. In each of the seven reasons has 7 sub causes, each of 7 variants of investigation, have their own 7 reasons for the change. As you can see, we have a vast field for activities in changing the karma, its construction and testing. Most importantly, the task of unraveling the karmic nodes, to distribute the zone of influence, impact and responsibility, between all the sevens .
Back to our example with embroidery. Find seven reasons of her fate:
1 — the quality of the embroidery
2 — the meaning of the plotted drawing
3 — manufacturer 4 — consumer
5 — fashion, i.e. public opinion
6 — the value of the finished product
7 — natural katoklizmy
Now consider expanding on the 7 shelves one of the reasons is "quality embroidery". Here they are, seven reasons that influence them:
1 — technical quality of source materials
2 quality used for the manufacture of tools
3 - professionalism embroiderers
4 - the mood of the needle during operation
5 — climate and energy in the manufacture of
6 - storage conditions of the finished product
7 — time cycle
Even meeting a moth with embroidery reasonably and affects the effects.
When working with a client, it is also necessary to take into account the principle of the menorah. Need to find seven aspects of the problem, find out seven reasons each link and to work the seven areas resolve the problem at the same time. For example, the rehabilitation of the client, it is important to work with bioenergy, karmic heredity, changes in social conditions (environment and lifestyle), nutrition, spiritual development, to influence magically and finally, never exclude traditional medical care. The karmic principle of multiplicity operates in all directions of time and space, in all manifestations of life. This is impossible not to participate, we are already born for a reason and for something. The question is, can you understand the structure and principle of the life cycles of infinity, to rise above what is happening and contemplate from the side, penetrating deep into? If Yes, then you can do outside of karma. Seeing "Why" and knowing "Why" you will know "How" to change the karma. We live by its laws, making it their consciousness and behavior every second. How to build a fruitful chain? Seeing only 7 steps up, down, in all directions, in width and depth, meaning and objectives, observing, at the same time, the main law of Ahimsa — "do NO HARM!".
Infinite World is seething multi-faceted life. We need to accept it and to understand, to melt into it and become it. And then, metroplitana thread of KARMA will become our retina. Space vision! There will be no more distinctions of space and object. Open free access to all "reason", and an opportunity to influence the trial. If there's a thread, be a hook and whip your pattern, at least learn to read the pattern, like a book.
And so, karma is not so much a punishment or a promotion in the past, and how the process of materialization of the conclusions of our work. Often something going on "Deposit", i.e. created the reason for a fruitful change of karma. Therefore, do not always have the answer to the question "Why?", it replaces the question "Why?". And here it is important not to miss out, not to tie a heavy knot of negligence and waste. Working with karma brings in another dimension of space, time and consciousness.
By the way, our meeting is also not accidental. Many reasons led to the you that is reading this book, and me writing these words. The Bible, its precepts and parables, explains to us how to avoid the difficult karmic ties that prevent our main goal of being on this planet and life in General. I said that the Earth is now in a very difficult karmic web, and the most difficult knots tied people living on the planet. Having mastered the mighty knowledge, humanity remains blind and insatiable. The last 100 years, every day we destroy all living things and valuable. Like parasites living in the body, devoured it, and muck, not thinking that chop off the branch on which you sit.
But trying to stop us! Disease of the century — cancer and AIDS, numerous new viruses that cannot be treated with man. The destruction of pesky insects, drinking blood (the earth) — that reminds me of the "end of the world". If we untie this knot? Will there be enough power of the open consciousness of the collective mind for the revival of the purity of the relationship between Man and Nature? I'm not going to teach someone how to behave in anticipation of the last judgment and final resurrection, but believe that this Court is a long time, and never stopped, even for a short break. Guardian angels, consisting of three, constantly monitor our thoughts and actions, recording them in a book of individual life, thereby, changing fate. Thus the work of Karma. Every minute we have a choice how to act, what to say. This is the only moment of free choice, everything else depends on the decision. We select only track prepared road. Just so.
I remember once, I had an abortion under General anesthesia. Suddenly I felt myself outside of the body. In addition to the operating room I saw a huge white cloud, which was covered with a square table with a white tablecloth. At the table sat a beautiful but very strict woman, and at the sides, slightly stooping, stood two angels with wings. They were all white and translucent, freely flowing robes. The woman wrote something huge pen in the Ledger. They quietly talked among themselves, but my loud heartbeat prevented me to hear. Clearly only heard the name Elena and the word "close". The judicial person of the Trinity was so serious that I didn't dare to speak with them. Remember, I was very ashamed for his action. It's like they didn't want to look in my direction, knowing I see them. I realized that much guilty and deprived myself of something very important. It pained despair, because nothing can change it. I something in me shut down. Now it will be "different." What is it and how? I didn't know, but finally understood that every action is tracked and adjustments are made in destiny.
