A man, a Woman or Man?
Love, family, personal relationships take in our lives is one of the most important places. And we often hear something like: "These women are impossible to understand!", "This is man talk..." and the like. It turns out that we spend most of our life with those who don't understand? Many psychologists studying this issue, and some even share the psychology of men and psychology of women. Naturally, some differences in male and female psychology is. In any case, if we want to build a harmonious relationship, you should look at these features more closely. We offer you to look at this issue of the psychologist N. I. Kozlov.
frame from the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's", Brakedance , 1961
I do not consider myself defective, if my vision is not able to perceive ultraviolet rays, visible, for example, our friends dogs. It's just my specific features. Similarly, the specific feature of women — the inability to see people close to them as individual, distinct from her being.
A woman can't and doesn't want to know no boundaries between people. It has no definite shape, at most, and she doesn't understand them in others. My? Not mine? Where I end? Where the other begins? — Not sure...
Especially so if the woman loves. Love for women — a complete fusion, the destruction of all borders.
When life interferes with another man, he realizes that he intervenes in the life of another and violates its sovereignty. When the same goes for a woman, she's just involved in the life of the one who is its continuation.
If some crazy man shouting to her: "do Not go, it's none of your business!" the woman or upset, or offended. She will not go anywhere, she just lives in a world where everything is whole and not divided into fragments: life "my" life "stranger".
No, just afraid. The woman does not know what respect for other men's ways of mangling a single and beautiful world.
World of men — solid and dead, filled with blocks-concepts of ordered principles, limited by the laws. Therefore, any man predictable and limited.
A woman's world — a lively and shimmering, the world of touch and taste, feeling and sentiment, where everything can become everything and to gain any form. Female flies freely between what men respectfully called concepts, with a touch of a magic wand transforming your Whim in Good and Desire Truth.
Who is this Woman? Is an enchantress.
Who is this Man? — It is a slave.
Men are absolutely wrong, when the accused women of falsity: in fact, liars are only men. A man can lie: to say the truth, remembering that it was not so. The woman never lies: every time she says WAS true, she believes it.
A normal woman is not lying, never, she just absolutely can't remember what I said a few moments ago. That is, it can use some of these a few minutes ago, but for a completely different position and feelings. Every time she stays in the here and now, and each new moment of her life — her new life.
Author: Kozlov N. And.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.syntone.ru/library/index.php?section=article_syntone&item_id=1898

frame from the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's", Brakedance , 1961
I do not consider myself defective, if my vision is not able to perceive ultraviolet rays, visible, for example, our friends dogs. It's just my specific features. Similarly, the specific feature of women — the inability to see people close to them as individual, distinct from her being.
A woman can't and doesn't want to know no boundaries between people. It has no definite shape, at most, and she doesn't understand them in others. My? Not mine? Where I end? Where the other begins? — Not sure...
Especially so if the woman loves. Love for women — a complete fusion, the destruction of all borders.
- The first man calls it devotion ("All in me!"), later, impudence and impudence ("it — it!").
- That is, of course, she heard about it and sometimes even believe in it; but the fact that for her it is not real. She sees the world differently.
When life interferes with another man, he realizes that he intervenes in the life of another and violates its sovereignty. When the same goes for a woman, she's just involved in the life of the one who is its continuation.
If some crazy man shouting to her: "do Not go, it's none of your business!" the woman or upset, or offended. She will not go anywhere, she just lives in a world where everything is whole and not divided into fragments: life "my" life "stranger".
- As a single life can be "alien"?
No, just afraid. The woman does not know what respect for other men's ways of mangling a single and beautiful world.
- After this paragraph I was cruelly bitten. Guess what?
World of men — solid and dead, filled with blocks-concepts of ordered principles, limited by the laws. Therefore, any man predictable and limited.
A woman's world — a lively and shimmering, the world of touch and taste, feeling and sentiment, where everything can become everything and to gain any form. Female flies freely between what men respectfully called concepts, with a touch of a magic wand transforming your Whim in Good and Desire Truth.
Who is this Woman? Is an enchantress.
Who is this Man? — It is a slave.
- And very often it is.
Men are absolutely wrong, when the accused women of falsity: in fact, liars are only men. A man can lie: to say the truth, remembering that it was not so. The woman never lies: every time she says WAS true, she believes it.
A normal woman is not lying, never, she just absolutely can't remember what I said a few moments ago. That is, it can use some of these a few minutes ago, but for a completely different position and feelings. Every time she stays in the here and now, and each new moment of her life — her new life.
- Who cares what she said half an hour ago — it was half an hour ago, in her past life!
- Men call it the discontinuity of consciousness, but it is their personal problem.
- Sometimes they call it Conscience. Sometimes simply "I".
- Here's another... Let it live its computer, the screen burst!
- now think... uh... uh...
- That is, to pull out just any little thing and no it's not justified.
- At least, this is tedious approach, and in General — complete mechanism.
- Anything to her.
- So was he a small child?!
- It is possible, I suppose, on this train, and she's even going to wear that, but it is not more internally necessary than the bulldog muzzle.
Author: Kozlov N. And.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.syntone.ru/library/index.php?section=article_syntone&item_id=1898