Treatment of diseases of the lungs and stomach with qigong
The author, a former soldier, in 1966, he left military service and became involved in exploration of water resources. The burdens of military service, participation in military actions and subsequent lives, often in the field, very far from comfort, unfortunately, affected the health. He had discovered a number of diseases: bronchitis, duodenal ulcer severe, atrophy of the stomach and gastritis. Often in connection with the change of weather or a poor diet began severe attacks, accompanied by unbearable pain and bringing misery. Even in the hottest days of summer had to wear a warming bandage. A variety of treatment methods of Chinese and Western medicine did not give any results, and the status kept deteriorating.
In 1978 I had to go to the hospital. After treatment for three months in the hospital, having tasted to the full of various drugs and injections, he felt some improvement, which, however, often gave way to new attacks. To consolidate the results of treatment were sent to the balneological sanatorium “Huili” in Hebei province, where he passed a course of qigong therapy using the method of “inhale — up, exhale — down.” After a month of training condition improved were pain in the stomach, dry cough became weaker and his appetite. This has strengthened the faith of the author in the victory over the disease, gives strength. He began to exercise every day many times and has achieved amazing results: condition improved day by day completely disappeared discomfort. Since more than 10 years regularly engaged in qigong, the disease left him, health is improving every year.
Description метода1. Standing
To practice, choose a quiet place in the fresh air. The feet shoulder-width apart. Stay relaxed and calm, shoulders slumped, arms hanging freely along the trunk. Eyes closed softly, eyes focused on the tip of the nose. The lower jaw is slightly retracted, the face relaxed. Natural breathing. Suffering from high blood pressure to avoid unpleasant feelings should not focus on the body areas above your chest, not to qi accumulated in the head.
During inhalation, imagine that the dots unchuan on both legs, along the foot of Yin Meridian, go up the streams of hot qi that reaches the point of shangjun (in the middle of the chest) and sprinkle both lungs. While exhaling, imagine that two streams of hot qi along the Meridian jangmi, then leg Yin meridians back to point uncian Accumulated in his mouth saliva, swallowing a three-mentally point in the lower dantian. The exercise should be done daily at three times: morning, afternoon and evening, each time not less than thirty minutes.
People with low blood pressure the recommended order. Natural breathing. During inhalation, imagine that from the lower dantian (lower abdominal region) based on two streams of hot qi which, together with the inhaled air along the Meridian jangmi rise to the point changjun and irrigate the lungs. While exhaling, imagine that the same two streams descend from the point of shangjun Meridian jangmi, returning to dantian and closing the cycle. The exercise should be done daily at three times: morning, afternoon and evening, each time not less than thirty minutes.
2. Sitting
Sit on a chair, feet and knees are shoulder width apart. The tibia of the legs are upright at a 90° angle to the floor. The hands lie on the thighs. Natural breathing, relaxed face. The exercise is performed the same way as described above.
3. Lying
Lie on your back. The body is relaxed, breathing naturally. Head raised on a pillow for 20 cm so that was convenient. Both legs extended, feet positioned slightly narrower than shoulder width. Hands and fingers located along the body with palms inward. The exercise is performed the same way as in the standing position.
4. The end of the exercise
With the power of RUB your palms together until the heat. Swipe your hand in the face from the lower jaw to the hair and back. Perform this movement three times. Then both hands again, slide the face up to the point Santin, then through the crown, ujjani through the base of the ears to the anterior part of the chest. Guide the qi down the Meridian jangmi back to dantian. Putting one hand to the other (men on top of the right hand, women — left), massage the abdomen around the navel in a circular motion, 36 times clockwise, and then 36 times clockwise. Slowly open your eyes. published
Author: Zhou Hotel
Translation: Sergeev
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ezotera.ariom.ru/2007/01/06/cigun.html