Imaginary historical characters who have left a huge legacy
Imaginary man who founded the religion
Few people can claim that they founded the world-known religion, but Lao Tzu - one of them. Chinese philosopher who lived in the VI-th century BC. e., allegedly grew up in an atmosphere of violence and decadence, and devoted his life to writing a book, Glory simplicity. This book has become the basic text small religion known as Taoism, the rest is history. Except for the part that all this is - a myth.
The Book of Lao Tzu simply could not be written by one author. Although some of the statements in the book date from his time, the other - a few centuries later. Furthermore, no reliable records of the existence of Lao Tzu. The main text of his life was not yet written almost 500 years after his alleged death, and even he is full of apocryphal stories such as his proposed meeting with Confucius.
But it does not discredit the ideas propounded by Taoism. They had a huge impact, regardless of their origin. In fact, they become even more impressive when you realize that they were offered the fruit of someone's imagination.
Phantom politician, who became Minister
2007 was a good year for Andre Kasongo Ilunga. A total of 34, he climbed out of a deaf town to become the minister of foreign trade in the first democratically elected government of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Prime Minister himself appointed him to the post, and Ilunga called "the rising star of the political life of the Congo." Understandably, this caused quite a stir when it turned out that it does not exist.
Before the first working day of Andre apparently sent to the Prime Minister Antoine Gizenga resignation, but did not come personally. Instead, the statement gave the leader of his party Honorius Kisimba Ngoy, who was said that the resignation of Andre can only be accepted in person. At this point, it became clear that Ngoy was part of a conspiracy to elect him to the office.
When Ngoy had to submit two names of the parties to the post, he decided that he would have a better chance of getting it if he just come up with an opponent. The plan failed when the Prime Minister has decided that even the ghost do the job better than Ngoy, and instead appointed Andre.
Ngoy to this day maintains that there Andre. Presumably he was very, very shy.
The Phantom, who became the second greatest writer Albania
Most of those who read it may be called (no more) of one of the Albanian writer, and it will Ismail Kadare. However, in the 1990s in the literary circles of it for some time walked someone else.
Jiri Kayani was known to the US literary scene. Serious magazines bought up his stories, and the prestigious publishing house «Granta» considering the possibility to sign him. His work has appeared in such places, which frustrated internet writers could only dream of, and reviewers have called him "the greatest living writer of the second Albania" - before they discovered that Kayani is as fictional as his characters.
Descriptions platitudes Albanian life, seen through the eyes of a person living there, turned into stories describing only the submission of two American guys about what Albania should be similar. It's amazing how serious publishers seized on them, not bothering to check the existence of the author.
Works Kayani still available for purchase, although the publishers wisely threw a piece about the "second greatest writer Albania».
Inventing the saint after whom the festival is set
We've all heard about Valentine, the patron of kisses and wacky holidays, inspire play, hymns, poems, and even a song by David Bowie. His name - one of the most famous in Catholicism, and it is as real as Scooby-Doo.
In history there have been at least three Valentines, and we in our time have forgotten some of them, we should read, but even that is often repeated assertion does not hold water. There is no contemporary evidence of the existence of at least one Valentine.
The first evidence of it came about 300 years after his alleged martyrdom, and it is just as insecure as if it was written with a blue pencil. As for his reputation patron of lovers, the first source of this information was an English poet Geoffrey Chaucer, who almost certainly did it for the convenience of the narrative.
One school of thought is of the opinion that Pope Gelasius made it out of the air to the church was a holiday, able to compete with the popular pagan holiday of Lupercalia. This may not be true, but at least it's more grounded in reality than the St. Valentine.
Military genius, who never had
Of course, you've heard about the "Art of War" - a treatise written by General Sun Tzu in ancient China and dedicated military strategy, which is now mostly read sociopathic middle managers and athletic trainers. Since you've read this far, you probably guess what happens next: there is a very high probability that the author of the treatise has never existed.
According to many scholars, ancient and modern, the style of the "Art of War" is not entirely consistent with the time when he was supposedly written. Another nail in the coffin of an imaginary Sun Tzu - there are very, very few contemporary certificates referred someone suitable for its description, and none describes it as a military genius. In fact, the military history of the time does not mention Sun Tzu general.
Nonexistent student who helped topple communism
