Master of his fate or...
It is known that at this point there are two public opinions: one half of the society believes that a man builds his destiny and chooses when, how and why to live. The other half of society believes that “the fate of no escape”.
This question, by the way, cared for me always, and I was constantly in the process of studying the life on the subject of izbegnete-the inevitability of the events, and pondered why some people predicted the fortune-tellers come to pass, while others do not. Earlier I adhered to the first opinion, by the way, while my mother is still a follower for a second opinion.
Which of these opinions can be called the most reliable?
I have long searched for the answer to this question everywhere, reinforcing their search for living examples, of course. But the results are not received, it was all too vague. Soon I was acquainted with the technique of BA-zi, where I got utterly clear and, most importantly, constantly reaffirm in practice the answer.
In fact, it was found that both public opinion fair equally, BUT with some reservations.
Thanks to my experience with the BA-Tzu, I realized that almost everything depends on how many people are strong spiritually, what is its energy potential, how strong he is as a Person.
Imagine a huge ocean, with all its surprises, and in the ocean a small boat. She should be there, not very sweet. And the smaller its size is, the more it will obey the motion of the waves: where the wave, there she is, let us add here yet and the wind. But if the waves become too large? But if she will “stumble” on the Gulf stream, for example? In the latter case, it clearly is to bear in one direction on the course (the same happens with people).
Now imagine the same powerful ocean ferry. It is quite easy to cope with the waves, and even at all will not feel them.
After this discovery I immediately think “how great it is to be a strong personality!”, but here all not so simply. Of course, a very strong personality to be better than weak. But if it is illiterate to use, has a negative.
Powerful steam will not notice the waves, he'll crush her with his powerful chest and crawl on, demolishing everything in its path until, until ... he does not meet a tsunami.
Agree, after dealing with small waves better than a huge tsunami, right?
So it is with people. How many times I've been about following a dialogue with a person:
— My dear, you have here the problem, it is necessary to solve it.
— Where is the problem? I have no problems there, you are delusional!
— I say it is, and while you won't understand it and will appear and then worsen.
— My dear, you have here the problem, it is necessary to solve it.
— Where (surprised)? a pause, and then, Oh, really a problem! I didn't notice.
There is such a thing as Karma, which is also a great influence on the course of life, especially if it is negative. She brings, God knows, in the above-described adjustments. And I'm curious to know empirically how it works clearly. And again I was helped by BA-zi, where it is possible to see what kind of person is karma and when it will have an effect (year, month and even day). Of course, much depends on the severity of karma, the power of the human spirit (and the ability to use this power). Based on the severity of karma, for you at a certain time (most often people) there will be a tricky situation, which NOT to react nor breaking anything will be almost impossible (provided that you do not know that in the month/day you teased your karma).
For example, Pete is quite heavy karma going problems with the head, for example, humiliation. And Peter, of course, neither sleep nor the spirit of this sad fact. And the day when the energies are folded in a certain way, encourage the creation of certain situations, a supervisor may “suddenly” get angry and unjustly (or even justly) to yell at Pete. A few hours colleague Bob will tell you that the chief praised him for his perfectly executed project, although Bob did it as a hit, but Peter did my project perfectly, but this one, somehow, did not notice. And it's not even in the head and not the colleague, but AS a subordinate will react to the shouts of the chief and General “injustice”. Agree, such it is difficult to respond adequately? The subordinate is likely to resent or dismiss.
The heavier the karma, the harder it is to carry and the easier it is to fade away/ breaking anything under her weight, adding to their future.
If all of my writing together, the conclusion is this:
1/ If you are sailing in a boat, pay attention to the material from which it is made and what are its dimensions in order to be ready to deliver future surprises of the ocean. If you major blows over “relax and enjoy” (stunningly multifaceted and deeply philosophical phrase). If you are still hanging and heavy karma.... I sincerely sympathize with you:( and I wish you strength, wisdom and patience while you will “survive” and “untie” if you wish.
2/ If you were on a fast ferry, looked sometimes overboard on the subject of the weather and, you are likely to need much more sensitivity than those who sail in the boat. You don't want then to stumble upon a tsunami, right? If you near trampled karma, it would be nice if for a start you just said and recognize its effect on you... and further on the already well-known scheme.
