Cucumber juice and its benefits
Although the cucumber is 90% water, yet there are so many different healthy substances. Cucumber can be quite easy to cucumber juice.
Cucumber juice contains calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, silicon, sulfur.
Use of cucumber juice.
— A good diuretic.
— Improves hair growth, strengthens nails.
— Strengthen the heart and blood vessels, useful in ischemic diseases.
— Used in rheumatic diseases, removes uric acid.
— Normalizes blood pressure.
— Strengthens teeth and gums, is used in periodontal disease.
— Soothes and strengthens the nervous system, prevents atherosclerosis and improves memory.
— Used in unhealed and festering wounds.
— Used for skin whitening.
Often used in cosmetics for different masks and lotions.
Preparation and consumption.
For cooking, it is necessary washed cucumbers to pass through squaremile or through a Mincer and press the juice. Freshly squeezed juice is recommended within 30 minutes, otherwise it starts to lose its properties.
Daily recommended dose of cucumber juice to one liter but no more than 100 ml at one time. To strengthen useful qualities you can add a little beet juice. Also cucumber juice can be mixed with other juices, such as Apple, grapefruit, blackcurrant, tomato.
Protivopokazan in gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and twelve duodenal ulcer. When kidney stones or the gall, to use with caution, introducing in the diet in small doses.
Source: /users/104
Cucumber juice contains calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, silicon, sulfur.

Use of cucumber juice.
— A good diuretic.
— Improves hair growth, strengthens nails.
— Strengthen the heart and blood vessels, useful in ischemic diseases.
— Used in rheumatic diseases, removes uric acid.
— Normalizes blood pressure.
— Strengthens teeth and gums, is used in periodontal disease.
— Soothes and strengthens the nervous system, prevents atherosclerosis and improves memory.
— Used in unhealed and festering wounds.
— Used for skin whitening.
Often used in cosmetics for different masks and lotions.

Preparation and consumption.
For cooking, it is necessary washed cucumbers to pass through squaremile or through a Mincer and press the juice. Freshly squeezed juice is recommended within 30 minutes, otherwise it starts to lose its properties.
Daily recommended dose of cucumber juice to one liter but no more than 100 ml at one time. To strengthen useful qualities you can add a little beet juice. Also cucumber juice can be mixed with other juices, such as Apple, grapefruit, blackcurrant, tomato.
Protivopokazan in gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and twelve duodenal ulcer. When kidney stones or the gall, to use with caution, introducing in the diet in small doses.
Source: /users/104