November 17, 1989-th year thousands of Czechs and Slovaks stormed Prague's Wenceslas Square, demanding the overthrow of the Communist regime. Among them was 20-year-old mathematics student Martin Smid. When authorities returned the area by force, he was not lucky, and he was on the way of the police. There, in front of hundreds of witnesses, he was beaten to death and his body thrown on the cold street.
For the majority of the citizens it was the last straw. History poor Schmid sparked the Velvet Revolution that overthrew the old regime in a few days. Only when the dust settled and democracy was restored, people realized that there was no body, no very Schmid.
All this was a complete lie, invented by a Czech activist and transferred to Western media usually reliable source. However, in the hot atmosphere of 1989 was similar to the truth - and this is important. Schmid directly inspired about 10 million people fighting for their freedom, when they need it was so. Without it, the end of communism in the former Czechoslovakia, probably would have been nowhere near as quick and painless.
Fake poet who inspired on real works
Allegedly found in 1762, the year James MacPherson Celtic Warrior Ossian poems were dated III-th century BC. e. In fact, it was just excerpts of Irish ballads that McPherson combined with chunks of Homer and Milton (and passed as genuine. However, they still have an impact. They even directly inspired the Romantic movement.
Even if you are new to the perfect poetry, you will learn the Romantics. Lord Byron, William Blake, William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge claimed that under the influence of Ossian. On the continent, the Goethe German literature created in homage to the works of Ossian. Elsewhere Thomas Jefferson without irony called him "the greatest poet who ever existed».
Female Pope, awaken Reformation
There is the myth of Pope Joan, still a popular conspiracy theory about how the woman took the papal throne, disguised as a man. Now generally accepted that John never existed, but that does not mean that it had no effect. When the Reformation began, the legendary popessa turned into a weapon of anti-Catholic propaganda.
Between the XVI-th and XVIII-th centuries Protestant authors wrote a treatise treatise for using the myth of John, to defeat their enemies Catholics. All of Europe was plunged into the debate by making a contribution to the insane culture wars tearing apart the continent. Even in 1901, this legend is still used in England to discredit and condemn the papists Rome. She even re-emerged in 2005, thanks to the special issue «ABC».
Unreal King, formed a European mentality
The world was much less than 700 years ago. Knowledge inhabitant of Earth were probably limited to a radius of five kilometers, so when you hear the rumors about the immortal Christian king, ruling a lost paradise in distant countries, you can not pass by.
In 1145, the year the Crusaders began to talk about the magic ruler named John, who inflicted a crushing defeat their enemies-Muslims. Convinced that they had found a potential ally, people began to look for him, and this quest European expansion was transferred to a new level.
Today, it is assumed that a number of important expeditions between XII-th and XVIII-th centuries were inspired directly by the myth of Prester John. And not only that: perhaps the entire European mentality was formed under the influence of this legend. If this is true, then this non-existent King had a greater impact on the creation of modern Europe than any number of existing.
Nonexistent person who created the literature
Homer was a giant of Greek culture. As the author of "The Iliad" and "Odyssey," he not only managed to write two of the greatest works in the history, but also to invent Western literature. Without it, we would have nothing. Pick up any book on your shelf, and provided that you do not and will not take sumnichaete "Epic of Gilgamesh", it would not exist without a homer. With this in mind, want to guess how likely it real existence?
Correct: the chance that a historical Homer ever existed, almost none. Instead, it is likely that the texts were edited dozens, if not hundreds of different authors over several centuries. It is even possible that his name was simply added to an important text in deference to his legend.
Source: www.publy.ru
Few people can claim that they founded the world-known religion, but Lao Tzu - one of them. Chinese philosopher who lived in the VI-th century BC. e., allegedly grew up in an atmosphere of violence and decadence, and devoted his life to writing a book, Glory simplicity. This book has become the basic text small religion known as Taoism, the rest is history. Except for the part that all this is - a myth.
The Book of Lao Tzu simply could not be written by one author. Although some of the statements in the book date from his time, the other - a few centuries later. Furthermore, no reliable records of the existence of Lao Tzu. The main text of his life was not yet written almost 500 years after his alleged death, and even he is full of apocryphal stories such as his proposed meeting with Confucius.
But it does not discredit the ideas propounded by Taoism. They had a huge impact, regardless of their origin. In fact, they become even more impressive when you realize that they were offered the fruit of someone's imagination.