Now living under a microscope. Keep feeling what's included microphone, and all that I say and even think is bugged, and even recorded. The main evidence is recorded and the reason for my punishment. Or promotion. And when you do not know what to do, pray to the Supreme help. I remember back in the ICU when I was struggling with trying to meet the challenge of survival, I had a vision. The virgin smiled tenderly and very approvingly. And most importantly, She showed me a simple truth — I am a person entitled to mistakes and weaknesses. A person can not know everything, because sometimes do not know what they do, besides, he's too weak to do it myself. And because, in a moment of confusion, of despair or confusion, has a sacred right to ask for the help of the Almighty Father in Heaven. As a little child, building a castle, but can't put a roof on the building, and ready to destroy everything, with words I can't do anything, suddenly hear her mother's — don't cry, just ask me for help. And strong hands of a parent save the situation. Saved me more than once! Always, in a moment of doubt or fear, I am reminded of the words of the virgin Mary and asking for help. Everything is settled and there comes a grace.
I think grace is the praise of the Lord. Because joy in my soul, like a toddler who praised parents. And I want to experience it again and again. And I want not to be guilty, in order not to experience firsthand the punishment. After all, who love, raise in severity. published
from the book of Nadia Hilton "Dialogue in silence»
Source: www.b17.ru/article/104/
I have been asked a variety of questions about fate and karma. The right question already contains the answer. So I'll start with the ridiculous question: "are You not afraid of karma?"
How can you be afraid of life? Probably asked the question, karma is punishing sword, the inevitable punishment, the expectation of which terrifies. You need to destroy a ridiculous fear, and most importantly, to dispel the mist of ignorance, otherwise it will generate another karmic knot, tightening already giving the answer.
Karma is a complex causal relationship of the manifestations of life and consciousness. Its diversity can be seen on the example of deep Energianalyse something simple and on the surface, familiar.
Ancient, wise lesson needlework, embroidery on fabric, than a good example. As a consequence, we use it in the form of paintings on the wall, decorations of clothing items or just the corner of the pillowcase, but can and does throw, finding the. This is a result already accomplished the reason — the quality of embroidery and joined us a new reason — our taste and practical thinking. At first glance, are three karmic thread: manufacturer, embroidery and consumer. Preliminary portion choice at the karma of these people in one plexus, their decision, the process and especially the result of the interaction. At any node of karmic connections can be seen, the principle of the menorah — one of the laws of the construction of Genesis. Remember 7 races, 7подрас, 7 notes, 7 days of the week, 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 bodies in man, the 7 major chakras in Energostroy.
Similarly, in the karmic nodes, we will find 7 centers, 7 strands, bearing 7 shades of what happened and the 7 layers of the solution. In each of the seven reasons has 7 sub causes, each of 7 variants of investigation, have their own 7 reasons for the change. As you can see, we have a vast field for activities in changing the karma, its construction and testing. Most importantly, the task of unraveling the karmic nodes, to distribute the zone of influence, impact and responsibility, between all the sevens .
Back to our example with embroidery. Find seven reasons of her fate:
1 — the quality of the embroidery
2 — the meaning of the plotted drawing
3 — manufacturer 4 — consumer
5 — fashion, i.e. public opinion
6 — the value of the finished product
7 — natural katoklizmy
Now consider expanding on the 7 shelves one of the reasons is "quality embroidery". Here they are, seven reasons that influence them:
1 — technical quality of source materials
2 quality used for the manufacture of tools
3 - professionalism embroiderers
4 - the mood of the needle during operation
5 — climate and energy in the manufacture of
6 - storage conditions of the finished product
7 — time cycle
Even meeting a moth with embroidery reasonably and affects the effects.
When working with a client, it is also necessary to take into account the principle of the menorah. Need to find seven aspects of the problem, find out seven reasons each link and to work the seven areas resolve the problem at the same time. For example, the rehabilitation of the client, it is important to work with bioenergy, karmic heredity, changes in social conditions (environment and lifestyle), nutrition, spiritual development, to influence magically and finally, never exclude traditional medical care. The karmic principle of multiplicity operates in all directions of time and space, in all manifestations of life. This is impossible not to participate, we are already born for a reason and for something. The question is, can you understand the structure and principle of the life cycles of infinity, to rise above what is happening and contemplate from the side, penetrating deep into? If Yes, then you can do outside of karma. Seeing "Why" and knowing "Why" you will know "How" to change the karma. We live by its laws, making it their consciousness and behavior every second. How to build a fruitful chain? Seeing only 7 steps up, down, in all directions, in width and depth, meaning and objectives, observing, at the same time, the main law of Ahimsa — "do NO HARM!".
