Treatment cucumber juice
How old is the cucumber? By some estimates, nearly 6,000 years. Wild thickets of this plant, a vine in the trees, are still found in India. There were planted the first "cultural" cucumbers since people will not part with them. And no wonder, because the cucumber is a veritable storehouse of very valuable wealth called structured water.
What is it? It is a liquid identical to the one that is in the human body. In nature this water is only in ecologically clean areas, and how many of them on earth? That saved patients with cucumbers, adding to the reserves of "living water" in the body. Healthy and prevent diseases, preventing the onset of disease. However, happy eating cucumbers, we hardly think about their use, and it is in vain. Because the content of nutrients, these vegetables can be attributed to the Champions. A unique combination of micronutrients in cucumber allows us to speak about him as one of the most useful vegetables.
We know that the juice of the plant is much more nutritious than the plant itself, because it absorbed faster. However, it carries all the necessary useful properties.
Cucumber juice plays an important role in regulating the acid–alkaline balance in the body. It is very important for health and to cure diseases. The ratio of salts and minerals in the juice agencysponsored to produce alkalizing effect. This is necessary in cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in case of disturbances in the balance of potassium and sodium in the body. Potassium we must be almost four times more than sodium. Cucumber juice contributes to the maintenance of this ratio, removing sodium from the body with urine.
Composition with cucumber juice
So cucumber juice contains:
The presence of potassium in cucumber juice makes it indispensable in horse racing blood pressure, hypertension and hypotension. Nerve cells also receive assistance in the use of the useful juice.
About potassium is to talk separately, because it is indispensable for the functioning of cells in our body. Potassium protects cell walls from destruction, which is why it is so useful for vessels. It also supports the concentration of magnesium, and magnesium in turn is a nutrient for the heart. And if the body is not enough potassium, likely magnesium will also be missed. Also, this macronutrient plays an important role in the prevention of cancer and various heart diseases. Therefore, it is important to consume sufficient amount of potassium, which in cucumbers contains around 40%.
Cucumber juice helps in diseases of the teeth and gums – for example, with periodontitis. Our nails and hair will also be grateful, getting a perfect complex of minerals contained in the cucumber juice. Stakannogo juice a day will ensure healthy hair, help stop hair loss and prevent splitting nails.
If there are problems with the skin – it is very good to take cucumber juice in combination with juices of carrot and lettuce. This cocktail makes the skin supple, giving it a healthy color, get rid of pimples. Regular intake of this complex can leave and more serious skin diseases. Everything will depend on your perseverance and ability to monitor the reactions of the organism to changes in nutrition. For example, if you add to the juice of cucumber and carrot juice of alfalfa can greatly speed up the process of healing, you may not get any effect, because the recovery processes depend largely on the potential accumulated in the body before people began to take the juice. And when you add the beet juice, the result is practically guaranteed.
Some practitioners herbalists claim that the use of chistogovorki juice dissolves stones in the gall bladder and ducts.
Cough and sputum neudachlivyi add to the cucumber juice honey or sugar – this will help to overcome the disease.
How to make cucumber juice
Ways to prepare a cucumber juice a lot because there are lots of fluid, and to produce it by simply rubbing a cucumber on a grater or in a meat grinder turning. So, whichever way you choose, down to a juicer — it is important to follow the only rule – cucumber juice should be freshly prepared. After 30 minutes after cooking begins the inevitable process of removing their it of nutrients.
So, take a cucumber, wash and produce the operation to obtain the juice that you are more accessible and convenient. Clean the cucumbers are not recommended because the peel also has nutrients. And keep in mind that vegetables must be fresh and not overripe, then the juice happens of the highest quality. Some believe that the juice of bitter cucumber most effective, but it is not proven and not denied, so do not presume to say.
By the way, the cucumber juice can be added to vegetable juices, but also fruit. Try to experiment with grapefruit and Apple juices, taking them together with cucumber. The benefits will be undeniable.
And if you add yogurt, garlic, dill – it will be a full meal, also very useful. Experiments accepted and welcome. However, the article as many of the recommendations, their implementation takes time. However, it's worth it.
Consumption of cucumber juiceIn one sitting should not drink more than 100 ml of cucumber juice a day it is possible to drink up to a liter. Although, if you follow the needs of the body, can these rules be corrected up or down. Should not rigidly adhere to doses as we are all very individual.
