How to lower blood pressure at home

How to lower blood pressure at home? Hypertension – is high blood pressure. If a person is observed the pressure is over 145/90, it's a real symptom of hypertension.
There are many ways to reduce these high pressures. This article about it will be told.
If you begin to notice that you have often increased the pressure, then you need to look at your lifestyle and diet. High blood pressure occurs when the lack of sleep, nervous tension, stress and wrong diet. Most often, the pressure increases with prolonged stress. Also the pressure increases in the use of large amounts of salt. Don't worry, health is more important.
If the pressure is not very high 130/70, then it is a call that you develop hypertension. The pressure can be lowered by drinking a Cup of green tea, this tea also prevents atherosclerosis. This tea normalizes blood pressure and causes blood vessels to normal. In the list of reducing pressure products includes: nuts, berries and garlic. As well as bananas and milk. When you add in food, special vitamins, the pressure may be down.
Traditional medicine offers us a list of recipes to lower high blood pressure:
You need to take one glass of mineral water and dissolve in it a tablespoon of honey. Then it all carefully mix and add lemon juice. To drink during the week and pressure will fall. This recipe will remind you of lemonade, which we all remember from childhood.
To prepare this recipe we need a number of products: 4 cups of beet juice, 4 cups of honey and 100 g cudweed. All of the above products, mix and pour 500 grams of vodka. Leave the decoction to brew for 10 days in a dark and cool place. All this strain and drink 3 times a day before meals. Review prescription positive.
This recipe will be slightly bitter, but it is good to lower the blood pressure. We must try to squeeze all the juice from 3.5 kg of onions. The resulting juice mix with 500g of honey. Then add in our mix 25g films walnuts. After all this pour half a liter of vodka. Infuse our mixture should be about 10 days. To use before meals 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day. Though this mixture and will taste bitter, but it's worth it.
This recipe is a mix of juice and vodka. We need: cranberry, carrot and beet juice mixed in equal proportions and add 100g of vodka. You can also add honey. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 6-7 times a day. The mixture will resemble alcoholic cocktail, which should not be abused.
Grind with a pestle 100 g of raisins and fill it with water. Then simmer this mixture for 10 minutes. After that, cool and drink several times a day. If you don't like raisins, you can apply to other recipes.
This recipe helped one boy to reduce a fairly high pressure. Dilute the vinegar with water in equal proportions and soak the socks in it. Put them up at night. The next morning the pressure will disappear.
Crush with a potato masher lemon and orange with the skin. Get citrus porridge. Eat it on a teaspoon before meals. This recipe is pretty good at helping old people. It not only lowers blood pressure but also gives a lot of vitamins.
Pour boiling water over lemon balm leaves 10g and 20g corn silk. Then leave the mixture in a water bath for at least 20 minutes. You will receive a fresh infusion, which you want to add the juice of 1 lemon. Take a solution of half a Cup before the meal.
The best recipe with Valerian. 10 drops of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After that, refrigerate the infusion. Drink 1 h the spoon to the meal. Valerian for centuries helped to lower the pressure of our ancestors.
Dried berries of black currant, pour 1 Cup of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. After, leave the decoction to brew for at least 60 minutes. Drink 2-3 tbsp. spoon 5-6 times a day. When you use the broth you will receive not only an excellent medicine, but also a storehouse of vitamins.
For the following recipes we will need: 1 tbsp clover flowers and Cup of boiling water. Pour the boiling water our flowers and leave to infuse for 30-35 minutes. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. Recipe really lowers blood pressure, but do not overuse it.
The following recipe was told by a very wise woman, which lowered the pressure on her husband after he drinks. Need 1 h spoon of meadowsweet (flowering tops), pour 1 Cup of boiling water. Leave to infuse and drink 45-60 ml 5-6 times a day.
How to quickly lower blood pressure pills?
To treat high blood pressure can not only folk medicine, but modern. When using a tablet to reduce the pressure, you will get:
Improvement of the organs smooth muscle. Also they remove protein from the urine and creatine from the blood.
do not suppress the Central nervous system;
do not stop your body's ions and water;
do not spoil the exchange between carbohydrates and lipids;
pressure does not rise even at the sharp end of the pills.
Best pressure diuretics reduce. Hospitals increasingly give. They excrete protein and excess water.
Inderal (propanolol) Is probably the most effective drug for high blood pressure, expresses its anti-hypertensive effect.
To find out your dose, you should consult a doctor. Prokonsultirovat he will prescribe the drug.
Atenolol (atenolol) — lowers blood pressure more rapidly propranolol. Blood flow in the liver and kidneys is not broken. To identify dose, contact your doctor.
Metoprolol (vasocardin) — atenolol, also quickly lowers high blood pressure. Method of administration the doctor will prescribe himself.
Verapamil (isoptin) – very good lowers blood pressure. This medicine is not very expensive. Pressure fighting is better than all of the above drugs. For the correct dosage you need to contact the doctor so he can prescribed the right treatment and pointed out that whether it is necessary to use this drug. The medication can cause side effects such as: swelling, allergic reactions, muscle weakness and others. Verapamil is indicated for the tachycardia, and at a pressure which arose due to stress. The drug is available only in tablets.
In pregnancy, the use of the drug are not desirable. But many mothers used it to lower the pressure. The fruit was all right. But when breastfeeding to apply it categorically, as the drug excreted in milk.
In humans, increased pressure
Diltiazem (Kargil) – pretty good relieves pressure at the time when a person is in a standing position. It increases blood volume. Reduces the frequency of cardiac oscillations. Available in the form of tablets and capsules. The drug is absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy.
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