Infinite World is seething multi-faceted life. We need to accept it and to understand, to melt into it and become it. And then, metroplitana thread of KARMA will become our retina. Space vision! There will be no more distinctions of space and object. Open free access to all "reason", and an opportunity to influence the trial. If there's a thread, be a hook and whip your pattern, at least learn to read the pattern, like a book.
And so, karma is not so much a punishment or a promotion in the past, and how the process of materialization of the conclusions of our work. Often something going on "Deposit", i.e. created the reason for a fruitful change of karma. Therefore, do not always have the answer to the question "Why?", it replaces the question "Why?". And here it is important not to miss out, not to tie a heavy knot of negligence and waste. Working with karma brings in another dimension of space, time and consciousness.
By the way, our meeting is also not accidental. Many reasons led to the you that is reading this book, and me writing these words. The Bible, its precepts and parables, explains to us how to avoid the difficult karmic ties that prevent our main goal of being on this planet and life in General. I said that the Earth is now in a very difficult karmic web, and the most difficult knots tied people living on the planet. Having mastered the mighty knowledge, humanity remains blind and insatiable. The last 100 years, every day we destroy all living things and valuable. Like parasites living in the body, devoured it, and muck, not thinking that chop off the branch on which you sit.
But trying to stop us! Disease of the century — cancer and AIDS, numerous new viruses that cannot be treated with man. The destruction of pesky insects, drinking blood (the earth) — that reminds me of the "end of the world". If we untie this knot? Will there be enough power of the open consciousness of the collective mind for the revival of the purity of the relationship between Man and Nature? I'm not going to teach someone how to behave in anticipation of the last judgment and final resurrection, but believe that this Court is a long time, and never stopped, even for a short break. Guardian angels, consisting of three, constantly monitor our thoughts and actions, recording them in a book of individual life, thereby, changing fate. Thus the work of Karma. Every minute we have a choice how to act, what to say. This is the only moment of free choice, everything else depends on the decision. We select only track prepared road. Just so.
I remember once, I had an abortion under General anesthesia. Suddenly I felt myself outside of the body. In addition to the operating room I saw a huge white cloud, which was covered with a square table with a white tablecloth. At the table sat a beautiful but very strict woman, and at the sides, slightly stooping, stood two angels with wings. They were all white and translucent, freely flowing robes. The woman wrote something huge pen in the Ledger. They quietly talked among themselves, but my loud heartbeat prevented me to hear. Clearly only heard the name Elena and the word "close". The judicial person of the Trinity was so serious that I didn't dare to speak with them. Remember, I was very ashamed for his action. It's like they didn't want to look in my direction, knowing I see them. I realized that much guilty and deprived myself of something very important. It pained despair, because nothing can change it. I something in me shut down. Now it will be "different." What is it and how? I didn't know, but finally understood that every action is tracked and adjustments are made in destiny.
Now living under a microscope. Keep feeling what's included microphone, and all that I say and even think is bugged, and even recorded. The main evidence is recorded and the reason for my punishment. Or promotion. And when you do not know what to do, pray to the Supreme help. I remember back in the ICU when I was struggling with trying to meet the challenge of survival, I had a vision. The virgin smiled tenderly and very approvingly. And most importantly, She showed me a simple truth — I am a person entitled to mistakes and weaknesses. A person can not know everything, because sometimes do not know what they do, besides, he's too weak to do it myself. And because, in a moment of confusion, of despair or confusion, has a sacred right to ask for the help of the Almighty Father in Heaven. As a little child, building a castle, but can't put a roof on the building, and ready to destroy everything, with words I can't do anything, suddenly hear her mother's — don't cry, just ask me for help. And strong hands of a parent save the situation. Saved me more than once! Always, in a moment of doubt or fear, I am reminded of the words of the virgin Mary and asking for help. Everything is settled and there comes a grace.
I think grace is the praise of the Lord. Because joy in my soul, like a toddler who praised parents. And I want to experience it again and again. And I want not to be guilty, in order not to experience firsthand the punishment. After all, who love, raise in severity. published
from the book of Nadia Hilton "Dialogue in silence»
Source: www.b17.ru/article/104/
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