Regardless of your scenario, remember, there is no ocean that is impossible to cross! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: liashatush.livejournal.com/

This question, by the way, cared for me always, and I was constantly in the process of studying the life on the subject of izbegnete-the inevitability of the events, and pondered why some people predicted the fortune-tellers come to pass, while others do not. Earlier I adhered to the first opinion, by the way, while my mother is still a follower for a second opinion.
Which of these opinions can be called the most reliable?
I have long searched for the answer to this question everywhere, reinforcing their search for living examples, of course. But the results are not received, it was all too vague. Soon I was acquainted with the technique of BA-zi, where I got utterly clear and, most importantly, constantly reaffirm in practice the answer.
In fact, it was found that both public opinion fair equally, BUT with some reservations.
Thanks to my experience with the BA-Tzu, I realized that almost everything depends on how many people are strong spiritually, what is its energy potential, how strong he is as a Person.
Imagine a huge ocean, with all its surprises, and in the ocean a small boat. She should be there, not very sweet. And the smaller its size is, the more it will obey the motion of the waves: where the wave, there she is, let us add here yet and the wind. But if the waves become too large? But if she will “stumble” on the Gulf stream, for example? In the latter case, it clearly is to bear in one direction on the course (the same happens with people).
Now imagine the same powerful ocean ferry. It is quite easy to cope with the waves, and even at all will not feel them.
After this discovery I immediately think “how great it is to be a strong personality!”, but here all not so simply. Of course, a very strong personality to be better than weak. But if it is illiterate to use, has a negative.
Powerful steam will not notice the waves, he'll crush her with his powerful chest and crawl on, demolishing everything in its path until, until ... he does not meet a tsunami.
Agree, after dealing with small waves better than a huge tsunami, right?
So it is with people. How many times I've been about following a dialogue with a person:
— My dear, you have here the problem, it is necessary to solve it.
— Where is the problem? I have no problems there, you are delusional!
— I say it is, and while you won't understand it and will appear and then worsen.
— My dear, you have here the problem, it is necessary to solve it.
— Where (surprised)? a pause, and then, Oh, really a problem! I didn't notice.
There is such a thing as Karma, which is also a great influence on the course of life, especially if it is negative. She brings, God knows, in the above-described adjustments. And I'm curious to know empirically how it works clearly. And again I was helped by BA-zi, where it is possible to see what kind of person is karma and when it will have an effect (year, month and even day). Of course, much depends on the severity of karma, the power of the human spirit (and the ability to use this power). Based on the severity of karma, for you at a certain time (most often people) there will be a tricky situation, which NOT to react nor breaking anything will be almost impossible (provided that you do not know that in the month/day you teased your karma).
For example, Pete is quite heavy karma going problems with the head, for example, humiliation. And Peter, of course, neither sleep nor the spirit of this sad fact. And the day when the energies are folded in a certain way, encourage the creation of certain situations, a supervisor may “suddenly” get angry and unjustly (or even justly) to yell at Pete. A few hours colleague Bob will tell you that the chief praised him for his perfectly executed project, although Bob did it as a hit, but Peter did my project perfectly, but this one, somehow, did not notice. And it's not even in the head and not the colleague, but AS a subordinate will react to the shouts of the chief and General “injustice”. Agree, such it is difficult to respond adequately? The subordinate is likely to resent or dismiss.
The heavier the karma, the harder it is to carry and the easier it is to fade away/ breaking anything under her weight, adding to their future.
If all of my writing together, the conclusion is this:
1/ If you are sailing in a boat, pay attention to the material from which it is made and what are its dimensions in order to be ready to deliver future surprises of the ocean. If you major blows over “relax and enjoy” (stunningly multifaceted and deeply philosophical phrase). If you are still hanging and heavy karma.... I sincerely sympathize with you:( and I wish you strength, wisdom and patience while you will “survive” and “untie” if you wish.
2/ If you were on a fast ferry, looked sometimes overboard on the subject of the weather and, you are likely to need much more sensitivity than those who sail in the boat. You don't want then to stumble upon a tsunami, right? If you near trampled karma, it would be nice if for a start you just said and recognize its effect on you... and further on the already well-known scheme.
Regardless of your scenario, remember, there is no ocean that is impossible to cross! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: liashatush.livejournal.com/