Contraindications for cucumber juiceAs a juice, cucumber contraindicated in gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. If you have stones in any organ, take the juice with caution, beginning with small portions. Otherwise it may come too sharp reaction. published
Author: Natalia Antanova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.inmoment.ru/beauty/health-body/cucumber-juice.html
What is it? It is a liquid identical to the one that is in the human body. In nature this water is only in ecologically clean areas, and how many of them on earth? That saved patients with cucumbers, adding to the reserves of "living water" in the body. Healthy and prevent diseases, preventing the onset of disease. However, happy eating cucumbers, we hardly think about their use, and it is in vain. Because the content of nutrients, these vegetables can be attributed to the Champions. A unique combination of micronutrients in cucumber allows us to speak about him as one of the most useful vegetables.

We know that the juice of the plant is much more nutritious than the plant itself, because it absorbed faster. However, it carries all the necessary useful properties.
Cucumber juice plays an important role in regulating the acid–alkaline balance in the body. It is very important for health and to cure diseases. The ratio of salts and minerals in the juice agencysponsored to produce alkalizing effect. This is necessary in cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in case of disturbances in the balance of potassium and sodium in the body. Potassium we must be almost four times more than sodium. Cucumber juice contributes to the maintenance of this ratio, removing sodium from the body with urine.
Composition with cucumber juice
So cucumber juice contains:
- Potassium
- Sodium
- Calcium
- Phosphorus
- Chlorine
- Silicon
- Sulphur.
The presence of potassium in cucumber juice makes it indispensable in horse racing blood pressure, hypertension and hypotension. Nerve cells also receive assistance in the use of the useful juice.
About potassium is to talk separately, because it is indispensable for the functioning of cells in our body. Potassium protects cell walls from destruction, which is why it is so useful for vessels. It also supports the concentration of magnesium, and magnesium in turn is a nutrient for the heart. And if the body is not enough potassium, likely magnesium will also be missed. Also, this macronutrient plays an important role in the prevention of cancer and various heart diseases. Therefore, it is important to consume sufficient amount of potassium, which in cucumbers contains around 40%.
Cucumber juice helps in diseases of the teeth and gums – for example, with periodontitis. Our nails and hair will also be grateful, getting a perfect complex of minerals contained in the cucumber juice. Stakannogo juice a day will ensure healthy hair, help stop hair loss and prevent splitting nails.
If there are problems with the skin – it is very good to take cucumber juice in combination with juices of carrot and lettuce. This cocktail makes the skin supple, giving it a healthy color, get rid of pimples. Regular intake of this complex can leave and more serious skin diseases. Everything will depend on your perseverance and ability to monitor the reactions of the organism to changes in nutrition. For example, if you add to the juice of cucumber and carrot juice of alfalfa can greatly speed up the process of healing, you may not get any effect, because the recovery processes depend largely on the potential accumulated in the body before people began to take the juice. And when you add the beet juice, the result is practically guaranteed.
Some practitioners herbalists claim that the use of chistogovorki juice dissolves stones in the gall bladder and ducts.
Cough and sputum neudachlivyi add to the cucumber juice honey or sugar – this will help to overcome the disease.
How to make cucumber juice
Ways to prepare a cucumber juice a lot because there are lots of fluid, and to produce it by simply rubbing a cucumber on a grater or in a meat grinder turning. So, whichever way you choose, down to a juicer — it is important to follow the only rule – cucumber juice should be freshly prepared. After 30 minutes after cooking begins the inevitable process of removing their it of nutrients.
So, take a cucumber, wash and produce the operation to obtain the juice that you are more accessible and convenient. Clean the cucumbers are not recommended because the peel also has nutrients. And keep in mind that vegetables must be fresh and not overripe, then the juice happens of the highest quality. Some believe that the juice of bitter cucumber most effective, but it is not proven and not denied, so do not presume to say.
By the way, the cucumber juice can be added to vegetable juices, but also fruit. Try to experiment with grapefruit and Apple juices, taking them together with cucumber. The benefits will be undeniable.
And if you add yogurt, garlic, dill – it will be a full meal, also very useful. Experiments accepted and welcome. However, the article as many of the recommendations, their implementation takes time. However, it's worth it.
Consumption of cucumber juiceIn one sitting should not drink more than 100 ml of cucumber juice a day it is possible to drink up to a liter. Although, if you follow the needs of the body, can these rules be corrected up or down. Should not rigidly adhere to doses as we are all very individual.
Contraindications for cucumber juiceAs a juice, cucumber contraindicated in gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. If you have stones in any organ, take the juice with caution, beginning with small portions. Otherwise it may come too sharp reaction. published
Author: Natalia Antanova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.inmoment.ru/beauty/health-body/cucumber-juice.html