Phantom politician, who became Minister
2007 was a good year for Andre Kasongo Ilunga. A total of 34, he climbed out of a deaf town to become the minister of foreign trade in the first democratically elected government of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Prime Minister himself appointed him to the post, and Ilunga called "the rising star of the political life of the Congo." Understandably, this caused quite a stir when it turned out that it does not exist.
Before the first working day of Andre apparently sent to the Prime Minister Antoine Gizenga resignation, but did not come personally. Instead, the statement gave the leader of his party Honorius Kisimba Ngoy, who was said that the resignation of Andre can only be accepted in person. At this point, it became clear that Ngoy was part of a conspiracy to elect him to the office.
When Ngoy had to submit two names of the parties to the post, he decided that he would have a better chance of getting it if he just come up with an opponent. The plan failed when the Prime Minister has decided that even the ghost do the job better than Ngoy, and instead appointed Andre.
Ngoy to this day maintains that there Andre. Presumably he was very, very shy.

The Phantom, who became the second greatest writer Albania
Most of those who read it may be called (no more) of one of the Albanian writer, and it will Ismail Kadare. However, in the 1990s in the literary circles of it for some time walked someone else.
Jiri Kayani was known to the US literary scene. Serious magazines bought up his stories, and the prestigious publishing house «Granta» considering the possibility to sign him. His work has appeared in such places, which frustrated internet writers could only dream of, and reviewers have called him "the greatest living writer of the second Albania" - before they discovered that Kayani is as fictional as his characters.
Descriptions platitudes Albanian life, seen through the eyes of a person living there, turned into stories describing only the submission of two American guys about what Albania should be similar. It's amazing how serious publishers seized on them, not bothering to check the existence of the author.
Works Kayani still available for purchase, although the publishers wisely threw a piece about the "second greatest writer Albania».

Inventing the saint after whom the festival is set
We've all heard about Valentine, the patron of kisses and wacky holidays, inspire play, hymns, poems, and even a song by David Bowie. His name - one of the most famous in Catholicism, and it is as real as Scooby-Doo.
In history there have been at least three Valentines, and we in our time have forgotten some of them, we should read, but even that is often repeated assertion does not hold water. There is no contemporary evidence of the existence of at least one Valentine.
The first evidence of it came about 300 years after his alleged martyrdom, and it is just as insecure as if it was written with a blue pencil. As for his reputation patron of lovers, the first source of this information was an English poet Geoffrey Chaucer, who almost certainly did it for the convenience of the narrative.
One school of thought is of the opinion that Pope Gelasius made it out of the air to the church was a holiday, able to compete with the popular pagan holiday of Lupercalia. This may not be true, but at least it's more grounded in reality than the St. Valentine.

Military genius, who never had
Of course, you've heard about the "Art of War" - a treatise written by General Sun Tzu in ancient China and dedicated military strategy, which is now mostly read sociopathic middle managers and athletic trainers. Since you've read this far, you probably guess what happens next: there is a very high probability that the author of the treatise has never existed.
According to many scholars, ancient and modern, the style of the "Art of War" is not entirely consistent with the time when he was supposedly written. Another nail in the coffin of an imaginary Sun Tzu - there are very, very few contemporary certificates referred someone suitable for its description, and none describes it as a military genius. In fact, the military history of the time does not mention Sun Tzu general.

Nonexistent student who helped topple communism
November 17, 1989-th year thousands of Czechs and Slovaks stormed Prague's Wenceslas Square, demanding the overthrow of the Communist regime. Among them was 20-year-old mathematics student Martin Smid. When authorities returned the area by force, he was not lucky, and he was on the way of the police. There, in front of hundreds of witnesses, he was beaten to death and his body thrown on the cold street.
For the majority of the citizens it was the last straw. History poor Schmid sparked the Velvet Revolution that overthrew the old regime in a few days. Only when the dust settled and democracy was restored, people realized that there was no body, no very Schmid.
All this was a complete lie, invented by a Czech activist and transferred to Western media usually reliable source. However, in the hot atmosphere of 1989 was similar to the truth - and this is important. Schmid directly inspired about 10 million people fighting for their freedom, when they need it was so. Without it, the end of communism in the former Czechoslovakia, probably would have been nowhere near as quick and painless.

Fake poet who inspired on real works
Allegedly found in 1762, the year James MacPherson Celtic Warrior Ossian poems were dated III-th century BC. e. In fact, it was just excerpts of Irish ballads that McPherson combined with chunks of Homer and Milton (and passed as genuine. However, they still have an impact. They even directly inspired the Romantic movement.
Even if you are new to the perfect poetry, you will learn the Romantics. Lord Byron, William Blake, William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge claimed that under the influence of Ossian. On the continent, the Goethe German literature created in homage to the works of Ossian. Elsewhere Thomas Jefferson without irony called him "the greatest poet who ever existed».
Female Pope, awaken Reformation
There is the myth of Pope Joan, still a popular conspiracy theory about how the woman took the papal throne, disguised as a man. Now generally accepted that John never existed, but that does not mean that it had no effect. When the Reformation began, the legendary popessa turned into a weapon of anti-Catholic propaganda.
Between the XVI-th and XVIII-th centuries Protestant authors wrote a treatise treatise for using the myth of John, to defeat their enemies Catholics. All of Europe was plunged into the debate by making a contribution to the insane culture wars tearing apart the continent. Even in 1901, this legend is still used in England to discredit and condemn the papists Rome. She even re-emerged in 2005, thanks to the special issue «ABC».

Unreal King, formed a European mentality
The world was much less than 700 years ago. Knowledge inhabitant of Earth were probably limited to a radius of five kilometers, so when you hear the rumors about the immortal Christian king, ruling a lost paradise in distant countries, you can not pass by.
In 1145, the year the Crusaders began to talk about the magic ruler named John, who inflicted a crushing defeat their enemies-Muslims. Convinced that they had found a potential ally, people began to look for him, and this quest European expansion was transferred to a new level.
Today, it is assumed that a number of important expeditions between XII-th and XVIII-th centuries were inspired directly by the myth of Prester John. And not only that: perhaps the entire European mentality was formed under the influence of this legend. If this is true, then this non-existent King had a greater impact on the creation of modern Europe than any number of existing.

Nonexistent person who created the literature
Homer was a giant of Greek culture. As the author of "The Iliad" and "Odyssey," he not only managed to write two of the greatest works in the history, but also to invent Western literature. Without it, we would have nothing. Pick up any book on your shelf, and provided that you do not and will not take sumnichaete "Epic of Gilgamesh", it would not exist without a homer. With this in mind, want to guess how likely it real existence?
Correct: the chance that a historical Homer ever existed, almost none. Instead, it is likely that the texts were edited dozens, if not hundreds of different authors over several centuries. It is even possible that his name was simply added to an important text in deference to his legend.

Source: www.publy.ru